Nub theory accuracy | Mumsnet (2024)

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35 replies

jjgray · 15/05/2021 13:22

Hi everyone,

Has anyone had their gender nub prediction come out wrong? I have a 12+3 week scan which clearly shows a very boy nub. Fb experts also say boy 😅 this will be my 3rd boy and last baby so I just can't help but feel a little gender disappointment. No judgements please, I am very grateful to welcome another little blessing into the family. I was just so sure that it was a girl as this pregnancy has been so different from my previous 2.

Nub theory accuracy | Mumsnet (1)

OP posts:



Icantrememberthenameoftheartis · 15/05/2021 14:38

No help here just bumping for you 😊


TakeYourFinalPosition · 15/05/2021 14:44

They’re wrong for loads of people, it’s not scientific.

But a really different pregnancy doesn’t indicate anything either; they’re all old wives tales. All pregnancies are individual. There’s loads of people with identical pregnancies and opposite sexes, and vice versa.

I hope you get your girl, but I’d try and keep an open mind and prepare for either.


wildeverose · 15/05/2021 14:45

That's a boy. Nub theory is pretty accurate actually in Many cases, and in all pregnancies I've known, the theory has been correct.


BellaPoldark · 15/05/2021 14:50

If you Google it there are studies on the accuracy, I think it is over 90% at 13 weeks and a bit less before that. Though from what I've seen, what looks like a girl nub can develop to a boy one at this stage, but I think if it looks like a boy one that is more accurate. It does look like a boy to me but I'm not an expert.


MamaMoonbeam · 15/05/2021 14:50

That definitely looks like a boy to me!



TakeYourFinalPosition · 15/05/2021 15:03

Fair enough - I’m somehow in a Facebook group that appears to have turned into an “expert nub” group, and they charge £12 for a reading... they seem to be wrong a good 70% of the time.

Although they also do Ramzi theory, so maybe that’s skewing things.

Looks like it might be a boy, OP!



Iloveyou3x · 15/05/2021 15:05

The nub theory is pretty accurate especially if done late in the third trimester. It does look like you’re having a third little boy. Congratulations!!


andivfmakes3 · 15/05/2021 15:13

Yes it's pretty accurate


jjgray · 15/05/2021 16:20

Thank you all for your comments! I will be sure to update you all when I have my gender scan!

OP posts:


quietlyspoken08 · 15/05/2021 17:16

Hiya I had two nub theory specialists tell me boy with 90% accuracy but posted on here and got told girl!

Also have two boys so felt the same as you. Nearly fell off the bed when the sonographer told me she was 99.9% sure we were having a baby girl at my 16 week private scan. Confirmed then at 20 weeks NHS scan. Currently 28 weeks and still struggling to convince myself!



jjgray · 15/05/2021 17:47

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Icantrememberthenameoftheartis · 15/05/2021 17:51

Be sure to update us OP!


Iloveyou3x · 15/05/2021 19:02

@quietlyspoken08 can I see the nub you showed the ‘specialists’ too please? I had some specialists on fb tell me the nub was boyish. The only people who were certain of girl was ingender forum. The sonographer st my private scan is certain it’s a girl but we’ll confirm later!


Accidentallydeletedoopsss · 15/05/2021 19:07

I agree with PP, nub theory is pretty accurate as a theory but there’s always room for human error for those using it which is where the theory falls down


quietlyspoken08 · 15/05/2021 19:31

[quote Iloveyou3x]@quietlyspoken08 can I see the nub you showed the ‘specialists’ too please? I had some specialists on fb tell me the nub was boyish. The only people who were certain of girl was ingender forum. The sonographer st my private scan is certain it’s a girl but we’ll confirm later![/quote]
This was my 13+3 scan

Nub theory accuracy | Mumsnet (2)



Accidentallydeletedoopsss · 15/05/2021 19:35

@Iloveyou3x I just looked at your scan photo on your thread and I’d be very shocked if your baby was a boy!


Iloveyou3x · 15/05/2021 19:40

@quietlyspoken08 hmm okay it’s easy for me to say now but I’d have guessed boy on your nub as there’s a clear rise on it! what a lovely pic by the way, his little face is adorable!!

Really @Accidentallydeletedoopsss what makes you say that? I think my original nub was sooo tricky but the 13+1 private scan the nub looked a bit girly but I was convinced boy.


Accidentallydeletedoopsss · 15/05/2021 19:51

@Iloveyou3x the nub is near enough perfectly parallel to the spine and very flat! I’d expect a boy nub to have some lift at an angle to the spine. That coupled with the fact your sonographer said girl...I really would believe that! Of course there’s no 100% guarantee even from a scan but that is such a clear nub, I can’t see that there would be much room for getting it wrong to be honest Nub theory accuracy | Mumsnet (3)


Iloveyou3x · 15/05/2021 19:59

Ah thanks!! When we had the uss the lady did have a good look between the legs and she said there was literally nothing to see - looked all girl! Excited to find out either way!


Icantrememberthenameoftheartis · 15/05/2021 20:39

Based on skull I think girl.



pineapple2021 · 17/05/2021 17:26

Anyone able to work out the nub here?!

Nub theory accuracy | Mumsnet (4)


Iloveyou3x · 17/05/2021 17:54

@pineapple2021 boy


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pineapple2021 · 17/05/2021 17:57

@Iloveyou3x that's what I thought..... is the nub that sticky up bit?


Iloveyou3x · 17/05/2021 19:44

I think so, what gestation was this scan?


pineapple2021 · 17/05/2021 19:47

I can't work out if the stick up bit is the nub or something else as it seems to attach to that long white line...... it's 12w4d



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Nub theory accuracy | Mumsnet (2024)
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