How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 20, 2024

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What is biophilic design?


Why is biophilic design important for industrial sustainability?


What are the challenges of biophilic design for industrial facilities?

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What are some examples of biophilic design for industrial facilities?

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How can you apply biophilic design to your industrial projects?

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Biophilic design is an approach to architecture and planning that incorporates natural elements and patterns into human-made environments. It aims to enhance the well-being, creativity, and productivity of people, as well as the ecological performance of buildings and landscapes. But how can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? In this article, you will learn about the benefits and challenges of applying biophilic principles to the design of industrial facilities, and some examples of successful projects that have done so.

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  • How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (3) 1

  • Nina Ndichu Architect | Urban Designer | Landscape Designer | Environmental Building Science Expert

    How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (5) 1

  • David Charles Esteemed advocate for collaboration amongst leaders, supporters, and professionals in the Construction and Greater…

    How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (7) 1

How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (8) How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (9) How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (10)

1 What is biophilic design?

Biophilic design is based on the concept of biophilia, which means the innate affinity that humans have for other living systems. Biophilic design seeks to create connections between people and nature in various ways, such as using natural materials, colors, shapes, and textures, incorporating plants, water, and animals, mimicking natural forms and processes, and providing views and access to natural light and fresh air. Biophilic design can be applied at different scales, from individual products and furniture to buildings and urban spaces.

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    Biophilic design employs living strategies found in nature to solve environmental and social challenges. Translating biological strategies involves three essential elements—emulation, habitation, and interconnection. Emulation means to learn from and replicate natural forms, mechanisms, and ecosystems to make regenerative buildings and manufactured products. Habitation makes all environments conducive to life by knowing how living things and humanity thrive together. Interconnection is the inclusion of nature to all things in the built environment. Biophilic design provides empathetic, interconnected practices learned by mimicking designs found in nature applied to the creation of all contexts, processes and industries at any scale.


    How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (19) 1


2 Why is biophilic design important for industrial sustainability?

Industrial sustainability is the ability of industrial systems to operate efficiently, safely, and responsibly while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing social and economic value. Biophilic design can contribute to this goal by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through natural ventilation, lighting, and cooling, as well as renewable energy sources. Additionally, through rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, and creating habitats for wildlife, water management and quality can be improved. Moreover, biophilic design can reduce stress, noise, and pollution while increasing comfort, satisfaction, and productivity. Finally, it can promote innovation and learning by stimulating creativity, curiosity, and collaboration while providing opportunities for education and research.

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    Industrial spaces benefit from biophilc design to soften its aesthetic. While many rehabbed/historically renovated spaces (i.e. lofts) speak to the original integrity of a buildin, plants and other sustainable practices modernize the space for people to work.There's nothing like an attractive and environmentally conscious building to get others gathering again. A bonus is seeing a rather type-specific building renewed for new use.


    How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (28) 1

  • Nina Ndichu Architect | Urban Designer | Landscape Designer | Environmental Building Science Expert
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    Biophilic design is pivotal for reducing the carbon footprint of industrial buildings and achieving net-zero emissions. By integrating natural elements like greenery and maximizing natural light, biophilic designs minimize the need for artificial lighting and HVAC systems, thus reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Incorporating sustainable materials and construction methods further decreases embodied carbon. These innovative approaches contribute to achieving net-zero emissions by balancing any remaining carbon emissions with removal or offsetting strategies. Overall, biophilic design enhances the sustainability and resilience of industrial buildings while mitigating climate change.


    How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (37) 1

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    The implications of scientific research have staggering consequences for industry. Biophilic design is important for industrial sustainability because it decreases fossil fuel dependency, eliminates toxic waste, and overcomes global warming. Future industries must either harmonize with nature or become extinct. The key is the transition to a circular economy characterized by renewable energy and resources, ecological preservation, waste reuse, and workplace conditions linking industrial cores to the natural world. Optimum human productivity, including physical and mental health, results from clean, efficient, and healthy workplaces featuring natural light, plants, and scenery increase sales, learning, creativity, workflows, and wellness.


3 What are the challenges of biophilic design for industrial facilities?

Biophilic design for industrial facilities poses some challenges, such as balancing the functional, technical, and aesthetic requirements of industrial processes and activities, adapting to varying climatic, geographic, and cultural contexts, measuring and evaluating the performance and impact of biophilic design interventions, and engaging and educating the industrial sector and the public about its benefits. These challenges may involve high temperatures or pressures, hazardous materials or waste, the availability and suitability of natural resources and elements, multidisciplinary data collection and analysis, clear indicators and standards, effective communication strategies, demonstration initiatives, and participation opportunities.

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4 What are some examples of biophilic design for industrial facilities?

Examples of biophilic design for industrial facilities can be seen around the world. The Eden Project in Cornwall, UK is a complex of biomes made of steel frames and hexagonal ETFE cushions, which allow natural light and ventilation, and are supported by renewable energy sources and rainwater harvesting systems. The Nike European Logistics Campus in Belgium features a green roof, a pond, and a forest, as well as natural materials, colors, and shapes in the interior. It also utilizes geothermal energy, solar panels, and wind turbines, and recycles water and waste. Lastly, the Solaris Fusionopolis in Singapore incorporates vertical gardens, sky terraces, and a rooftop park. Moreover, it takes advantage of natural ventilation, lighting, cooling, solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and recycled materials.

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5 How can you apply biophilic design to your industrial projects?

If you are considering incorporating biophilic design into your industrial projects, you can start by assessing the site and context of your project to identify natural features and resources. Additionally, you should define the goals and objectives of your project to align with the principles and benefits of biophilic design. Subsequently, you should explore design options that can create connections between people and nature, while evaluating their feasibility, suitability, and impact. To ensure successful implementation and monitoring of biophilic design interventions, collect feedback and data to measure and improve their performance and outcomes. Not only is biophilic design a way to make industrial facilities more sustainable, but it can also make them more attractive, enjoyable, and inspiring. By applying biophilic design to your industrial projects, you can create positive impacts for the environment, society, economy, as well as yourself and your team.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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How can biophilic design improve industrial sustainability? (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.