Final Grades
Final grades are normally available on ACORN within two weeks following the end of each examination period.
GPAs are available on ACORN and are generally calculated only after all final grades have been posted.
Academic standing is also available on ACORN and is assessed following GPA calculations. Academic standing is assessed twice a year: at the end of the Fall-Winter session and the end of the Summer session. SeeAcademic Standingfor more details on how status is assessed and its implications.
Students may view their final grades on ACORN once they are posted, and they are expected to check the status of their final grades online. In accordance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Office of the Registrar protects student privacy and will not disclose final grades to students or their designates over the phone, email, or other means of communication.
Grading Scheme
Students are assigned a grade in each course as follows:
Percentage | Grade | Value | Grade Definitions |
90 - 100 | A+ | 4.0 | Excellent Strong evidence of original thinking; good organization, capacity to analyze and synthesize; superior grasp of subject matter with sound critical evaluations; evidence of extensive knowledge base. |
85 - 89 | A | 4.0 | |
80 - 84 | A- | 3.7 | |
77 - 79 | B+ | 3.3 | Good Evidence of grasp of subject matter, some evidence of critical capacity and analytic ability; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with the literature. |
73 - 76 | B | 3.0 | |
70 - 72 | B- | 2.7 | |
67 - 69 | C+ | 2.3 | Adequate Student who is profiting from their university |
63 - 66 | C | 2.0 | |
60 - 62 | C- | 1.7 | |
57 - 59 | D+ | 1.3 | Inadequate Some evidence of familiarity with subject matter and some evidence that critical and analytic skills have been developed. |
53 - 56 | D | 1.0 | |
50 - 52 | D- | 0.7 | |
0 - 49 | F | 0.0 | Little evidence of even superficial understanding of subject matter; weakness in critical and analytical skills, with limited or irrelevant use of literature. |
Credit | CR | No Value | Used in a Credit/No Credit evaluation |
Other notations that do not have grade point values and are not included in GPA calculations are:
Notation | Description and definition |
AEG | AEGROTAT STANDING: For graduating students who have missed their final exam, credit may be assigned on the basis of term work and medical evidence. Authorized only by the Committee on Standing by petition. This option occurs only in extreme circ*mstances and is rarely offered. |
CR/NCR | CREDIT/NO-CREDIT: CR denotes a final mark of at least 50%. Marks below that will be assessed as NCR. |
EXT | EXTRA COURSE: Not-for-degree credit. |
GWR | GRADE WITHHELD PENDING REVIEW: Applied to students charged with an unresolved academic offence. |
IPR | COURSE IN PROGRESS: A final grade is not available as the course is still in progress. |
LWD | LATE WITHDRAWAL AFTER THE DROP DATE: If the deadline to drop a course has passed, students may submit a request for a late withdrawal by the appropriate deadline. A notation of LWD will appear on the transcript in lieu of a numerical grade, and will have no impact on the GPA. This notation will appear next to the course code and title under the session in which the course was taken. While there is no academic penalty, students remain responsible for all applicable tuition fees associated with the course. |
NGA | NO GRADE AVAILABLE: Applied temporarily to a course with an unresolved final mark. |
SDF | STANDING DEFERRED: This notation will appear on a transcript in lieu of a numerical grade when the completion of a course has been delayed due to exceptional circ*mstances. Authorized by the Committee on Standing, this notation is by approval only, via petition. |
WDR | LATE WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT ACADEMIC PENALTY: By approval only, the Committee on Standing will authorize a WDR notation for an incomplete course that has been dropped after the relevant deadline. In cases where a student has faced exceptional circ*mstances outside of their control, a petition may be submitted online. While there is no academic penalty, students remain responsible for all applicable tuition fees associated with the course. |
Grade Point Average
There are three types of grade point averages:
- Sessional GPAis based on all passed and failed courses completed in a single term (i.e., Fall or Winter) or session (Summer). Sessional GPA is calculated three times during the academic year: Fall term (September-December), Winter term (January-April), or Summer session (May-August).
- Annual GPAis based on all passed and failed courses completed in the Fall-Winter session only (September-April), and is calculated at the end of the Winter term.
- Cumulative GPAtakes into account all passed and failed courses.
GPAs are calculated at the end of each session only after the majority of final grades have been approved at the end of each session. Final grades are normally available on ACORN within two weeks of the last day of the exam period.
Grade point average (GPA) is the weighted sum of the grade points earned, divided by the number of courses in which grade points were earned. Full courses are weighted as two, and half courses are weighted as one. Any courses taken as non-degree and non-degree visiting student will be included.
Courses noted as "AEG" or "CR" or "NCR" or "EXT" or "GWR" or "IPR" or "PASS" or "LWD" or "NGA" or "SDF" or "WDR" are not included in the average nor are transfer credits or courses taken on a letter of permission.
The minimum cumulative GPA required to remain in good standing is 1.50. More information on grade calculation can be found in the Term Work, Tests, and Appeals section of this Calendar.
The minimum grade requirement to graduate with an honours degree is a cumulative GPA of 1.85. More information on degree requirements can be found in theDegree Requirementssection of this Calendar.
Every course in which students remain registered after the last date to withdraw without academic penalty (LWD) will appear on their transcript.
UTM's CGPA Calculator is available online and can be accessed by logging in with a UTORid. Students may also use the U of T GPA Calculator which does not require a UTORid.
Academic Standing
There are four kinds of academic standing: In Good Standing; On Probation; On Suspension; Refused Further Registration.
Students who have attempted at least 0.5 credits at the university will be assessed for academic standing as follows:
- Students who achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 1.50 are considered to be ingood standing.
- Students will beon academic probationif they:
- have a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50, or
- return from suspension, or
- have been admitted on academic probation.
- Students who, at the end of any session (Fall/Winter or Summer) during which they are on probation:
- have a cumulative GPA of 1.50 or more will be in good standing;
- have a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50, but a sessional (Summer) or annual (Fall/Winter) GPA of 1.70, or more, will continue on probation;
- have a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50, and a sessional (Summer) or annual (Fall/Winter) GPA of less than 1.70, will besuspended for one calendar yearunless they have been suspended previously, in which case they will besuspended for three calendar years.
- Students who return from a three-year suspension and are again liable for suspension will berefused further registrationto the University of Toronto.
Students whose academic performance has resulted in probation, suspension or refusal of further registration will be notified by email. If students who are suspended or refused further registration have already enrolled in the next session before their status was known, the Office of the Registrar will cancel the students' registration in that session and refund their tuition fees.
A transcript of a student’s record reports grades of all courses completed with standing by the end of the previous session and courses currently in progress (IPR), along with course average, academic status (including record of probation, suspension and refusal of further registration), and completion of degree and Subject POSt (program of study). Final grades are added to each student’s record at the end of each term.
Individual courses that a student drops by the appropriate academic drop deadline are not shown. Courses in which a student is granted Late Withdrawal After the Drop Date (LWD) will appear on the transcript with the notation LWD. Courses in which a student is granted withdrawal without academic penalty by petition will appear on the transcript with the notation WDR.
Digital copies (eTranscript) or paper copies of the transcript can be ordered through ACORN account or other methods described at
An $18 fee for each transcript is applied. Payment can be made online using a credit card.
In accordance with the university’s policy on access to student records, a student’s transcript will not be released to a third party without the student’s authorization.
Language Citation
The Language Citation at the University of Toronto Mississauga is an official notation on a student’s transcript that the student has progressed to an advanced level in the study of a language. The Language Citation will consist of a notation on the transcript that reads: "Completed Requirements of Language Citation in [name of language]." Students should visit the Department of Language Studies website for details on earning a citation.
- There are two sessions (Summer and Fall/Winter) in each calendar year and status is assessed at the end of each session. Status is not assessed following the Fall term.
- Courses attempted are those in which a student was enrolled on the deadline to drop a course without academic penalty unless an LWD (Late Withdrawal After the Drop Date) or a WDR (Late Withdrawal) has been approved for the course.
- Cumulative GPA and sessional GPA/annual GPA will be calculated for students who have course grades pending due to SDF, GWR or NGA. Academic status will be assessed excluding these courses.
- Students who finish the Fall-Winter session or the Summer session on probation and who have been granted deferred standing in a course, are advised to enrol in a maximum of 5.0 further courses (Fall/Winter) minus the weight of the course in which they have been granted a further deferral. Students on academic probation (less than 1.50 CGPA) are advised NOT to enrol in summer session courses.