How To Lower Blood Pressure (2024)

Most doctors will recommend lifestyle changes and natural ways to lower blood pressure for patients with elevated blood pressure, or mild to moderate hypertension (Stage 1 or Stage 2). If that does not work to get your blood pressure under control, they may also prescribe medications that can help.

High blood pressure is the result of too much pressure on your arteries when your heart is pumping blood to supply oxygen to your body. While genetics and other things out of your control can contribute to blood pressure risk, there are also many lifestyle factors that can make hypertension worse. These natural ways to lower blood pressure can keep you healthy.

1: Eat Healthy Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

A healthy diet is one of the most important lifestyle changes to make to lower your blood pressure. A healthy diet includes mostly:

  • fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • whole grains,
  • nuts and seeds,
  • lean meats (such as chicken and pork), and
  • low-fat dairy.

Avoid foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol, such as red meat. These foods can cause a sticky substance called plaque to build up on the walls of your arteries, and harder the walls of your blood vessels and arteries. Both of these things force your heart to work harder to pump blood. Swap out processed foods like chips, crackers, and candy for the foods listed above whenever possible.

Other important dietary changes to discuss with your doctor include:

  • eating less sodium (salt) and
  • increasing potassium in your food or taking a potassium supplement.

Salt causes your body to retain water, which puts a strain on your kidneys and your blood vessels and raising blood pressure. Potassium relaxes the walls of your blood vessels to make it easier for blood to flow through, lowering blood pressure.

2: Lose Weight and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Extra body weight can increase your risk of hypertension because it causes many changes in your body. It can disrupt hormones that increase the risk of high blood pressure. It can also cause plaque buildup in your arteries, forcing your heart to work harder.

Being overweight or obese also increases the risk of obstructive sleep apnea, which is a common condition that contributes to high blood pressure. People with extra weight around their midsection (stomach) are at increased risk of high blood pressure. That includes men with a waist measuring 40 inches or more, and women with a waistline of 35 inches or more. Once you reach a healthy weight, continue to follow a heart-healthy diet to maintain that weight.

3: Exercise Often

Exercise helps strengthen your cardiovascular system (your heart and blood vessels) so they can efficiently pump blood throughout your body. It also helps prevent cholesterol and plaque buildup in your arteries. Experts at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommend that adults get 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. That is about 30 minutes of exercise a day for five days a week.

You don’t have to do intense or hard workouts to get the benefits of exercise. Take a brisk walk, do some strength training, or try interval training workouts. Before starting any new exercise program, be sure to talk to your doctor.

4: Quit Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco

Smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco increases your risk of high blood pressure because nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict (tighten). Narrow blood vessels mean your heart has to work harder to pump blood. Just 20 minutes after you quit smoking, blood pressure and heart rate drop dramatically, according to the American Heart Association. Within two weeks of quitting your circulation and lung function improve. Quitting smoking also improves your overall health and reduces your risk of heart disease.

5: Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Each Day

Drinking a lot of alcohol (more than one drink per day for women, or two drinks per day for men) can raise blood pressure. Plus, alcohol can interfere with blood pressure medications so they don’t work as well. Drinks that are high in caffeine can also cause a spike in blood pressure for some people.

6: Reduce Your Stress Levels

Chronic stress that lasts a long time can elevate blood pressure. You may not be able to eliminate all stress from your life, but it’s important to reduce stress as much as you can by:

  • learning what triggers your stress and avoiding those things as much as possible;
  • focusing on the things you can control and not worrying about things that are out of your control;
  • practicing mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing to reduce stress; and
  • talking to a mental health professional, if needed.

7: Get Plenty of Quality Sleep

Quality sleep has many health benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure. To improve your sleep:

  • Set a schedule and try to get at least seven hours of sleep per night.
  • Create a healthy bedtime routine to prepare your body for sleep.
  • Avoid naps during the day if possible.
  • Avoid screens like smartphones or tablets before bed.
  • Avoid caffeine later in the day.
  • Create a comfortable, cool, and dark sleep environment.

8: Take Blood Pressure Medications as Prescribed

If your doctor prescribed you blood pressure medication, take it exactly as prescribed. Taking your medication at the same time each day can help you maintain a steady blood pressure and avoid spikes.

How To Lower Blood Pressure (2024)


How can I drop blood pressure quickly? ›

How to lower your blood pressure immediately without medication
  1. A 60-second trick to lower blood pressure immediately is to take a deep breath and try to relax. ...
  2. Drink some water. ...
  3. Try some mild physical activity. ...
  4. Eat some dark chocolate. ...
  5. Take a cold shower. ...
  6. Get some sun. ...
  7. Drink beetroot and apple juice.
Apr 1, 2024

How can I make my blood pressure lower? ›

Here are 10 lifestyle changes that can lower blood pressure and keep it down.
  1. Lose extra pounds and watch your waistline. ...
  2. Exercise regularly. ...
  3. Eat a healthy diet. ...
  4. Reduce salt (sodium) in your diet. ...
  5. Limit alcohol. ...
  6. Get a good night's sleep. ...
  7. Reduce stress. ...
  8. Monitor your blood pressure at home and get regular checkups.
Jul 12, 2022

Can drinking water lower blood pressure? ›

Drinking water can help normalize blood pressure. If you are dehydrated, it can also help lower blood pressure. Drinking water is not a treatment for high blood pressure but it can help you sustain healthier blood pressure, whether you have hypertension or not.

How to reduce BP naturally? ›

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
  1. Balance nutrients. Go for less sodium (under 1,500 mg per day) and more potassium. ...
  2. Put probiotics on your side. Eating food that contains probiotics—consumable live bacteria—has been linked to healthier blood pressure. ...
  3. Lose even a little weight. ...
  4. Move more. ...
  5. Relieve stress.

How can blood pressure drop so quickly? ›

There are different types and causes of low blood pressure. Severe hypotension (shock) can be caused by sudden loss of blood (shock), severe infection, heart attack, or severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Orthostatic hypotension means your blood pressure drops when you shift from lying down to standing.

How quickly can you bring BP down? ›

It can take 1-3 months of regular exercise to see your blood pressure start to go down. If you change your diet (for instance, eat less sodium and try the DASH diet), you might see your numbers drop in a couple of weeks. Taking medication will help you lower your blood pressure in about 4-6 weeks.

What should I drink if my blood pressure is high? ›

What beverage choices might help lower blood pressure?
  • Apple juice. A recent scientific review showed that drinking apple juice in moderation provides heart-healthy advantages. ...
  • Beet juice. ...
  • Milk (low-fat or fat-free) ...
  • Pomegranate juice. ...
  • Water.
Feb 14, 2024

Does caffeine raise blood pressure? ›

From experimental research it has become clear the caffeine administration acutely raises BP, but tolerance to this effect develops rapidly and heavy coffee drinkers are less likely to show a BP response after caffeine intake (Robertson et al 1981; Ammon et al 1983; Myers 1988).

Do bananas lower blood pressure? ›

Bananas are a nutritious and tasty option for helping lower blood pressure. Loaded with essential nutrients like potassium, fiber and vitamin C, bananas offer several benefits for cardiovascular health. Their potassium content counterbalances sodium intake, promoting blood vessel relaxation.

What foods lower BP quickly? ›

No single food can quickly lower blood pressure. However, some foods may help a person lower their blood pressure in general. These include anthocyanin-rich berries , bananas and other foods containing potassium, beetroot juice and beets, leafy green vegetables , and more.

Does walking lower blood pressure? ›

The findings of this review suggest that a walking regimen—three to five times a week at a moderate intensity for 20 to 40 minutes per session, with at least 150 total minutes per week for approximately three months—can lower systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate in adult men and women with ...

Does aspirin lower blood pressure? ›

People often ask, can low-dose aspirin help with high blood pressure? Yes, some studies show that taking an aspirin may be associated with a small decrease in blood pressure. However, aspirin is not recommended for high blood pressure as there are many other medications that are more effective.

How can I get my blood pressure down right now? ›

Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure Instantly
  1. Meditate or focus on deep breathing. Meditation and breathing exercises can help you relax, which slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
  2. Reduce your stress levels. ...
  3. Take a warm bath or shower.

What food lowers blood pressure quickly? ›

No single food can quickly lower blood pressure. However, some foods may help a person lower their blood pressure in general. These include anthocyanin-rich berries , bananas and other foods containing potassium, beetroot juice and beets, leafy green vegetables , and more.

What can I press to lower my blood pressure? ›

GB 20 or wind pool is one of the fastest and most effective acupressure points to lower blood pressure. You can find these points just below the base of the skull, in the depressions on either side of the spine. Activate both points simultaneously by applying pressure on them with the thumb.

How to lower blood pressure before a test? ›

Focus on deep breathing for 10-15 minutes before your appointment. The most effective technique for lowering blood pressure is inhaling through the nose and holding for 5-6 seconds, then exhaling through the mouth for one second longer than the inhale.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.