My favorite coffeecake recipe (2024)

My favorite coffeecake recipe?

That's a tough one. I mean, I could go with oh-so-classic Cinnamon-Streusel. Or, since I'm a New Englander by heart if not by birth, Blueberry Buckle. And then there's Almond Puff Loaf, whose name doesn't come within a moonlight mile of describing itsscrumptiousness.

But these days – perhaps because it's been beckoning me from the kitchen counter all week – my favorite coffeecake is Tuscan Coffeecake.

Maybe, to distinguish this "cake" from its truly cake-y breakfast-time cousins, I should call it coffee [space] cake. As in, something to enjoy with a cup of coffee.

Because this restrained, adult-appropriate pastry is more yeast bread than cake, without the bright-gold crumb, crown of crumbly topping, or swirls of cinnamon that hallmark most American-style coffeecakes.

With just 1/4 cup added sugar, this is a cake (bread) that doesn't send you running for your toothbrush afterwards. It's sweet – but its sweetness comes from an effusion of fruits (golden raisins and dates), and an ethereally thin layer of crunchy vanilla sugar glaze on top – with emphasis on the vanilla.

I first discovered this coffee cake in the Pane e Salute bakery in Woodstock VT about 8 years ago. Since transitioning to a restaurant some years back, this bakery, one I described in an earlier post, no longer exists. Thus I'm very glad that I tasted this cake while it was available, then was able to re-create it – right down to its crackly vanilla crust.

Try this cake. (Bread.) Please. If you're one of those whose face scrunches unhappily at the mention of raisins, substitute dates. Dislike both dates and raisins (and toasted walnuts as well)? Unless you're willing to put past prejudices aside, this recipe's not for you.

But if you like bread with distinctive European texture (think challah, or panettone); bread whose sweetness comes in the form of dried fruit, and perfectly balances a cup of dark-roast Italian coffee – then this coffee cake is for you.

We're going to begin with an overnight starter. Making yeast dough this way not only ensures the yeast gets a good, strong start, it creates flavor. As the dough sits, the yeast creates lactic and organic acids, both of which will enhance the taste of the finished cake.

Mix the following ingredients in a small (about 1-quart) bowl:

1 cup (120g) King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour or Artisan Bread Flour
1/2 cup (113g) cool water
1/16 teaspoon instant yeast

Cover and let rest overnight at room temperature.

Next day, mix the risen starter with the following:

2/3 cup (152g) lukewarm water
2 3/4 cups (326g) King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour or Artisan Bread Flour
4 tablespoons (57g) butter, at room temperature, at least 65°F
1 large egg, at room temperature
2 tablespoons (25g) sugar
2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 1/4 teaspoons salt

Mix and knead to form a smooth, supple dough. It’ll be very slack at first; for this reason, I suggest kneading in a bread machine, or with a mixer, rather than by hand. When kneading sticky dough by hand you tend to add additional flour, which can make bread tough and dry.

Place the dough in a bowl, and let it rise about 1 hour. It may not quite double in bulk; that’s OK.

Add the following to the bowl of risen dough:

1 cup (113g) toasted walnuts, very coarsely chopped
3/4 cup (113g) chopped dates
3/4 cup (128g) raisins, golden preferred

Knead the nuts and fruit into the dough thoroughly.

Note: You may be tempted to soak the fruit first, to plump and moisten it. DON'T DO IT. The liquid from the fruit will leak into the dough, making it incredibly sticky and hard to knead while incorporating the fruits. And don't worry, the fruit will stay nicely moist without any soaking.

Shape the dough into a flat ball, and place it in alightly greased 9" round cake pan. Take the time to gently push any exposed raisins or dates under the surface of the dough, so they don't burn.

Cover the pan with lightly greased plastic wrap (or a clear shower cap, as I've done here), and allow the dough to rise for 60 minutes, or until it fills the pan side to side, barely cresting the top.

Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 350°F.

Stir together the following:

2 tablespoons (25g) sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon water

Drizzle the glaze over the risen dough.

Place the pan on a lower oven rack; the cake will brown quickly, and you don't want the top to burn.

Bake the cake for about 55 minutes, tenting with foil the final 15 to 20 minutes, if it seems to be browning too quickly. The finished loaf will be a deep, golden brown, and a digital thermometer inserted into the center will read at least 190°F.

Remove the cake from the oven, and turn it out of the pan onto a rack to cool.

Wait until it's completely cool before slicing. I know it's hard, but slicing the cake warm will give it a ragged, gummy cut surface.

Serve in slices or wedges... room temperature or, even better, toasted.

The cake is sweet enough from the fruit that you don't need jam; but mascarpone cheese or butter are always welcome. Maybe even a sprinkle of cinnamon, just because.

I figured this recipe might be a good candidate for using white wheat flour in place of some or all of the all-purpose flour. Let's see how that worked out.

Three slices: on the left, 100% all-purpose flour. In the center, about 40% white whole wheat, 60% AP flour. And on the right, 100% white whole wheat.

As you can see, the AP loaf definitely rose highest. The 40/60 loaf would have risen higher had I adjusted the consistency of the dough; my sourdough starter was quite liquid, and the loaf fell a bit in the oven as it baked. The 100% white whole wheat loaf definitely struggled to rise; I let it sit on the counter most of the day for it to even get as high as it did, and it exhibited very little oven spring.

As for flavor, the 100% whole wheat loaf definitely tasted strongly of wheat; I preferred the milder 40/60 loaf. Which is why when using whole wheat flour, I use white whole wheat exclusively; I'm not a whole grains lover, so the less "wheaty" flavor the better.

My favorite coffeecake recipe (14)

Now, one more tip I'd like to share with you: I made the 40/60 loaf with active (fed) sourdough starter, instead of the overnight starter called for in the recipe. Notice how purple it looks? If you've made bread with nuts in the past, particularly walnuts, you may have noticed this purplish tinge.

The color is due to the interaction between gallic acid in the walnuts' skin and iron in the flour, exacerbated by acidity in the dough (from the sourdough starter); and time, in the form of the loaf's rising time. Though it looks a little odd, thankfully this reaction doesn't affect flavor.

I feel like the "mother hen" of our recipe site, and I try to love all of my flock equally, from apple pie to zucchini bread. But just as every mom has a certain child who's most in tune with her soul, I do have certain recipes that speak to me in a special way. This is one of them.

In fact, it's all I can do right now to stay glued to my computer, rather than ambling out to the kitchen for "just one more" slice of this cake [bread] [coffee cake].

Tempted? Please read, bake, and review our recipe for Tuscan Coffeecake.

My favorite coffeecake recipe (2024)


How do you describe a coffee cake? ›

Description. American coffee cakes are typically presented in a single layer, flavoured with either fruit or cinnamon, and leavened with either baking soda or baking powder, which results in a more cake-like texture, or with yeast, for a more bread-like texture. They may be loaf-shaped or baked in a Bundt or tube pan.

What makes coffee cake taste like coffee cake? ›

No, coffee cake does not taste like coffee. There is no coffee or caffeine in this cake despite its name. This streusel cake tastes like a lightly sweetened cake and oftentimes has spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

What are some fun facts about coffee cake? ›

Coffee cake wasn't invented by anyone in particular but actually evolved from classic vanilla cake, which dates back to biblical times. The first versions of coffee cake were baked by the Danish in the 17the century.

Why is my coffee cake tough? ›


Overworking the batter, especially if it contains gluten, will result in a tough, chewy cake. You'll often see the instructions, “mix until just combined,” in cake recipes. This means to stop mixing as soon as you see that all ingredients are evenly incorporated.

How do you describe the best cake? ›

It should be as smooth as velvet without being flimsy or crumbly. A cake's texture should be smooth and creamy; cakes with a grainy, gritty, grainy, lumpy, or loose texture are not ideal. Cakes with savory or sweet flavors pair best with a light, airy texture for a sublime gastronomic experience.

What is a good description of a cake? ›

1. a. : a breadlike food made from a dough or batter that is usually fried or baked in small flat shapes and is often unleavened. b. : a sweet baked food made from a dough or thick batter usually containing flour and sugar and often shortening, eggs, and a raising agent (such as baking powder)

How do you keep coffee cake moist? ›

Melted butter is key for moist coffee cake, but this dessert tends to get drier over time. If you want to prevent coffee cake from getting stale for as long as possible, storing it in an airtight Tupperware is your best bet.

Why is my coffee cake gummy? ›

Why is my cake dense or gummy? What might have happened: Too much flour was added to the batter. The cake batter was over-mixed.

Does coffee cake actually have coffee in it? ›

Coffee cake is one of those magical cakes that gets away with being acceptable to eat any time of the day. Curiously, coffee cake contains zero coffee itself. I think (and I am totally speculating here) that it's meant to be served with coffee, sort of in the tradition of tea.

Why do people eat coffee cake? ›

Coffee cake is a pastry originally meant to be enjoyed, and even dipped into coffee. It softens the cake when wet and the typical cinnamon filling will sweeten the coffee. Eat and Drink how you please, however.

What are 3 interesting facts about coffee? ›

15 Coffee Fun Facts to Liven Up Your Day
  • Coffee goes back a really long way. ...
  • Coffee is a fruit. ...
  • Beethoven loved coffee. ...
  • Brazil grows the most coffee in the world. ...
  • Finland consumes the most coffee in the world. ...
  • Coffee helped Brazil go to the Olympics. ...
  • Coffee wasn't always for drinking.

What is the real name for coffee cake? ›

It wasn't until 1763 before coffee cake was first mentioned, though technically even then by another name, the German “gugelhupf”.

What to avoid while baking? ›

Common Baking Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
  • Baking at the wrong temperature. ...
  • Not measuring ingredients. ...
  • Checking on your items too frequently. ...
  • Your ingredients are at the wrong temperature. ...
  • Your dough isn't rising. ...
  • Nothing is baking evenly. ...
  • Your dough or batter is too tough. ...
  • Wrap Up.

Can you overmix coffee cake? ›

mix the batter carefully

It is super important to not overmix the cake batter or you will end up with a tough and chewy cake. Only mix just until all of the ingredients are cohesive.

What makes a cake moist and fluffy? ›

Seven Bakery Secrets to Incredibly Moist Cakes Every Time
  1. Use Buttermilk Instead of Milk.
  2. Add Vegetable Oil.
  3. Use Instant Clearjel or Instant Pudding Mix.
  4. Use the Right Recipe.
  5. Don't Overbake.
  6. Bake in Sheet Pans Instead of individual Cake Pans.
  7. Use a Simple Syrup or Glaze.
Apr 23, 2021

What is a delicious description of coffee? ›

The best-tasting cup of coffee will always come down to personal preference. However, a high-quality coffee flavor will feature a well-balanced acidity, bitterness, sweetness, and mouthfeel combined with a dreamy aroma. Coffee beans will always be the central focus of a great-tasting cup of coffee.

What is a nice description of coffee? ›

Coffee is flavoursome, fragrant and deeply rich in taste. It is often earthy with a discernible bitterness, but well-made coffee (using freshly roasted coffee beans) is defined by an enjoyable balance of flavours where sweet, bitter and acidic notes all work pleasantly together.

What is a good description of coffee? ›

Coffee is a beverage brewed from roasted coffee beans. Darkly colored, bitter, and slightly acidic, coffee has a stimulating effect on humans, primarily due to its caffeine content. It has the highest sales in the world market for hot drinks.

What is the description of coffee Flavours? ›

Light Roast: Sharper acidity, clear and mild, more origin flavours. Medium Roast: A greater balance between the acidity, sweetness and other aromas. Medium-Dark Roast: The acidity is less pronounced, moving into chocolate-like flavour territory. Dark Roast: Distinct dark chocolate flavours, and a heavy mouthfeel.

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