How Do I . . .
- Sign in to School Network (Windows or Mac OS)
- Sign in to PowerSchool
- Sign in to Schoology
- Sign in to Naviance
- Sign in to Google
- Sign in to noredink
- Sign in to Achieve3000
- Sign in to edgenuity
- Connect a device to the school's student Wi-Fi network
- Access SAVVAS Realize Digital Content
- Submit A Work Permit Application
- Save information after leaving CVCHS (graduation or other)
- Responsible Use Policy
- Fix Damages
Sign in to School Network (Windows or Mac OS)
If you are having issues signing into the school network (Windows or Mac OS), please get in touch with the IT Department.
Sign in to PowerSchool
Parents and students can access the school's Student Information System (SIS), PowerSchool, using their username and secure password.
To log in to PowerSchool, go to https://cvchs.powerschool.com or download the PowerSchool app for your smartphone. Your username is the same as your school network account username (see 'School Network Account' above). Passwords are reset each school year. Note: If you use the PowerSchool app on your smartphone, the school's district code is WCFN.
As a parent, you can access yourstudent's information and personalize yourparent account by following the steps below:
- Open an internet browser on your computer
- Typehttps://cvchs.powerschool.com/public/home.htmlinto the address bar
- Click "Create Account."
- In the upper portion, enter YOUR first name, last name, email, desired username, and password.
- In the bottom portion, enter the student's name, the Access ID and Access Password (provided above), and your relationship to the student.
- Click "Enter."
- Remember to log off when you are finished.
To add another student to your parent account:
- Click on "Account Preferences" and switch to the "Student" tab
- Click on "Add+."
- Enter your other student's name, Access ID, Access password, and your relationship to the student.
- Click "Submit."
The Grades and Attendance tab will allow you to check assignments and scores by clicking on the blue percentage across from a class. The Grades History tab will show your child's grades in previous grading periods. The Teacher Comments tab is used to access current teacher comments for your student. Please click the teacher's name link to email the teacher a question or concern.
Sign in to Schoology
To log in to Schoology, go to https://claytonvalley.schoology.com or download the Schoology app for your smartphone. In the smartphone app, you need to click on “Find your school or domain,” then search for and select “Clayton Valley Charter High School.” In a browser, you will be redirected to a Google login page where you log in using your Google username and password (see ‘Google’ above).
Schoology has extensive online help resources, which can be found athttp://support.schoology.com.
Links to some useful online help pages for students are below:
- How to Use Schoology (Video)
- How to Complete an Assignment (Video)
- Review and Submit Course Assignments (using iOS App)
You need a parent access code to create a parent account in Schoology to view your student's information. If you did not receive a parent access code on Back-to-School Night or in the mail, you or your student should contact Student Services or the student's counselor to obtain the code.
When you have your parent access code, please follow the instructions in the link below to set up a Schoology parent account:
Logging into Schoology as a parent:
Once you have created a parent account, follow the instructions for logging in with an email address in the link below:
How to use the parent portal:
Here is a link to Schoology support information for parents, including how to use all the features of the Schoology parent portal:
Sign in to Naviance
Go tohttps://student.naviance.
- Your account is already set up
- Sign in as a Student and continue with Single Sign On
Sign in to Google
To log in, go to https://accounts.google.com. Your username is in the format: @cvchsstudent.org. For example, ab21987@cvchsstudent.org. You may be prompted to change your password the first time you log in. Teachers can reset your password if you forget it.
Sign in to noredink
Go tohttps://www.noredink.com.
- Log in with Google, using your CVCHS student email.
Sign in to Achieve3000
How Students Access Achieve3000 Guide
From a CVCHS Chromebook:
- Under the Resource Tab, select Achieve3000 in the drop down menu.
From any other device on campus or from home:
Click the Achieve3000 link below or copy and paste the URL into your browser:
Sign in to edgenuity
Connect a device to the school's student Wi-Fi network
To connect your device to the school's student Wi-Fi network:
- Select the Wi-Fi network called 'CV_Student' (Security Type is WPA2-Personal).
- Enter the current student Wi-Fi password posted around campus, or ask the IT Department for the password.
If your device is configured to connect to available Wi-Fi networks automatically, it will automatically connect to the Student Wi-Fi network every time it is on campus.
Note: The websites and Internet applications you visit and use are logged while you are on the school's Wi-Fi network.
Access SAVVAS Realize Digital Content
Savvas (formally Pearson) Realize is one of multiple platforms (or websites) that Savvas Publishing uses to provide access to online textbooks. CVCHS has a contract with Savvas to provide access to world language, science, and social science textbooks on the Savvas Realize platform.
Savvas EasyBridge is the tool Savvas uses to manage which products and platforms are assigned to which students through integration with our Student Information System, PowerSchool.
Savvas Realize Digital Textbooks are not suitable for viewing on a smartphone and are not supported on them. Please review the browser requirements for Realize Reader Web in the link below.
Realize and Realize Reader Web - System Requirements
Savvas Realize uses Single Sign-On from PowerSchool. Students must sign in to PowerSchool in a browser, and then Savvas Realize uses their login information to sign them in to Savvas Realize automatically.
Once you have logged intoPowerSchoolin a browser with your student account, you will see a link to ‘Pearson Courses’ in the left-hand navigation pane:
Click on "Pearson Courses"and a new browser tab will open showing the books that have been assigned to you by your teachers:
Click on Pearson Realize to the right of the screen or click on an individual book listed by class. A new browser tab opens for Pearson Realize:
Click on the book you want to open under "Browse".
Submit A Work Permit Application
How to Submit a Work Permit Application:
- Download and print the Work Permit Application - hard copies of the application may also be picked up in the MainOffice.
- Complete the application including student information and signature, parent signature, employer information, and signature - incomplete applications cannot be processed.
- Return completed application to Eric Bamberger's office or eric.bamberger@claytonvalley.org
Turn-around time for Work Permits (once submitted to our school) may take up to 5 days, so please plan accordingly. You will be notified via student email when the permit is ready for pick up. Due to a required signature on the completed permit, only the student may pick it up. Parents are not allowed to pick up or sign on behalf of the student. For additional questions regarding work permits, email Eric Bamberger.
Save information after leaving CVCHS (graduation or other)
The CVCHS IT Department's policy for student account retention and deletion is as follows:
On or after July 1 of each year, the user accounts and associated user-generated data of all graduating seniors and other students who have left the school during the previous school year are permanently deleted.
For example, on or after July 1, 2023, the user accounts and user-generated data of all 2023graduates and other students who have left during the 2022-2023school year will be deleted.
Students should back up all files and other data they wish to keep after leaving the school before the July 1 date. Students should not use their school email for communication in situations where they need ongoing communication after leaving school (for example, college applications).
Click below for instructions on how to copy your Google content from your school Google account to a personal Google account:
Responsible Use Policy
For the use of computers, email, mobile devices, the internet, and internet applications.
“User” includes anyone, including employees, students, and guests, using CVCHS technology, including, but not limited to, computers, networks, internet, email, chat rooms, and other forms of technology services and products.
"Network" is a wired and wireless technology network including school networks, cellular networks, commercial, community, or home-based wireless networks accessible to students.
"Mobile Devices" are cell phones, 'Blackberry' [smartphone] type devices, PDAs, MP3 players, iPod type devices, and portable computers such as laptops, iPads, desktops, tablets, and netbooks, as well as portable storage devices.
Technology provides students with unique and powerful ways to enhance their learning. CVCHS supports the use of technology to enhance and support learning and is pleased to offer Users access to the Network so that they can access school-supplied technology to enhance learning.
It is one of the technology goals of CVCHS to ensure that each User's interactions with technology contribute positively to the learning environment both at school and in the community. Negative use of technology through CVCHS-owned devices inside or outside of our schools that degrades or defames other Users or members of our community is unacceptable. CVCHS also recognizes that Users have widespread access to both technology and the internet; therefore, the use of personal devices and connectivity is considered to be included in the Responsible Use Policy (RUP).
Access to CVCHS's Network is a privilege, not a right. The use of technology whether owned by CVCHS or devices supplied by the Users entails personal responsibility. It is expected that Users will comply with CVCHS rules, act responsibly, and will honor the terms and conditions set by the classroom teacher and CVCHS. Failure to comply with such terms and conditions may result in temporary or permanent loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action as necessary. In particular, students will be held accountable for their actions and are encouraged to report any accidental use immediately to their teacher or school administration.
With the increased usage of free educational applications on the internet, digital storage areas, containing less sensitive User information, may or may not be located on the property of the school or county. In some cases, data will not be stored on local servers. Therefore, Users should not expect that files and communication are private. CVCHS reserves the right to monitor Users' online activities and to access, review, copy, and store or delete any electronic communication or files and disclose them to others as it deems necessary. Users should have no expectation of privacy regarding their use of CVCHS property, Network, and/or internet access or files, including email.
CVCHS has a private and secure system for sensitive school records, which will be managed by CVCHS Information Technology Staff.
Best Practices for Use
These are examples of inappropriate activity on the CVCHS Network, but CVCHS reserves the right to take immediate action regarding activities 1) that create security and/or safety issues for the CVCHS Network, Users, schools, or computer resources; 2) that expend CVCHS resources on content it determines lacks legitimate educational content/purpose, or; 3) other activities as determined by CVCHS as inappropriate.
- Violating any state or federal law or municipal ordinance, such as: Accessing or transmitting p*rnography of any kind, obscene depictions, harmful materials, materials that encourage others to violate the law, confidential information or copyrighted materials
- Criminal activities that can be punished under the law
- Selling or purchasing illegal items or substances
- Obtaining and/or using anonymous email sites, spamming, spreading viruses
- Causing harm to others or damage to their property
- Using profane or abusive language; threatening, harassing, or making damaging or false statements about others; accessing, transmitting, or downloading offensive, harassing, or disparaging materials
- Sharing and/or sending confidential information such as, but not limited to, testing materials
- Deleting, copying, modifying, or forging other Users' names, emails, files, or data, disguising one's identity, impersonating other Users; sending anonymous emails
- Damaging computer equipment, files, data, or the Network in any way, including intentionally accessing, transmitting, or downloading computer viruses or other harmful files or programs, or disrupting any computer system performance
- Using any CVCHS computer/Mobile Devices to pursue "hacking", internal or external to CVCHS, or attempting to access information protected by privacy laws.
- Accessing, transmitting, or downloading large files maliciously including "chain letters" or any type of "pyramid schemes"
- Using websites, email, Network, or other technology for political uses or personal gain
- Intentionally accessing, creating, storing, or transmitting material that may be deemed to be offensive, indecent, obscene, intimidating, or hostile; or that harasses, insults, or attacks others
- Advertising, promoting non-CVCHS sites or commercial efforts and events
- Using the Network for non-academic related bandwidth-intensive activities such as network games or transmission of large audio/video files or serving as a host for such activities
Cybersafety and Cyberbullying
Staff shall provide age-appropriate instruction regarding safe and appropriate behavior on social networking sites, chat rooms, and other internet services. Such instruction shall include, but not be limited to, the dangers of posting personal information online, misrepresentation by online predators, how to report inappropriate or offensive content or threats, behaviors that constitute cyberbullying, and how to respond when subjected to cyberbullying.
All Users
Despite every effort for supervision and filtering, all Users and Students' parents/guardians are advised that access to the Network may include the potential for access to content inappropriate for school-aged students. Every User must take responsibility for his or her use of the Network and make every effort to avoid such content. Every User must report security or Network problems to a teacher, administrator, or system administrator.
Personal Safety
In using the Network and internet, Users should not reveal personal information such as home address or telephone number.
Confidentiality of User Information
Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the internet.
Active Restriction Measures
CVCHS will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent Users from accessing visual depictions that are (1) obscene; (2) p*rnographic, or; (3) harmful to minors. Attempts to circumvent or “get around” the content filter are strictly prohibited and will be considered a violation of this policy. CVCHS will also monitor the online activities of Users through direct observation and/or other technological means.
Online Tools
Technology provides an abundance of opportunities for Users to utilize interactive tools and sites on public websites that benefit learning, communication, and social interaction.
Users may be held accountable for the use of, and information posted on these sites if it detrimentally affects the welfare of individual Users or the governance, climate, or effectiveness of the school. From time to time, teachers may recommend and use public interactive sites that, to the best of their knowledge, are legitimate and safe. As the site is "public", the teacher and CVCHS are not in control of it; therefore, all Users must use their discretion when accessing information, storing, and displaying work on the site. All terms and conditions in this RUP also apply to User-owned devices utilizing the CVCHS Network.
Student Use of Online Tools
Online communication is critical to the students' learning of 21st Century skills, and tools such as blogging, podcasting, and chatting offer an authentic, real-world vehicle for student expression. Student safety is the primary responsibility of teachers.
Therefore, teachers need to ensure the use of Google Docs, classroom blogs, student email, podcast projects, email chat features, or other online tools follow all established internet safety guidelines including:
Students using online tools such as, but not limited to, Google Docs, blogs, podcasts are considered an extension of the classroom. Therefore, any speech that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of blogs, podcasts, or other online tools. This includes, but is not limited to, profane, racist, sexist, or discriminatory remarks.
Students using Google Docs, blogs, podcasts, or other web tools are expected to act safely by keeping ALL personal information out of their posts.
Students should NEVER post personal information on the web (including, but not limited to, last names, personal details such as address or phone numbers, or photographs).
Students should NEVER, under any circ*mstances, agree to meet someone they have met over the internet.
Any personal blog a student creates in class is directly linked to the class blog, which is typically linked to the student profile and therefore must follow these blogging guidelines. In addition to following the information above about not sharing too much personal information (in the profile or any posts/comments made), students need to realize that anywhere they use the blog login it links back to the class blog. Therefore, anywhere that login is used (posting to a separate personal blog, commenting on someone else's blog, etc.), the account should be treated the same as a school blog and should follow these guidelines.
Students should NEVER link to websites from their blog or blog comments without reading the entire article to make sure it is appropriate for a school setting.
Students using such tools agree to not share their username or web posting spaces as classroom spaces. Speech that is inappropriate for class is also inappropriate for a blog.
Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions may lose their opportunity to take part in the project and/or be subject to consequences appropriate to misuse.
Student Supervision and Security
CVCHS provides content filtering controls for student access to the internet using the CVCHS Network as well as reasonable adult supervision. But, at times, inappropriate, objectionable, and/or offensive material may circumvent the filter, as well as staff supervision, and be viewed by students. Students are to report the occurrence to their teacher or the nearest staff member. Students will be held accountable for any deliberate attempt to circumvent CVCHS technology security and supervision.
Students may not record or videotape within the classroom or on campus without first receiving permission from their teacher or administration.
Students using mobile and cellular devices while at school and during school-sponsored activities are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this document and are accountable for their use.
Fix Damages
If a school-issued Chromebook is damaged while checked out to a student, either accidentally or intentionally, the following charges will be applied to the student's library account based on the type of damage that was incurred.
All damage will be assessed by the IT department.
Damage Charges
Type of damage | cost |
Power Issue (Chromebook won't turn on or off) | No charge |
Missing Charger | $25 |
Keyboard Issue (Key(s) stop working) | No charge |
Table Data | $4 |
Trackpad Issues (Cursor missing or not moving) | No charge |
Cracked/Damaged Screen | $50 |
Missing/broken keys on keyboard | $50 |
Damaged Web Camera | $50 |
Lost or damaged beyond repair (broken screen hinge, broken body, etc.) | $200 |
Any other damage | TBD by IT |
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