TIKTOK LIVE STREAM - APRIL 23, 2024 - Dining and Cooking (2024)


Yes we made enough money on Bean Mart and knocked down the wall! But, like all expansions, this one was painful and now the store is going to need some fixing! Supermarket Simulator for the win and of course we ended with some Power Wash Simulator!

If you missed my recent TikTok Live stream, don’t worry I’ve got you covered right here on YouTube. Join me as I dive headfirst into a night of ordering, stocking and planning as we watch the Bean Mart grow! This captivating game play and gaming experiences has TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats.

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all right everybody you ready to do this we are doing this all over again on a Tuesday all right let’s go get Tick Tock and let’s have some fun I think I actually need to turn my headphones on so I can hear what we’re doing and yep we got him turned on now let’s go get Tick Tock everybody let’s go get Tick Tock and good live hello Tik Tock how is everybody how are you doing today my friends how is everyone doing today all right I have been on for literally like two seconds and ind’s looking at me because I opened the door for her side I open the door for Indie and the do’s like this open this much and ind’s that big so the doors open this much ind’s that big so let me fix that mistake she was very upset she was like Mom Mom Mom what are you trying to tell me mom what is it exactly that you’re trying to say Mom Victor how are you my friend hello Shelly so straight off Andy’s a little upset at me but she will absolutely get over it oh I almost pushed new game I was sitting here talking about Indie and I didn’t even think about it and I almost push new game I would have been devastated I would have just been like well there’s your stream for the day everybody we’re done we are we’re we’re just going to call it today and I’m going to go cry nope not live I’m not late today I’m actually perfectly on time encourage yep I [Music] um um no they said I was late no I always start at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time and let’s continue all right everybody so today today we have yeah I know I know I know roro but I was still that’s just that’s too close for me that is too close for me because I know when I I I have pushed that button before but even pushing that button and having them being like are you sure is too close for me hello vitamin Bri hello Nala how is everybody doing Alexis how are you Alex how are you Emma thank you for Wow right off the bat Emma came in with 100 good games thank you so much smooch how are you how are you um rock and roll Rebel fan sure so long as it’s a nice question you can Cliffy how are you what’s the goal today we are knocking this wall back right here this wall is going bye-bye this we’re pushing that back today Celia in the house CIA how are you beautiful so we are going to expand today that’s all it is we’ve been trying to do this for a while Char thank you for my paper crane Shelly thank you for my friendship necklace and Cindy thank you for my perfume oh my goodness what a bunch of amazing gifts Emma and vitamin Bri thank you for Harding me and Sarah thank you for Harding me and Dei thank you for Harding me um can yeah yeah I will definitely I will definitely Ely show you again radioactive give me two seconds let me pay oops I didn’t pay the bills yesterday let me pay the bills and I will give you I’ll give you a quick little start just looking um of the store I can’t do it every time somebody asks because otherwise that just takes I would just be showing my store so this way we can kind of take a little bit around I can do a little little bit uh looking around see what we need and this is the store this is the store and this is the store so we definitely need some of that Marissa is coming in with a duck on Parade now here’s the kicker everybody I don’t know if you know this or not but this is now a Duo I will be singing part of the songs and you will be singing part of the song when I say baby duck goes quack that is when you will start quacking all right everybody ready and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack quack and a baby duck goes that’s where you type in quack that is where you there you go Shell’s got it and the baby duck goes I love all of my quack and ducks and a big baby duck goes quack and we’ve got ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes quack we have ducks on Parade if that does not change uh if that does not change your energy all around and make it positive I just don’t know what will because you know what nothing spreads positivity like quacking Ducks what in the first grade Melanie this is called having a good time it might Be A New Concept to you but that’s what this is called AMZ how are you um nope yep trying to not be a chuckle while at the gym I double dog dare you to not chuckle while singing that song so we are all good in the hood uh oh you made it to Japan very cool very very very cool and we have ducks on Parade watch someone with mods today and I’m so glad you don’t use them so much more enjoyable it really does make um it really does make that um I think it makes the game a lot slower I think it really I it I think it makes it more enjoyable all done okay and we’re off nope you were not late um yeah um Noah says my partner and roommate saw me playing the beta of this game not going to lie enjoyed the game just because I worked at Walmart for two years and missed it it’s a really good one it’s a really good [Music] hold on and the way we go nope I do not have any mods I do not have any mods um we just are playing it just the way that the game developer intended it and some people think it’s a little bit slower but I personally think it is a little bit more enjoyable but you know what again and I always say this and I will say this and I will say this it’s each to their own I mean every content creator out there is going to do things their own way and I don’t um expect them to understand what I do what I do and I don’t understand um you know why they do what they do but that’s the beauty of it we don’t have to understand each other we just have to respect each other’s differences and that’s all I’m saying about that um you know what I don’t really know that it’s necessary to have to have rude customers into this game so I’m going to say hopefully never happy Tuesday Miss Edwards happy Tuesday and so we are taking it from there and hello everyone hello hello and we are going to start off and we are going to be amazingly positive on today’s live because that’s just what we do we’re going to be we’re going to be positive all right everybody in order to have a positive start to this game if you want and it would be super cool if you could um say one thing that you really enjoyed today maybe just one thing that might seem like a small thing to somebody else that just made you stop and be like oh that’s kind of cool and I will go first Paula thank you for heing me and cheering me up and Robin thank you for heing me what I saw today that made me just kind of stop was um was the um autism boy 21 thank you for the subscription you’re subscriber number 6,393 okay so what I saw today that made me just kind of stop and appreciate everything um the was the simple fact that um there’s a rose bush in my backyard that belonged to my mom and I looked at it today and it was completely um In Bloom and it made me think of my mom and it was really it was really nice hold on here I’m trying to do 25 different things at one time hold on let me do this let me do this hold on hold on okay never mind I got to do it somewhere else I have to do something I went to an art gallery today oh how very cool the sunshine yep I did not have much sunshine today but just the little bit that I saw of it I very much appreciated um it was absolutely um okay it was absolutely um it was peeking okay I’m going to restart cuz I feel like my brain is like 25 different places at one time right now so hi warmth has brought me some cotona dog mom Indie is doing well I my positive thing that I saw today was my mom’s rose bush in my backyard was in full bloom made me very happy made me reminded me of my mom and so that is mine does anybody else have something else that they want to share that’s super positive that just is going to be like this is super cool does anybody beautiful weather I love it I love it does anybody else have any we have Sunshine um we went to a uh we went to a museum which is very cool and Sophie had an amazing day I had to um we have some people that are going to the doctors um took a while to find your Live Well I am here oh and sad is coming in with lots of good vibes at work this morning absolutely love it did I pick the flowers and put them in a base nope I left them right there on the bush because I can see the bush from my back from actually from from my bedroom and it’s it reminds me of her and I like seeing it on the bush you played with baby kittens no way I want a baby kitten darn it what color roses they’re kind of like I’ll take a picture of them and I’ll put them in Discord but they’re kind of cream colored roses with the really pretty um kind of like an orangish red along the the tips really nice what Indie wants to say that she had a good day also and she’s still chewing on her um she’s still chewing on her duck head what up brother Tuesday Tuesday I don’t care if that I think I say it better and that’s what we’re going with is that better yeah Robert says I’m getting better um oh Sophie’s parents are coming back that’s awesome she’s letting me know that was good huh yeah except I still think we need our own thing cuz I feel like I’m like taking somebody else’s tagline so um well done and I think we got to have our own and ours is going to be hey kids Monday Monday I think that’s much better um I got a new camera I got a new camera on yesterday and it is very much um I’m super excited because it is so much of a nicer camera very excited for it what up kids Monday Monday but you have to do the phone because you know what um it’s kind of like what parents do I think parents are very um notorious for calling so what up kids Monday Monday there you go that’s our tagline and I’m sticking with it it does I’m surprised you know what I was really surprised that um I was really surprised that it’s a little web camera and it’s so much clearer than my Canon and I think it’s because it’s just it’s the Canon was too close and it was just like trying to um it’s it was like trying to over complicate everything so I’m very excited about this one very excited hello Betsy how are you how are you my friend how are you and that how are you doing what’s this game called it is called Supermarket simulator and I purchased it on Steam and in the US it’s like I don’t know I think it’s like 13 bucks in the US and so it’s it’s a lot of fun what time is it in your place sorry for my English nope you don’t never have to say sorry and it is 3:16 where I’m at and quad dooodle do good to see you quaka dooodle do good to see you I love that M do I have a favorite tattoo yes both of the tattoos that are on my my shins those are two of my favorites so both of my shin tattoos are my favorite you can actually see my in my Tik Tok video that I did for my outfit today if you want to check that out um it I just posted it and that is what I wore today and like I said you can see both of my shin tattoos in that one where do you live I live in California so I am in the US in California so 375 did you buy this uh do you buy this on the app steam yes yes now steam is a free download you do not have to pay for the actual Steam app but you do pay for the games that you purchase off of steam and this is one of them this is one of them so I actually saw um that Tik Tok is actually was in gosh I think it was like some morning show or something they were talking about how Tik Tok gaming has really just helped the whole Indie um game uh the whole indie game experience and I was like yeah you know what the simple fact that we’re kind of playing games that aren’t mainstream definitely helps the smaller developers and I was like yeah you know what we’re helping the little guy we’re helping the little guy oh you know what camel has a camel does mods so his looks different than mine because he does mods so he his isn’t updated anymore he just does that one this is has to be my favorite Simulator game I mean I’ve had so much fun playing this one I have 433 hours in this game right now this is definitely my favorite one yeah Sophie tomorrow we’re going to be um playing a new game tomorrow I’m not 100% sure which one but we will throw a new game in tomorrow and then we will be doing Supermarket simulator also and we will also be doing power washer because we’ve been ending with power washer oh you’re making uh baked potato for dinner I love it no I’ve never played Wizard 101 chip I’ve never truthfully I’ve never even heard of it Craig I’m doing good how are you what’s up kids Monday Monday we are going to we are going to Corner that one all right that is going to be that’s just you’re going to hear that and people are going be like oh my gosh you watch her stream too and they’re going to be like yep hello Tiffany no Lisa I have not tried that yet um I I haven’t tried that one yet you know what and truthfully if I can’t find a game that I really like we just might do power washer for the entire um second half of the stream I’m not 100% sure so that’s uh that’s pretty much how I am these days I’m is basically like you know what I’m not going to push anything I’m not going to try to be like um we have to play a new game every time but it might be it might be um a it’s going to be a surprise let’s just put it that [Music] way yeah we’ll do power washer today we always do uh we always end with it so we’ll be ending with that today and we should be able to we should be able to expand today I mean we we’re pretty close and we just have to do our our huge restock that we always do and then we should expand and then we’ll have snack time and then we’ll we’ll play this a little bit more and then we’ll do power washer no I’m not doing house flipper tonight I only do house flipp on Fridays so I only do that on them house flipper Friday my friends my Tuesday’s been really good you know that I um I got up I ran some errands I felt like I was productive today and I saw a pretty rose bush H the weather’s been a little bit chiler than I was expecting Indie and I went for a Long Walk what else um and that was about it I had a yummy lunch is that switch game no this is a PC game that you have to download you have to actually purchase off of steam am I tired of this game no not at all this game is a lot of fun and I have like I was saying 433 hours in this game and I’m not anywhere near tired what was for lunch okay I I took a picture of it but I did not put it in Discord like I was thinking I was going to but I had white rice edamami avocado and a plant-based salmon patty and it was really super good um so it was very good and do I live in North America I don’t know is California considered North America am I North America yeah I’m North America yes that would be yes I don’t know I don’t even know where I live um I okay I will post it you know what I’ll just post it really quick I’ll just post it right now because I can because you know what I can do more than one thing at a time so let’s go here this is here this is here and let’s go I’m putting it under I’m putting it under foodie talk so and there it is right there and then my yummy lunch okay I just put it in Discord good night Dean I will see you for a little bit [Music] tomorrow um how much does this game cost in Steam with us in the With Us location it’s $13 in the US $13 what thank you Shelly I have so much fun just kind of excuse my language but just farting around I guess that’s not a bad word just farting around with um style and fashion and it’s a lot of fun and and I’ve had a lot of fun doing my posts lately so hopefully you all have enjoyed seeing my post lately because like I said it’s been it’s been enjoyable it’s been enjoyable let’s get a colored one okay and let’s go put these away just farting around yep I’m just a farting around Yee thank you for heing me and Matt thank you for Harding me and Mark oh my goodness Mark sent 300 good games everybody thank you so much Mark I appreciate you my mom out made it out of the ICU today she’s regular room now awesome that is an excellent piece of news and I am so happy to hear that your mom is improving my friend Monday Monday everybody Monday mon Monday Monday oh my gosh we’re so cool we have our own little tag mama te’s coming in with 125 good games and Kristen is showing strong with a couple of good games thank you Lynn I will definitely give you a good tour once we open up or if I have to run into the store I will show you but right now we are concentrating on super stocking for the day super stocking for the day super stocking for the day goodbye Cheyenne which country is it still now I am in the United States hello little miss me how are you my friend how are you okay so I had um My Little roses that I was excited about how is everybody’s Vibe going going today does everybody have a good vibe check today no this game is not free it is $13 so let’s start off with a Vibe check everybody let’s have a Vibe check Mrs Edwards is a five um this is called Supermarket simulator Maddie’s a five um oh no Rachel is a one and Rose is a five little heart is a three last Phoenix how are you doing my friend is a five uh Paula is a two Bianca is coming in with a 10 and if you’re not if you’re not sure what we’re doing this is called a Vibe check and it’s basically just letting everybody know how your energy is if it’s good energy it’s a five if it’s not so good energy it is a one wise girl how in the heck are you I haven’t seen you in a while ly is a five um jod is a one Zach is a three harda of ohana is a three I’m doing a iced um chocolate mocha right [Music] now yeah that’s going to go that’s going to be great um Tyler is a three I am doing good I am doing good uh Michelle thank you very much I appreciate that thank you thank you um is there a lot of people from Ukraine and California there might be I mean California definitely has a um they have a large variety of of um different cultures yeah um I’m vibing today it’s good awesome this is it tastes like chocolate milk with um caffeine with it’s a little bit it I was thinking it was going to be more like chocolate milk but it’s more it has a coffee taste to it so I mean it’s good it’s not super sweet but it’s good it’s going to do the job and that’s all that matters right um and last last Phoenix thank you for hting me and coming in with 151 good games thank you Bianca thank you thank you thank you all right um let’s see here all right everybody body who did not have um everybody who did not have good vibes today I just want to let you know I am sending you lots of love hopefully you will um hang out feel some good vibes some good positivity and then you will feel better is the Tik Tac going to be banned in the US um I doubt it I’m not I can’t really say one way or the other am I worried about it no um um you know I just I don’t think it’s going anywhere and that is what I’m going to concentrate on and I just don’t want you all worrying about it either so we are just going to stay being strong and that’s all we’re going to have um yeah we’re not going to worry about it we’re not GNA worry about that because you know what we’re gonna like I said we’re staying being strong Jazzy just sent away five free GI subs and that is amazing thank you so so much Jazzy and that went to Tar Heel um arar armari got one Paula G got one Tiffany got one and Mandy got one Mario thank you for Harding me I appreciate that we are stronger than that that is right um radioactive you know that’s just the whole thing our Bean Community nothing isn’t going anywhere so we are definitely definitely stronger than that so we are going to concentrate on positive vibes and that is it s Knuckles just sent a duckson parade all right everybody you know the drill I’m going to sing my part when I say and a baby duck goes quack that’s when you’re going to type in a quack because we’re all singing this together and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes wait wait no no no I messed up I messed up hold on I actually messed up my own song starting over starting over and we have duck on Parade um oh I guess that’s right huh why am I why am I why am I doing this we have duck on perade mama duck goes crack and a baby duck goes crack and we have ducks on Parade all right let’s do it again all right a and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes quack and we have ducks on Parade oh my gosh have you ever done that where you like think something or you say something so much all of a sudden you’re like oh wow that does not feel right have you all ever done that oh my gosh that was weird I was like wait something doesn’t feel right but it was definitely right so and we have ducks on Parade Jazzy just sent out another gift sub and that one went to Twitchy witchy girl so Twitchy witchy you just received a free gift sub good for one month after that it is $2.99 a month if you would like to resubscribe and thank you Michelle thank you for hurting me well it is different when uh you change up the routine I agree but still I was like this doesn’t feel right what is wrong what is different anyway we prevailed we got it so today we are doing our usual we’re doing the supermarket simulator and then later on tonight we will be switching over to power wash simulator uh at oh you know what that’s BS he knows the words to the song he just doesn’t want to sing the words and I appreciate that because it’s kind of my thing but I think that um I’m you know what I’m sure he knows it but I appreciate him not singing my duck song we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck go Quack and see I knew I messed it up all right ah we I knew I knew I messed it up I messed my own up my own Duck Song yeah I know it was a bit shorter and we have ducks on a parade we have a we the first time is we have a yeah yeah okay we have and we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes and we have a duck on Parade that’s it okay I tell you oh my goodness we are in for quite a ride today we are in for quite a ride yep yep yep yep and you know it I got to tell you it takes a special type to it takes a special type to be able to sing this song you know I’m not saying it’s a good type or a bad type I’m just saying it’s special I think I have too much caffeine I think perhaps that might be the reason so one two and three but either way we are going to have an amazing day one two and three and then let’s do one two and we can do this one and that one okay let’s put this away yeah no we got a i got a new webcam and I always think it’s so cute when it looks like a little caterpillar with a little tail with a little tail I’m trying to learn the keyboard it so hard it’s just practice you just got to practice it practice makes perfect my friends PR um have we fully expanded or how much is our next expansion we have four expansions left and the next one that we have to get is 25,000 so we are currently working on getting 125,000 you know not that big of a deal we can do that we can do that so let’s get a chicken we need four chickens two mashed potatoes and I’m telling you right now we did really good yesterday keeping everything in stock and I would really like to keep doing that today day because it helped a lot so chips and pizza so chips and pizza chips and pizza oops I still need to do this chips we’re going to do this one and then Pizza is this one all right let’s go get this and put this one away how big profit is a prox approximately um we’ve been doing about 7,000 a day so it should take us about three times to open at least three times to open to get the the amount necessary in order to expand because truthfully I’m just not in that big of a hurry you know I’ve gotten to the point where since there’s no new updates or anything I’m just going to take my time and enjoy the and enjoy the journey I guess you could say okay so we’re going to enjoy the journey so how is everybody’s weather where you are because where I’m at it is um it’s chilly it’s been overcast in like 65 degrees today so how is the weather uh B Joseph says it’s um windy life with Nisha says it’s raining I mean I cannot figure out the weather uh Jasmine says it’s 75 and Sunny in West Virginia sunny and 90 in Palm Springs oh you’re in Palm Springs too we have somebody else that is uh watches us from Palm Springs 87 in New Mexico um Hayden says it’s rainy sunny is 72 in Washington DC it’s the same in Melbourne windy and 65 but that’s warm here in New York I’m good well so long as you think it’s warm that works for me oh Louis says it’s 80 Dees in sunny in Louisiana but it’s um the house is 60 inside that always happens to my house too oh you meant Washington State not Washington DC okay Washington State the wind here in Oklahoma is always bad yeah um Bianca says it’s 65 in Chicago 71 and sunny and [Music] Washington okay looking good looking good we got that all done we got this all done we need two more chickens two more chickens two more chickens it’s 56 in Portugal but it is 113 700 p.m. chass says it’s 75 and C in Louisiana Kai thank you for my heart Puffs I appreciate that and Michelle thank you for Harding me I appreciate that it’s 5:38 where you are Mrs Edwards cloudy in Hunter Valley Australia it’s 10° in Romania and 76 in South Florida burns asleep how are you my friend how in the heck and heck are you so cake cake cake and chocolate so cake cake cake and chocolate I’m going to say that over and over and over again so let’s get chocolate and then cake we’re going to do one two and that one okay and now we’re going to do chocolate again we’re going to do one two three four okay currently 6 celsia in London which is approximately 42 Fahrenheit windy currently Hayden I love your report thank you so much you made that so much easier for me hope thank you for heting me and for my rose Nina thank you for heting me I appreciate that it’s 58 and rainy in Indiana and it is 5 to in Wisconsin it’s all you know I have it’s kind of all over the place it’s kind of all over the place yeah I really did appreciate that you have no idea sometimes I’m like mentally trying to figure out like what a Celsius would be to a Fahrenheit and that is an all sounds an awful lot like math and I am not about that 67 in Nebraska 73 and South Central Kentucky so now is your weather uh is it kind of like normal I mean is that the temperatures that it usually is or is that like kind of crazy weather it’s 77 in Arkansas Arkansas my mommy was born in Arkansas so I always get excited when I see Arkansas in England the other day we had Sun rain and hail storm all in one day wow that’s crazy see I absolutely um I absolutely love weather so I’m always fascinated whenever you tell me what your weather is and let’s do cake one more cake and we’re going to do this one [Music] all right so we need that one and lasagna so we need lasagna we need this one we need this one and we need that’s ham and cheese and sushi so ham and cheese and then we need Sushi we need this one and this one okay and away we go so interesting how we’re all different weather Seasons around the world that’s what I was thinking Melanie because it’s like for for us we are in springtime going into summer but it is very I don’t know it’s a little bit chillier and just a little bit weird weather than it usually is school pickup line is moving now I know exactly where you are Australia is about ready to go into winter see we’re heading into summer and you’re heading into winter I think it’s kind of cool how it’s like that though the store it’s going to open sooner or later I’m just doing my thing right now I am just making sure about the stocking and then we’ll open up when it’s Christmas in Australia it’s summer is that weird for you Nikki I mean does it feel weird that you know like Christmas is always you know shown like the cold but for you it’s warm hello veruka how are you and there we go and there and there okay um I don’t know I have friends in Australia so I live through her there you go this is called Supermarket simulator and I purchased it on Steam I’m doing good e how are you doing have you tried playing SS for yes I did I actually tried that last Wednesday and I won’t say I didn’t like it I will just say that it was a little bit more difficult than I thought it was going to be and I need to practice it a little bit more before we do any before I play it again it was definitely different than what I thought it was going to be there was it was a little bit more complicated all right the cob salad wants to know what everybody had for breakfast I had nothing I didn’t have breakfast today for some reason which probably is not the best practice but that’s my honest answer I have been playing this game for about I don’t know sad what do you think like four weeks no two months right I think I’ve been playing this game for two months and okay an egg sausage burrito um Nyla says nothing I I’m not a breakfast person yeah you know what I’m kind of guilty of the same thing I’m I don’t typically eat large breakfast because then it makes me super sleepy vegan yogurt yum okay and then we need a green bean ground beef steak so green bean we need a green bean ground beef and we need steak and let’s get a ve and a chicken so what I have been doing here if you’re wondering what I’m doing is I have been doing like super big restocking at the beginning of every day when I start playing and then I try to keep it um I try to keep it in stock with throughout the day so hot sauce is one two and three mayonnaise is going to be one two three four and then honey is going to be two and then let’s get a sugar and so basically that’s what we’re doing right now is there someone who plays League of Legends is there anybody on here who plays League of lessons is there anybody playing League of is it League of Legends not lessons Legends is there normally music in this game no just birds birds and me talking that’s all we got there’s just just us so sometimes I think people wish I would talk less and the birds would be louder and then sometimes I think people wish the birds would talk you know chirp less and I would be louder I am on level number 121 I have maxed out my levels so we are um we have we can finish what we’ve started we can do um the expansions that we still have and we can buy the license that we still have but we need for them to update the game in order us to go pass that oh no level 101 I’m sorry level 101 so level 101 everybody not 121 I know I’m all over the place Douglas thank you for Harding me hope thank you for Harding me and my rose and Nina thank you for Harding me I was thinking that they updated it I wish I wish my friend I’m telling you but they will I mean I’m sure they will if not like I said we’ll just keep on we’ll just keep on doing our thing the Stak goes there level number 101 we maxed out I said it right this time number1 do you know when the full version is going to be released SI no I don’t even know when the next update’s coming let alone when they’re going to have the full release so we’re just going to um play as much as we can and hope for the best what’s the full version the full version would be where they have all of the upgrades or all of the updates that we’re waiting for so basically just finishing the game as popular they should I agree Barbie but what I’ve heard is that it’s like one guy and he’s doing the best he can so I think he’s just probably working as fast as he can but he can’t go much faster you can purchase this game off of steam and it’s $13 in the US $13 in the US no Austin it that’s the crazy thing it’s it’s like it’s a it’s an indie game and it’s a real super small developer and I mean so small of where it’s again it’s one guy doing doing everything okay we don’t need that one so we need gold sugar all right let’s do a Hydration Station everyone I haven’t played the farm simulator but I saw somebody playing it um last night so I did see somebody playing that one but let’s do a hydr station and the way we go I have the new summer Mountain Dew oo that sounds very um summery and let’s go gold let’s do that one let’s do this one let’s do pasta we’re going to do this one and let’s [Music] do do you live stream on another platform nope I am only here on Tik Tok so I am only this is the only place that you can find me you’re level 50 oh that’s cool and there you go and let’s do we’re going to start doing our flower now so let’s go there okay and we are actually it’s not taking me as long as I thought it was going to so water and soda so let’s do water we’re going to do this one we’re going to do this one and we’re going to do soda which is this one I just reached level 82 today loving the game oh I know it’s I mean I personally think this is a fun game it’s a fun enough game that I have been playing it for the last two months and I enjoy it all right everybody we have another duck and I promise I’m going to get it right this time so everybody be on standby to Quack and we have ducks on Parade why can I why am I doing this I cannot believe that I am having such a hard time with these love these lyrics today okay and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes I did it and a baby duck goes I did it I did it I remembered it all myself and the baby duck goes and we have ducks on Parade yes I was so worried about myself I was so worried I was like oh my gosh Lonnie you’re doing it again but I got it I got it I got it pH and thank you for my good games and Brent thank you for my roses I know I like totally panicked that was full panic mode everybody I’m like there is no way that I am going to do this again nope and so I got it I got it I really really got it and that one and then we are doing actually you know what I don’t need that one I just need this one and soda and we need this one so let’s get rid [Music] of let’s get rid of that one and we do need this one okay and hello Lieutenant how in the heck are you it has been a while since I’ve seen seen you it has been a minute that is for sure hello naate how are you oh I know I know and you know what and that’s just the thing is I was overthinking it and as soon as I stopped overthinking it then it was like oh yeah that’s what it is that’s what it is and I knew I had to figure it out otherwise it was just going to keep on being a mental U like a mental block so I got it yeah I do this at the beginning of every day when I start playing I basically just completely fill up the store room and then from here we’ll just keep adding smaller orders throughout the days and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes quack and and we have ducks on Parade see I got it it is in there it is fine it’s not going anywhere yeah I know Matt I was a like I said I was a little worried I was like uh oh r r Ruby R yep we are back in Action back in Action back in action and let’s go here here and here and here and here there we go I know it was a close one mark thank you again for all of those good games Mark just came in with another 100 good games thank you so much I am the mother of well I’m the mother of beans I don’t know if I’m the mother of Tik Tok but I’m definitely the mother of beans definitely that hello ham ham ham how are you ham ham ham ham ham ham ham all right everybody I don’t know why I I came up with um did you ever say if you’re going to do the online order game no I am not going that’s a mod that I’m not going to be adding so I won’t be doing that one um I’ve I’ve seen it but we won’t be doing that one how did I Lonnie how did you manage to make so much money and not go bankrupt and do you use mods I don’t use mods and the only way that I was able to do this was I would not expand or buy new licenses until I had a certain amount of money saved up so for example like right now um I won’t get our new expansion until we have a $10,000 over what we need so we we only need 115,000 to expand but I won’t expand until we have 125 so that’s the only way that I was able to do that without um getting the loans is because I gave myself a budget that I would not go underneath yeah I say you know what truthfully Everybody Plays this game differently I say don’t take out any loans but if you do take out loans get it paid back before you you take out another one don’t keep taking out loans cuz that’s going to be demise um ham ham ham this is called Supermarket simulator and you can purchase this on Steam the last time I checked it was $13 in the US how tall am I I am 5’2 I am not very tall hello Gina how are you let’s put that there I don’t know why that’s here but we’re going to put that one here like that okay VV Winters how are you I haven’t seen anyone playing with mods oh my gosh they’re all over the place I think I’m probably one of the fews that don’t play without mods but again like I keep saying and I say this over and over and over again each to their own at least I’m taller than you well you know what I I will at least say that you know I I am um I am definitely on the short side okay everybody I am 5’2 and a half if I like am having a really good day how tall are you how tall is everybody how tall and then we’re going to try to figure out who’s the tallest and who’s the shortest so go and you have to all monitor this because I am playing but let’s try to figure out who’s the tallest and who Jack is 6’4 so they’re coming in tall right away Lauren is 55 Lisa’s 5’2 so you’re my size um let’s see here angel you’re you’re taller than I keep on remembering five even okay Christine is five U Burns asleep you’re my size and oh Melanie is four 48 so Melanie you’re now I see you as probably one of the um you’re on going to be on the shorter side 411 and 65 okay is anybody shorter than 411 and taller than 65 we are going to find so bread and yogurt so bread and yogurt let’s do one two and three okay um death readers is 410 death two readers is 410 Anna’s hubby is 68 um Tiffany is 510 Jasmine is 58 Victor is 56 Titi is 57 nah is 511 Leela is 59 are you selling or just filling the warehouse um right now I’m just doing a restock is Kimmy here Tay is 5’5 [ __ ] is 53 so you’re just a little bit taller than I am Gina thank you for my good game he sure is so how tall is he I don’t think you’re going to win but you yeah I’m probably definitely the shortest um radioactive is 55 sad something um oh they’re six foot okay hold on everybody hold on dang it hold on um okay okay all right that freaked me out how’s my favorite streamer today Thomas I am doing good I had a lot of caffeine and I’m just like but I’m doing good I’m doing good I’m not going to crash I’m going good I’ve replaced it with water so I’m trying to keep that you know that healthy Vibe going no I’m not the shortest one I think the shortest one I saw was five no 410 I’m short but I’m definitely not the shortest one not the shortest you’ve also had too much coffee it just seemed like the kind of day for that you know it just seemed like um it just seemed necessary today for some reason cheese is um cheese is this one this this one bean Range four 4T 7 and 1/2 in to 6.8 we have a nice variety of bean sizes oops let’s get this and this and this one two three four you can never have too much coffee oh I can I get to the point where I have too much coffee and then my brain my brain already goes kind of fast and then um it just goes so fast I can’t even talk and I make zero sense and that’s never good never ever good when that when it starts going that fast Jessica I’m doing good Star Hawk how in the heck are you my friend aah thank you for Harding me I appreciate that and Gina thank you for my good games again thank you I am doing well looking I’m super excited to be able to get to our 12 5,000 today I’ve never heard uh that I think if anything I’m more tired um I think I missed the first part of that one and Laura thank you for my game controller I appreciate you coffee makes you tired really well that’s okay because um certain anti-histamines that are supposed to make you sleepy do not make me sleepy they have the complete reverse effect on me so I have a hard time taking allergy medicine because I will not sleep we will not sleep if I do that so we are um in fact if everybody if you could and Gina says nothing does that to them a badril has a um paradoxal effect on me does that mean it doesn’t make you sleepy either oh allergy medicines will make me tired even if they’re non-d drowsy see Nikki it is just absolutely the opposite for me I am trying to expand we need to knock back a wall and we need 125,000 for that okay Norby so yeah you you had you wrote exactly what I was trying not to say but yeah exactly that yeah you know what it’s for me it’s a little bit of caffeine like that I I didn’t even drink the whole thing I just drank half of it that’s all the caffeine I need just thank you for my hand heart thank you for that now what was I going to say what was I going to say what was I going to say one time I took three badril and I was yeah nope completely opposite for that Lonnie how are you have you ever had Oreo frappe from McDonald’s probably not because I seriously cannot remember the last time I even went to a McDonald’s I don’t eat fast food very often but it sounds it sounds yummy it sounds yummy yep no I’m that little half of a uh Dunkin Donut little mocha thing definitely is going to do the trick I just have to make sure I don’t overdo it and I’m really proud of myself for stopping because usually I don’t stop and then I I’m like why can’t I sleep all night that’s what I say and that is what I do what’s your go-to if you have to have fast food in and out I’ll do um I’ll do I’ll do in and out all day long I because I only thing I do is I get a cheeseburger no I get a grilled cheese so I’ll go to Inn out I will get a cheeseburger animal style no lettuce fries lightly well done and a chocolate milkshake and that’s what I’ll get Five Guys you know I’ve been wanting to get over to Five Guys and try them out I used to go there before I became a vegetarian so I have not been there for a gazillion years but I definitely have been meaning to get over there and try them so what’s your go-to fast food order everybody if you’re in a hurry and you’re just going to stop and you’re going to get something fast food what do you get and and where do you get it what do you get and where do you get it what do you get and where do you get it jeez let’s do Five Guys was huge when they opened stores in the UK they were really big here for a while too I mean I still think they’re really good I just haven’t been there in a while so dish let’s get this one and I need [Music] cleaner and let’s get this one Wendy single burger and fries I always thought Wendy had really good burgers you know what if I remember correctly I really did like Wendy’s also one two and three four subway T Ina sub o orange chicken is my weakness so do you get orange chicken from Panda Express because that was Brandon’s go-to order I that’s every time I went to Panda Express that’s what I would get Brandon McDonald’s uh Mayo chicken double cheeseburger and Sprite no fries oo yeah Panda Express they actually have um they actually have some really good vegetarian options there I don’t have a panda and want to try it so bad it’s really good now do you like like Panda Express or Pickup Sticks better do you have a preference to that I know no fries hello Tammy how in the heck are you my friend zuanna thank you for my team bracelet Justina again thank you for my hand heart and we have ducks on Parade a mama deck goes quack in and a baby duck goes quack and we have ducks on Parade no damn it I did it again and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck we have a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes that’s where you come in I have been messing up my lines all day long but I got it and we have ducks on Parade we have duck on Parade ducks on Parade dang I almost messed it up again I am getting better I am getting better and I am getting better and we have ducks on Parade all right we are going to be opening up here in two seconds everybody two no I forgot a corner I forgot a corner right over there but let’s get this and let’s get that thank you I appreciate everybody thank you and one two and spaghetti is this one one two and elbows is one two so let’s get this put away we love ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes quack and we have ducks on Parade see I had to sing it again um so camel did try to sing that today okay see I thought somebody said that he didn’t know the words of it but he thought it was cute I did not know that he tried to sing it but I appreciate him trying it waiting on the quack aote yep and that was something that I was trying to get through today I’ve got a ginormous list of stuff I have to do everybody and I do try to my best to get everything done I got a lot of things done but not everything today not everything but I got a lot done can you do a tour your Market is so big yes I’m almost ready to open up and I will do a complete tour but this is a little sneak peek at it and everything that I’ve got and then I will do a complete tour he wanted oh you know what that was very respectful of him and I appreciate that and that’s why I don’t do the Tuesday Tuesday I do hey kids Monday Monday cuz that’s our little that’s our tagline so that’s why we say hey kids Monday Monday I don’t know why but we do that’s what we say we say Monday Monday Rob thank you for my roses and Justina thank you for my friendship necklaces me thank you for Harding me and Norby thank you so much for my 200 good games thank you very much I appreciate you immensely [Music] um I expanded on Sunday and then I kind of rearranged the store a little bit but I’m trying to expand again today um you cannot purchase the Chocolate Factory one you can play it but it’s um it’s still an early early development so you can um play it but you only get to make two chocolate bars and it’s not for sale yet so it’s in super like I said super early development do you play this on Steam no I actually purchased it and downloaded it to my computer and I’m playing it off of the Tik Tok live studio what’s my favorite show uh sh*ts Creek right now I mean I always say [ __ ] creek is my favorite show cuz it really truthfully is so four and one so four and one so paper towels so one two three four and we’re going to do one there and then we’re going to do is it the bleach yeah and then bleach we’re going to do one of those one of those and then we’re going to do T we’re going to do we’re going to do three of those and then we’re going to do coffee we’re going to do a lot of coffee because I’ve just been running out of coffee and let’s do that and that and then one two three four five and then we’re going to do these little eggs we’re going to do one two three four and five and then butter we need butter is one two three four and five and then let’s do rice let’s do the rice we’re going to do one two one two and one all right let’s put this away and then watch this series three times so far absolutely love it oh yeah no it is by far it’s always G I’m always going to say sh*t’s greatek because that is absolutely my favorite show just everything about it wait a minute where did The Sassy Pony emote come from um I’m not 100% thrilled about the sassy Pony emote I like it well enough to not delete it until I make one that I like a little bit better but we definitely have a sassy Pony OTE um Nikki says my favorite is Catfish graze Anatomy SVU 911 and station 19 all very good [Music] shows Nikki says that they do not see the sassy Pony I think it was on I have it in the subwave area so whenever we have a subwave that’s when the little sassy Pony should should unlock that’s when that one should yeah it’s a subwave only emote Pew I just got back home hello Garrett and I’ve had to restart my game about three times because I keep running out of mini um is there any tips just go super slow I mean the best tip I can give you is to not be in a hurry for anything I mean right now I I never get a license or expand until I have extra money so what I would do if you restart your game just concentrate on making sure that you have a reserve and then get your license and then expand so I played this very I played this very oops one goes here um conservative let’s just put it that way well thank you Myra I am glad to be here too I am very glad to be here and we have ducks on parade and we do we do Rob thank you again for my roses let’s get [Music] going I like how I just just scrape my face along the rack I’m just like it’s okay everybody don’t look it’s fine it’s fine oops excuse me it’s fine do I stream every day I do I stream every day starting at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard time they need to make the metal thing on the sidewalk turn into an underground storage yes kind of like they do in like the older buildings or they need to make um one of the restock people actually helped me put this stuff away that would be super cool but once we have this little area right here restocked we are going to open up so we are almost there everybody and we actually restock this faster than we have in the past so and I know that they’re going to have to do something to make this whole restocking thing go by a little bit FAS F I’m super excited for that when it happens but you know what I can be patient and wait I mean what choice do we have right what choice do we have Tammy thank you for my1 good games I appreciate you so much I appreciate you and let’s keep going so I’m thinking and Myra just sent out another duck on Parade everybody so get ready to quack and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes and I’m see the qus coming in and and we have ducks on Parade we have duck on Parade ducks on forade that’s right every time I join your live I’ve been sending the Ducks so so you I can sing it I love it and I absolutely appreciate that and I’ve already said if Tik Tok tries to take our duck away we’re going to um if if we’re just gonna we’re going to write it Dawn if they try to take our ducks away so I’m telling you right now now everybody hands off our ducks tick tuck oh Tammy you keep sliding out I was doing that the other day when I was watching Robert and I’m like why am I watching somebody else all right let’s get going and I never Overstock that corner because it’s like the tippy the little bit of the corner and there we go go tapping too fast that will happen that will definitely happen and we have duck zone for okay everybody so without being too specific because you know I know that some people like to be private what do you do for a living what is your profession if you feel like sharing it what is your profession what do you do for a living what do you do you all know what I do now I want to know what you do Carmen is a stay-at-home mom love it love it one of the best jobs ever an analyst social worker emergency room Tech customer service manager a waiter a beist uh first grade teacher healthc care recruiter an RN mail carrier uh you are battl cancer that’s a full-time job um cabin crew ooh so you fly oh you do Nikki says I do instacart door Dash and Spark very interesting and I I think that that’s an excellent way Deputy manager of a care home referral coordinator career advisor virtual assistant and Baker about to join the Air Force once I finish school that’s awesome [Music] and a Vette Tech do I go live on Twitch no I’m only here on Tik Tok e-commerce supervisor for Kroger very cool so how do you I mean what’s your thought on my store a physician biller studying for forensic psychology oo super interesting aged care nurse a daycare teacher full-time college student Bakery supervisor for Sam’s Club yum deliver pizza but I also do door Dash and instacart you know I actually think that that’s really cool studying social work love it love it bartender stay-at home mom and also volunteer at school canteen a pilot school very cool Jacob your store looks great what how you have great customer service well thank you thank you Emma and oh a hair stylist so cool I actually buzzed my own hair today I did I did I gave myself my little weekly Buzz hubby is a veteran going to school for cyber security analysis that’s cool tell your husband thank you for um their service thank you for thank you for their service delivery specialist love it love it love it how do you open lock door you have to expand your store room three times and then you have to be on level 15 all right everybody we are going to do a tour and then we’re going to open up Bean Mar but let me shut this door really quick hold on all right let’s do this everyone if the hair stylists have any curly hair tips send them my way please all right anybody who’s a hair stylist do you have any tips for curly hair do you have any tips for somebody with curly hair okay so you walk in and here’s all of my cashiers right here you have Kyle you have Kevin you have Brandon and Bert bacon so you have all the Bacon Brothers right there this is my little spot right here I have my cashier my cakes and some sodas and right here we have soda we have some cleaners we have chese we have pet food we have chips and tea we have freezer we have tea and coffee we have condiments we have bread we have pizza beer wine whiskey we have books and then we have cereal over here and we have books books and books we have oil we have sugar flour pasta and we have rice and potatoes more freezers and then this right here is all the homegood stuff and that’s what we have and that is what we have nope space cadet not yet it will hopefully be in the store one day um let’s open up and see if we can’t make some money everybody thank you Norby I appreciate it I appreciate it Liz thank you for my heart puff and thank you for my heart puff on parade and Anna how are you my friend the some of the registers face one we mine face another and we have ducks on Parade nope that’s the wrong color I want this color can you walk around your store I never saw it um I can at the end of the day but not right at the moment I just walked around the store I just walked around this is called Supermarket simulator but at the end of the day while we’re waiting for everybody to check out I will walk back around well thank you story book pins I appreciate that thank you pt3 yeah you know what this is 433 hours worth of work but I really do like it and I think it’s um I think it’s it makes me happy this it’s the little things in life that make me happy it’s the little things in life that make me happy okay we need 125,000 for the next expansion will how are you my friend how are [Music] you that is crazy dedication but I stream eight hours a day so you know it’s it’s just it’s two months worth of work oh Carmen tell your daughter hello for me have you forgotten to save the game before only once and that was at the very beginning when I started playing and yes I was very sad how did the workout um how did you work out the lights mine are um end up all wonky why do you stream so long because I do this for a full-time job um what I do is I follow the racks so I kind of like if I’m putting a rack down or a light down I follow the shelf and that’s really the only way I can do this with any sort of with any sort of guide is just following the rack hello how are you it’s the mad scientist and there we go and 93 oh I have no idea what the square footage is that sounds like math to me and I’m not I’m not doing that one nope no math here thank you I wonder why they favor the Bacon Brothers oh you know what I personally I’ve thought about it and I think we get the same amount of people I just think I’m faster than they are so it seems like they go over there more that’s what I think I mean that’s the only that’s the only thing I’ve thought [Music] of so whether it’s true or not I’m not 100% five six seven 25 I’m obsessed with your outfit of the day video Styles is impeccable thank you I appreciate that very much I have I absolutely have so much fun with fashion and just messing around with that Maddie my day is going good I can’t figure out if I’m hot or cold today but it is um it is definitely it is definitely U figuring out what it is and the reason that I’m scanning so fast is basically um I I think I just do this a lot and I just I’m luck I’m lucky how’s that there’s no baskets nope but those bags a whole lot of things can fit into those bags oh you’re doing your homework awesome Nick steam is a free website that I get all of my games off of so you can get download Steam you can make an account and then you can purchase games off of there the Mary Poppins bag yeah that’s exactly how I shop I have a rule that I won’t buy anything I can’t carry so I I walk around with my bags and then I purchase whatever I can carry I would love to be able to carry more than one box 11875 I’m pulling muscle oh no Shelby well hopefully you will be better and maybe put like a heating pad on you that’s 10 1 2 3 4 and 50 I assume they were used the big that they use the big bag um spell from Harry Potter I never thought of [Music] that 10275 um [Music] okay hello yes let me just finish this I had a little little piece of business to attend there but let me just finish this up and we are off all right and there we go 20675 [Music] all right everybody I have to put you on hold for just a minute I will be right no you know what hold on e e e e e e e e e e e sorry about that Carson are you still here thank you for my Galaxy okay there is only one person well there’s there’s only a few couple people that I would stop my stop my stream for to talk to and that would be my children so Carson thank you for my Galaxy sorry about that everybody a mom mom Duty called and I needed to take a phone call hello Vermillion how are you my friend how are you hold on okay well Jamie I mean like I said there I have I there is only like maybe two people in the entire world um that I would stop my stream for to talk to and um sometimes you have to just kind of yeah and a mama duck goes quack I had I had to I had to do my mama I had to do my mama duck Duty so I appreciate you all very much understanding and we’re going back and we are going to make enough money to expand we are we are okay um Rosa thank you for my 199 good games and Kelly Kelly thank you for my good games and kuey thank you for hurting me I appreciate you all right everybody I appreciate you all and 8225 [Music] yeah everything’s fine I mean everything everything is perfectly fine I just you know sometimes people forget how long I work and they call during stream and I won’t I won’t pick up the phone but again it’s like I said it was everything’s fine I just wanted to hear his voice how am I doing today Kelly Kelly I am doing good I am doing just fine and 25 cents tea from the sewage how are you my friend thank you for Harding me and Maddie thank you for my good games and R foxy thank you for Harding me all right we are up to [Music] 9,928 so let’s see how much money we can make 20 31 and 25 okay yeah yeah all right let’s go here and 10850 jeno thank you for hiding me my friend all right I again I cannot figure out if I it’s been cold all day long and as soon as I sat down I’m like why is everything so hot so I’m sitting here and I’m like I need to put my jacket back on and then I’m like no no you don’t you’re fine and I’m like no I think I’m cold and then I’m like no I’m not it’s spring yes Springtime is so crazy it’s like every single weather wrapped up in one and I’m glad that you said that because I was trying to figure out the way to explain that and it’s absolutely that’s the way it is Daisy yeah it has grown a lot Tammy thank you for my 100 good games I appreciate you so much appreciate you so much all right so let’s walk around the store because I promised I would so you have sodas here you have pet food you have coffee and chips and tea you have condiments and bread you have pizza you have wine and whiskey and book and cereal and flour and sugar and all of this and you have all of that and this is what it is trying to decide what to eat I had what did I have oh I posted mine in um I posted mine in Discord I had a salmon and or plant-based salmon and rice and avocado and Ed edamami it was so good jeno thank you for my good games I appreciate that and it’s crazy I’ve been here since you were on level 30 and you’ve maxed out I have yeah I maxed out last week I think it was but I still have some expansions and I still have um some more license to get didn’t it look good oh my gosh it was really good it was uh very good what am I missing with Discord I joined but I can only see the rules no chat or posts Shelly you have to actually um you have to agree to the rules by checking the little green little check and once you do that it will let you in to see all the posts so you just have to agree to the rules because I’m a vegetarian Zach um I only eat plant-based Foods if if if I want to do a substitute for meat I do a plant-based cuz I do not eat animals I only eat um I only eat things that are pretending to be animals so that’s what I do Tommy thank you for Hing me and Justina just gave away a free gift sub and that went to Joanna Wong and Joanna that is a free gift sub that you will have for one month after that if you want to resubscribe it is $2.99 a month and I appreciate you okay everybody let’s get down to business we have $4,440 um in our account and how much do you think we just made everybody don’t forget we did that big order it wasn’t as large as I thought it was going to be how much do you think we made [Music] today how much do do you think we ended up making today Justina says 6,458 Jamie says 2468 Shelly says 3000 Norby says 2150 radioactive says $543 345 I love how you are specific um Riley says 5,000 and Nicole says that’s a lot of zeros I don’t think we made that much Burns asleep says 91 Nichelle says 7,000 and Lily says 6,543 and in reality we made for day 448 $671 you know what I will take that with all day long because that’s the first time that we have done um just curious are you also always restocking your the books yes um that’s the first time I’ve ever done like a major restock and not been in the negative so let’s start the next day we have Pudo coffee and Juice Pudo coffee and orange juice all right let’s go change this let’s go change this and we have 325 so we have that we need Pudo and we have p where did I put the Pudo everybody it’s with the ham oh here it is okay we have Pudo and that’s going to be 825 and then we have coffee squeeze around there we have coffee and this one is Norby thank you for my 150 good games and jeno thank you again for my good games I appreciate you [Music] and 1175 okay all right let’s go let’s go let’s go pay the bills and get ready and try and get some more money in here hi Lon on late I had a game possibly oh no Autumn hopefully you did not and you need to go get that checked out did we expand I went to bed last night no Samantha we have not expanded yet that little darn wall is still setting right there and we are desperately trying to get the money to do that all right everybody I have to go use the restroom I am so sorry it seems like I have been jumping on and off all day but I have been drinking um my my mocha and my water and I have to use the bathroom so babyfaced um head I am from California so I will be right back everybody hold [Music] on for for I don’t know you keeping in front of me why did she keep stopping in front of me all right let’s do this everybody let’s do this no more interruptions okay okay let’s go does anybody want some of my popcorn yes please I will take some Hello Poland how are you okay let’s let go and do this I am not tired of this game no I’m not I am not I am in California yes I am ooh I I got some oranges earlier [Music] and they were yummy I am looking forward to water watermelon watermelon is my favorite fruit watermelon is my favorite fruit and now I want to know what is your favorite fruit everybody if your goto favorite fruit of the Season what is it banana and strawberry what oh Mary again mine too pineapple Sumo mandarins mango okay do not judge me but I don’t I and I say this all the time and I know everybody’s like what but I do not like mangoes I know it’s weird but I don’t like them peaches oo you either Shelly yeah it’s like a um it’s like a smell kind of like texture thing I don’t know why but I just don’t but everyone’s loves the mango not me not me I can only eat fruit in a smoothie because I have um I I’m not 100% sure what that was but um yeah I like I said I that was a lot of letters I’m just not sure what they mean and put that there and let’s put this one here how are you so stacked I can’t even upgrade anything um avoidant restrictive food intake disorder thank you sad I appreciate you um I have this much stuff because I Overstock at the beginning of every day and then I make sure that I replace it after each time I [Music] open trust me it takes a lot of work and you just have to every time you open up you have to make sure that you um you restock because if you don’t you will not be able to keep this up well thank you what does the sign in the back with the dog’s face oh that says one very spoiled Pitbull lives here and that would be Indie she is that very spoiled Pitbull I was like what sign but I know which one you’re talking about I know which one you’re talking about does Bert to face the sign no he um he agrees but he does not um condone it but he does agree that she one very spoiled pitbull that lives here why do you keep on making the M sounds I don’t know just because I do it’s just how my brain works it’s just how my brain works why are you stocking don’t you have stalkers gosh there’s a lot of questions today I am restocking and I like to restock my own store sometimes isn’t there anything wrong oh there isn’t anything wrong with it I also have a very spoiled Pitbull I think that I don’t think there’s any other kind of pit bulls except really spoiled ones she want yep and that br’s jealousy you know what I agree completely because he says he’s not but I 100% agree with you I think he low key is very jealous of her that he wants the same um he wants he wants ice creams fed to him every single day and I have to agree with you with that one you know he won’t say it out loud but I know it’s the truth how many hours playing in this um super nice Market uh 433 as of this afternoon see because now Melissa what I do is I price my um everything is rounded up to the nearest quarter of the um market price so I round everything up and that seems to work and they seem to not complain about that one two and three four the dedication you know what the thing is is that it’s fun I mean if I have to play a game I stream eight hours a day and if I have to play a game I’m going to play one that I enjoy and this one is definitely one that I enjoy so for me it’s not so much of a it’s not a it’s not a chore yes Vicky um he’s semi-human and he is my oldest son I like to think he’s human it is addictive yes and that really is the case I mean I have never had anybody come back and be like you know what I bought this I saw you playing this game and I bought it and I can’t stand it I’ve never had anybody say that never ever ever hello Elizabeth how in the heck are you if they are teenagers aren’t some human well he’s not a teenager he is an adult and um but yes they teenagers do go through this like weird phase where they’re not really quite human and I agree with that hello Tiffany isabeth thank you for Harding me and Kelly Kelly thank you for my good games that just got ran over but that’s okay because we’re going to keep going and since we’ve done such a good job of stocking we hopefully will open up again very soon um she did not put the boxes outside that’s the delivery fault yeah that’s where well these boxes here I did put outside I did put these out here because I don’t have any room for them in the store room so these boxes I put them there and the other ones were delivered you like that one I didn’t know if anybody actually heard that one but I guess um I guess I said it out loud mm have you been playing big Ambitions also addictive no I’ve never heard of that one before but I’ll check that one out big Ambitions nope I will check that out [Music] and let’s do chips and a pizza so we’re going to do chips chips we’re going to do this one and a pizza is this one hello baby face head how are you and we’re going to do a scallop I’m telling you right now if you can Overstock your store at the beginning of the day when you play it um it is going to make everything so much easier I think I over I think I did a boo boo though will you ever add mods to this game no I don’t think so um it’s just not really my style and I would rather wait until the developer came out with it then for me to be doing this well thank you baby face Ted I appreciate that and we’re going to put that there we’re put that there and we’re going to definitely overbought the beer business tycoon simulator own multiple stores hire staff setup deliveries you know I have seen that one and I will definitely look into that one again I will definitely um look into maybe starting that one too AMS what’s your question my friend no this isn’t on Mac this is a windows-based PC at this point oh yeah no I totally went cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs with this beer I’m looking for this game coming to console a lot of people are trust me I’m looking forward to the next um the next update and I can imagine how much you’re looking forward to going to council why are you putting the boxes outside um just because I don’t have the store room my store room is so cramped as it is I need all the room I keep can so that is why I’m doing that nope no new updates as of today sugar we need sugar let’s do this one one two three four um and then this one one two three four let’s get this and let’s go nope nope no no no my sister used to have a pitbull really I love my I love my pity I love my baby girl I hope we can eventually customize our Supermarket name in the game Morgan that’s what they’re supposed to be I’ve seen the updates that that is supposed to be coming our way and it is definitely something that we’re going to have we’re going to be able to do I think what happened is is that a lot of people forgot that this is actually early release and the developer is not done with his game so we’re gonna have to just basically be patient and let them finish the game I want to change the yellow walls yeah yeah I definitely want to do more of like a kind of like a cool kind of earthtone market now she has a Dalmation I’ve never owned a Dalmation early release could be a very long time oh yeah no trust me I am already I’m already thinking in advance of you know if it’s something that is going to take a while then you know we’ll just have to incorporate other games until um the releases are out White Walls and dark floors for me see I personally I want to do kind of like I don’t know like real Earth Tones like maybe like a really cool green and brown kind of thing that’s kind of what I’m Enis in to enjoy it current as is exactly again I’m not in any hurry so I’m just going to I’m just going to hang out play the game with all of you and enjoy my time with you seag green would be pretty yeah kind of something like that with a real kind of like nice like maybe Brown accent or something something along those lines so pasta we need this one we need this one and this one okay let’s go hi Lonnie haven’t been able to catch your stream as much because of work but I’m glad to see you Mama D I am glad you are here and welcome and never you know I’m sometimes life just gets busy and you can’t be here but I’m always happy to see you Paul thank you for Harding me [Music] what’s the plan for snack time you know I was thinking about doing the yogurt I think I’m going to do the yogurt again I might not put a banana in it because I really am not very hungry right now but it’s definitely going to be yogurt and granola the room tour I will give you a tour of the supermarket before we open up yeah like I said I’m not really uh super super hungry but I think by the time 7:00 rolls around then I think granola and yogurt sounds perfect oh so by the way um by the way by the way by the way tomorrow is we always do kind of like a snack theme on Wednesday and if you want to get a cookie for tomorrow tomorrow’s snack theme is Cookie and I am doing a protein cookie tomorrow um Vicki I am from the California I am in California and Gina thank you for my good games I appreciate you very much I appreciate you immensely any new updates no not yet I look every day when I go to start my game I look for updates having not gotten one yet trust me I’m looking just haven’t gotten one yet what should you do for snack time truthfully I would um I would I don’t know do you have like a cookie do you have um do you have like maybe some fruit you could do cottage cheese and chips there’s all sorts of stuff you could do there is all sorts of stuff oh you’re having uh yogurt coated grins ooh I think you should pick apples or bananas or yogurt you can pick yeah something along those lines definitely something along those lines let’s do two of these two of these these and one of these okay and then for the books we’re going to get so one two and three and five so books is one two three and one two three and five one two three and five and we are doing doing this one right here so let’s get that and that and then we’re going to go this one we’re going to do one two three four and then we’re going to do two here and we are going to do cereal is two of these so let’s do that and then Oil we’re going to do this all right we’re actually going to get to reopen a lot faster than I thought we were so hang in there everybody we are going to open up here soon how long do you play this for um I played this at least I play this around eight hours a day the other day I put marshmallow in my yogurt not sure why but it was good I put Nutella in my yogurt all the time to me it’s like if it sounds good I do it popcorn is a good snack too yes I absolutely love skinny pop popcorn so if shoot okay so what I’m doing is there’s only one flower in that box back there so I am going to take that box instead of this box that’s what I’m going to be doing so I’m going to do that and that and and I want tacos for snack time but I can never just have one as a snack no tacos are a multiple a multiple food you can’t just have one well thank you baby face I appreciate that and let’s put this over here oh you’re allergic to it now oh dang hello Cara how are you crusty G or Christy Jane I don’t know why I always think that that says crusty I don’t know why Christy and I am so sorry but I always think um like I don’t know how I can talk my way out of that one but I love you dearly and hello and Harding me so I hopefully you take that as a compliment and let’s go put this back and we got that hello hello are you live on stream as well um I’m live on Tik Tok I’m not live anywhere else so I I only stream here on Tik Tok yeah no I only stream here nope I am only here on Tik talk Amy thank you for my good games I’m doing okay my daughter had her last soccer game tonight a well hopefully everything went well Zachary thank thank you for my rose I appreciate that so we got that and we got this oop oop oop and Tik Tok is so easy to stream yep I think Tik tok’s really super easy platform to stream on so that is um that is why I am here here not complicated to set up no I didn’t think so at all and I’m not like super I’m not super computer um Savvy and for me it was it was super easy to set up and if I can do it you can do it I’m I’m telling you that right now what’s your question baby faed head what’s your question my friend um yep I saw you need to ask the question because I have you here I have to learn that what’s for snack time I am going to do just some yogurt and granola I don’t think I’m going to go all fancy and put a banana in it this time spe yeah yeah yeah well Sharon you should stream on Tik Tok like I said it’s super easy you just have to apply for the stream key and just start it I mean it’s sometimes it’s like it seems more intimidating than it is but you can do that making me want more food but it’s 111 well I think yogurt is like a healthy food so I just don’t think that that’s you know I think that that is I don’t consider that like a bad food what is this game called called it is called Supermarket simulator where the supermarket is simulator it is simulated I don’t know why I always say that hello a how are you all right we’re going to get to open up here pretty soon and where do I find it you can purchase this off of steam and the last time I checked [Music] um and the last time I checked it [Music] was [Music] no and the last time I checked what it was $13 H so you can go to steam it’s like $13 it’s an early release game so it’s not very expensive you only have TW it’s not like you’re counting or anything but 23 days left of school I love that it’s still $13 okay cool yeah and every once to a while believe it or not it does go on sale hello kaar how are you my friend so it does go on sale so if you want to you can always put it on your wish list and then um purchase it then oh you’re graduating waiting how fun congratulations so does anybody have anything fun and exciting um planned for the summertime I mean uh baby face is graduating I mean does anybody else have anything fun anybody else I’m turning um I have my birthday in the summer well you’re graduating o tangle um tag Lua is going to hawaiii a Aon I love that you’re like I’m doing nothing more than sleeping oh you’re being massively pregnant I like how you uh phrase it like that you’re like massively pregnant and I know exactly how you feel oh you’re going to Morocco in June Vermillion that sounds amazing oh Sophie um has a birthday in the summer and also going to Portugal so we have some new baby beans being born this summer very exciting I’m going to um oh you’re going to skate camp how fun congratulations to all the mamas out there who are going to have new baby beans and we have pasta pasta so let’s do that we miss this one so we need this one and this one um I’m going to what sunscreen do you recommend for my tattoos um truthfully I like either mad rabbit or I like um vacation both of them have really good sunscreen that’s not going to put like a white film on your tattoos so either one of those are really good you can’t go wrong with either one of those and so three there and two there so one two and three and then bleach is this one and this one and then we can do two of that so we’re doing the dish and we’re doing two of those and let’s go and then we’re going to do this one um you’re going to Florida love it that was a heavy sigh that was a Havey side yeah no baby face I’m going to tell you right now sweetheart um we’re going to keep this positive and I need you to um yeah let’s just let’s just let’s just play the game and we’re going to talk about positive stuff yeah no no joking around like that so orange juice and apple juice yeah orange juice and apple juice yeah we’re just going to do that well thank you Megan I actually have a lot I really do like my nails I was not too sure if I was going to like them but I absolutely do and I’m absolutely glad that got them and a water and a ind’s doing good I mean she was just sitting right here staring at me I do have to get up and let her out and so that’s what I’m going to do but she is doing really good so I think we can open up now does she have a toy to show us today she’s pouting behind me she’s still carrying around that very disturbing duckhead that I I’m very reluctant to show you um it always feels very ominous like a warning and so like I said she’s she’s kind of pouty behind me right now yep but there’s a lot of the larger packages out there so those should go pretty F should go pretty fast that’s what I’m saying yeah she’s like that’s like a whole new meaning to ducks on Parade yep I was jumping in to do that you’re too fast you are too fast I know and I have a ginger cat he’s so naughty I believe that they are it’s always the orange cats that’s what I said I said that the other day on the stream and somebody’s like no my orange cat is the sweetest thing you are I you know what game on um how’s it going with no pup ice creams well she’s okay don’t make fun of me but she has like a week and a half Supply in the refrigerator so she’s still getting her pup Cup every day um she just doesn’t I’m just not buying anymore and once I’m done done with those then she’s getting her healthier snack but um it was once she’s done with that she’ll be fine but yeah I kind of did a little obsessive like overstocking of her pup cups so um yeah we are good yeah um because um it’s a long story but we’re going to keep it positive and we’re just going to go from there we’re just gonna go from there can we see her no she’s sleeping behind me right now okay it’s not that okay I’m gonna say this right now everybody and then we’re going to move on it’s not what was said it was in the context of which it was said so we are going to move on from there and we are just going to enjoy a nice positive stream hello from Wayne New Jersey one day I would love to live in California it’s a pretty cool place to live hello mm 931 how are you what’s my restock method to buy as much as possible I know only the pup cups from Starbucks are the they’re called Frosty Paws and they’re just they’re dog ice cream and I never really thought much about it until I read the ingredients and there’s just too much sugar in it um so I’m just reluctant to give my dog that much sugar once I actually stopped and read the ingredients no I still have two more uh license to get I have two more license to get yeah no it was in the context of which it was said that um we were trying to deter so again we are just going to go do you still have the ads m which adds honey um yeah might as well make the ice cream yourself for the dog because you know what you’re putting into it yeah because I’m only putting in um lowfat peanut butter and Greek yogurt so it’s going to be a lot healthier for her have we done a Vibe check Lonnie you know what I think we need another one so why don’t we do a Vibe check right now and everybody let me know how you’re feeling between one and five one being low energy five being a great energy what is your Vibe check what is your Vibe check Everybody Teddy is a five Melissa is a four um mm 931 is a three hello star um DJ is a two ducks times five Michelle is a 3.5 Sophie is a five um Cameron is a one and oh Courtney it’s Courtney’s birthday everybody Courtney is a five and it’s their birthday so please help me in uh telling Courtney happy birthday and um happy birthday my friend Colleen is a five yay we have a birthday happy birthday happy birthday so we have cat food and let’s go we have this one and that one happy birthday na is a five do you know about the sugar Subs in certain peanut butters that’s toxic to dog just make I will definitely look into that and I will make sure she’s okay I’m doing good I have a I have a good vibe I am a solid five I’m enjoying my day here so far Alon thank you for Harding me and shells thank you for Harding me and Brady thank you for purchasing an auto renewal subscription I used to um have a dog I used a Pomeranian ah bumblebee how cute um can you text that to me sad so that way I’ll double check so I will make sure that I don’t do anything that I’m not supposed to money how are you my friend okay let’s take a look at the store this is my little area here this is sodas you have dog food cat food you have chips you have tea you have coffee you have tea oh you’re playing along with me awesome awesome awesome uh okay uh you have condiments with bread you have pizza you have beer you have whiskey you have wine you have books you have cereal you have oil flour sugar pasta you have rice you have refrigerators and freezers and you have all the cleaning stuff Mandy I’m doing good how are you all right let’s get going and away okay we go everyone and let’s go um and boop boop and let’s go you’ve never seen such a good store well I appreciate that I think it’s a pretty good store I like it I like it when will this come out to console they have to finish the game first I mean the game’s not even finished so I would imagine after they’re done finishing it then they would no I still have two license left and I still have a couple of expansions left good night my little kitty cat face we are going to be just I’m going to tell you right now we’re going to be positive today on our stream if it’s the last thing I do you want to know why because this is a positive place that we’re just going to talk about positive things we’re not going to talk about sad things we’re going to talk even though I do talk about sad all the time because I absolutely love her them but we are going to talk about positive things so good things like you know how much I appreciate Tad we’re going to talk about Indie and about what a good dog she is because she wants to come up here and she wants to sit in my lap and I’m going like no Indy you can’t sit in mommy’s lap you can’t sit in mommy’s lap because you’re too big and I have a customer all right I know I love you too you got to get down okay she’s like please Mom I need to go outside so we’re going to talk about all the Amazing Pets you have and all the amazing trips you’re going to go on and you’re going to go talk about how great you do at school and you’re going to talk about how much you love your parents and you’re going to talk about what great amazing kids you have and we’re going to talk about every single little thing in life that is positive because you know what this is what we do here because the world is sometimes comes crashing down on you and this is a place where we have positive vibes and that my friends is what we are doing today no negativity she Bob she sets on my lap all day long every time I sit on the couch she’s on my lap um when I’m sleeping she is sleeping like literally on top of me so the dog has a little bit of an attachment issue which I’m perfectly okay with because I made that but you know every once in a while she just cannot fit in the chair and I unfortunately have to say no so but trust me if she could fit IP here she would be sitting with me I know but you know what sad but you would fit right here and that would be okay so you could sit on my lap hello Tammy I mean there’s a big difference yeah there’s just a difference right there I have two dogs and I’m training them to be police dogs that’s awesome I have a schneer with poodle mix name Robin Hood I think that is an amazing name for a dog by cat is snuggly and independent at the same time that’s the true epitome of a cat right there a cat will snuggle you and love you when a cat wants to and when it does not want to it’s like away from me peasant I have a hamster named Teddy bear a is it a teddy bear hamster cuz I actually had a teddy bear hamster and that’s why I asked that all right and 15650 ah if you could do some positive energy I interiew oh I could do with some positive energy and I interviewed for a promotion yesterday awesome awesome awesome my pug has been U begging for snowall all day he’s finally sleeping on my lap a see I love that and we need to send some positive energy out and and um we need to yep Jamie is telling everybody that we have a positive vibe only chat and everybody and I understand that life happens you know I understand that sometimes life is just kind of like poopy and I never want you to be like um that you know it’s always perfect but I’m telling you right now you could always go to Discord and put it in the vibe you know like vent about life but here we’re going to keep it positive here we’re we’re going to just do we’re just going to do um good things good stuff we’re going to talk about good stuff ah you have the day off tomorrow I love that love love love love love you have a bean named Laura how cool yes he is a teddy bear hamster I left uh well that’s cool that’s awesome I’m glad that you have a little hamster friend 75 hold on hold on okay hello ob1 how are you how are you my friend and there we go and there we go and 10 11 12 25 and there we go and there we go and eight that’s five 5 six seven8 and [Music] 25 hold on I am the I am I am a fast cashier but that’s just because I’m good at clicking okay there you go all right now that we have some positive vibes back how is every oh my dog I tell you this is about the time that all the deliveries are made on my street and H that is just something that is you know again that is something that Indie is very vocal about and so so it is a apparently deliveries are happening we’re keeping chat positive we uh she wants you to know that we’re still there exactly and I truly am very sorry for your loss of your pup my heartbreaks for you um please feel free to reach out to me on Discord um and I will be more than happy to be for you there Adam how are you my friend something about watching this is so comforting well thank you you you know I really do my best to try to manipulate the energy to be positive I really do try I hope everybody does know that and if I have to remind people that you know some sometimes a little bit like hey we need to keep things positive please don’t take it personal I am just really trying to incorporate a positive um a a positive space and that is all I am trying to do and there you go KN caffeine I just had some and oh my gosh now that little iced mocha thing from Dunkin Donuts that must have had more caffeine than I knew cuz I couldn’t even drink half of it I was like oh my God I’m going to make myself sick if I drink that whole thing there was a lot of sugar or something in there mocha oh now now okay great I did not know that sad I guess I need to do more homework on the things that I drink before I drink them thank you Andrea I appreciate that you love a strong coffee then you would have loved that mocha thank goodness I did not drink the whole thing 98,000 everybody we have 98,000 I’m hoping to get to 100 and we will go from there and just thank you for my marvelous confetti it’s a latte with chocolate I didn’t know that it just said chocolate and Dunkin Donuts and I was like this can’t be bad well thank you AJ thank you ajm games I appreciate that your store is so busy it’s been a while since I’ve seen your lives yeah we usually have about 120 customers so it is definitely good yeah you know I’m kind of like you know just kind of like shoot from the hip type gal I’m like what’s the worst that can happen and then I’m like oh that’s the worse that’s just how I roll I was praising you to my friends yesterday always good vibes and you’re sweet and sassy well thank you I appreciate that that Tammy that means a lot 19 oops not 295 19575 we’re at 100,000 everybody $1,656 it’s isn’t the consequences of my own actions no not at all I agree and 60 cents that’s right user 12847 4933 we cannot forget the 60 cents um B man thank you how are you did you expand yet Kate no I am still trying we need 20 we need 24,000 more what does it mean by sassy sassy means like you’re kind of like um you’re kind of like uh you have good comebacks you don’t take you don’t take anything from people you kind of got like that kind of attitude like hey kids Monday Monday kind of attitude oh that’s okay sorry if this has been asked what game is this and what do you play it on this is called Supermarket simulator and I purchased it off of steam okay everybody we have $11,340 how much do you think we made how much do you think we made I’m curious as to what you think uh user when 28474 933 says 54 Adam says 7,000 Brandy says 45 Hayden says 600 um oh frell you’re on level 12 that’s awesome Miss pigs mom says 3277 Kaylee says 3,300 No $3,731 61 Brena says 5,000 Tiffany says 35 Tammy says 6210 Shelby says 5646 Sophia says 400 um oh yeah don’t expand until you get that 5,000 Zoe says 25 Sharon says 4560 and I made $762 everybody $ 7,625 you saw it first that’s how much we made and that is not bad at all yeah I think that’s really good I’m happy with that oh coar said 7182 you were close all right so let’s go and we have books chips mashed potatoes and rice so books chips mashed and rice all right let me shut the door nope you did not miss snack time that is not until 7 tonight and so it’s only 5:30 where I’m at she’s actually out there all by herself she’s being such a big girl she’s looking at me she’s looking at me she’s like what are you looking at all right well she’s Indie is actually outside by herself and this is just this is just amazing everybody just amazing because she doesn’t usually do that Carlo daily reminder I think you are amazing I think you are she is so brave I know she’s like I can be brave just like my mom and this is 825 this is 825 and then chips chips chips chips chips chips over here she’s a big girl now I don’t want to grow up I’m a Toys as kid so how many of you remember shopping at Toys are Us rice and mashed potatoes oh you do you’re like oh yes I do I remember just taking my kids in there and I would be like um maybe I’ll see you in a week my kids could never ever decide what to get at Toys R Us so $289 is $3 that’s $3 okay me excited for the Christmas cat along yes remember that like it would come in the newspaper and it would just be page after page after page of uh toys um the way my childhood just tickled My Funny Bone yep the yeah that oh my gosh and I’m going to tell you right now as a mom that catalog was a LIF saver cuz you would just put that in front of your kids and they would stare at that thing for hours hours and hours yep you had to circle what you wanted yep my mom gave me the catalog and I had to circle what I wanted for Christmas that is some good memories everybody I’m telling you that right now and I sometimes wish we could still do that I mean I guess you can get a catalog but um that is like good time you know that’s those are just good memories I miss borders what was borders because I got one that’s going to that is even older because I can barely remember it is U the Blue Chip catalog oh it’s a bookstore yeah yeah yeah I remember that does anybody I mean you got to be about as old as I am but does anybody remember the Blue Chip catalog where you would go to the grocery store and you would get like little stamps and you would put them in a book and then you could turn that into um other stuff does anybody remember that am I okay sunshine good I was hoping that I was not the only person that remembered that yeah like green yeah yeah either Blue Chip Stamps or whatever color they were but yes yep and I remember agonizing just like you know like what to get but I also know that my mom made me put the stamps into the book so I had to work for that yep when we were going through my mom’s things we found some books really oh my gosh the memories that that is I remember that yep when we were going through that I love that and then also too I remember when my kids were younger um because we did not have much money we would go we would go Christmas shopping in like I don’t know September and I would put everything on Laya away at Kmart and it took me that long to have to buy their Christmas presents but I always did I love walking down memory lane oh what about ordering CDs from Colombia house did anybody do that um you know what I personally don’t have tips for that but in Discord there is a section for plants if you want to uh ask that question there there’s probably somebody who has some plant knowledge that can help you I would definitely ask that question over there you remember the Pizza Hut summer reading challenge no but then again I was probably like old enough that I could it that would probably be more like a Robert kind of question or a Brandon one oh I loved Blockbuster I used to my Friday nights I used to look forward to coming home and stopping by BLB by Blockbuster and picking up the um the CDs for the weekend and you always had to wait until Friday because if you did it any earlier than that then um you had to return them too soon so you always had to wait for Friday you know that was the science behind that the Scholastic Book Fair was my favorite yeah Blockbuster yeah yep yep that just was that’s where you went I went straight home that just made me really Melancholy but it I would go straight home from work go straight to um Blockbuster and you know I was always like like so nervous I wasn’t going to get the movie I wanted and then you had to like um fures oh yeah and remember you would have to kind of like wait in the area where people were returning their movies just to see if you could get the movie you wanted yep yep um simulation thank you so much for my heart Puffs Melody thank you for my heart Puffs IA booze thank you so much for my heart Puffs H I appreciate you and buying all the different scented pencils at school with different erasers yep you always did that turn yeah that was the way to do it you had to like stock people in the parking lot to see what they were returning to see if they had the movie that you wanted Austin thank you for my heart Puffs thank you for my hot puffs does anyone remember the Band-Aid gum is that the one that where they looked like actual Band-Aids but it was gum why do I find that so funny and disgusting at the same time because I know myself I would make the mistake and I would literally chew on a Band-Aid candy I remember those I remember the candy cigarettes and that’s back in the day where um people um could smoke just about anywhere including the movie theaters what about zebra gum that was supposed to give your tongue tattoos I remember the zebra gun but I don’t remember it giving my tongue tattoos lately I’ve been reliving the 90s listening to music from that era you know I do listen to a lot of the ’90s music myself um that’s just kind of like I really do like that music okay fun dip yep oh my gosh Kelly says that they remember smoking in a um in the hospital room I I don’t remember that but I know that you could pretty much just down or smoke just about anywhere or the wax bottles I remember wax bottles yep the gum lasted 20 seconds okay the Windchimes are my Windchimes I have a bunch of Windchimes around my house I absolutely love the sound of Windchimes the birds are in the game the Windchimes are mine and let’s see what we got we got that that that that so books so we need not those two so we need tuna and hummus so a tuna and a humus all right everybody we are going to make cereal cereal cereal we’re going to make our extension here soon cere oops um I thought it was all the game and applauded the developers nope that that’s all me I can’t have music in my game but I can have Windchimes I love my wind Windchimes salt and one two three four um bessos I have maxed out on level number 101 so I I am this is about as far as I well I have to finish my expansions and I have to finish my license and then I will then I won’t have anything else to do but we’re still a far away from there so what was your favorite um because somebody mentioned that they were reliving the90s what was your favorite band in the 90s what was your favorite 90s band and I think I personally I loved like hoodie and the Blowfish and I Love Collective Soul I think those are my favorite 90s bands I truthfully you know what I was a huge fan of Millie vanil and don’t you dare come at me and don’t you make fun of me sad but I loved Millie vanil I thought that they were amazing they didn’t sing the songs but they we’re good very good lip sinkers for Millie vanil I mean that just screams make fun of me I was like they didn’t sing their songs they were lip sinkers backst street boys and Spice Girls has Bert been um feeding you lies about me no but I mean it’s pretty I mean truthfully I know myself that that’s kind of cringy um but I think it’s funny I would never let him fill my my soul of lies and cat food and cat food one two and one two Nirvana yes Lincoln Park um was that 2000s girl you know it’s true I love you Mary thank you so much for my forever Rosa here’s the thing is is that not only were they lipsyncing but they didn’t they didn’t sing the songs they and remember when um remember when um remember when they had to like tried to sing their own songs and it was just a train wreck um honey I don’t think that we’re not going to have to worry about Tik Tok going anywhere there’s so much that has to happen before it goes away that I don’t foresee just having to move anywhere so I really wouldn’t worry about it no I’m using the game I’m using my keypad and a mouse so I know that it’s a lot of people are really scared of like if something happens to Tik Tok um I mean I’m not I’m not an expert at the law but I already know from what I’ve been hearing and my research so many things have to happen before that can even happen it’s going to be I I agree completely it’s going to be around for a while and people just need to stop fear-mongering um and I’m not saying anybody’s doing that here but people will be doing that in order to get views oh kale well you know what I put people to sleep professionally and there we go so let’s get fries and ice cream so two there and ice cream oy cream let’s get that let’s get a pepper let’s get that hello Jade how are you let’s get a whiskey and we’re g to get that and let’s get that and let’s get a book let’s get a couple more of that one and two more of that one and let’s get so we need chicken we need four chickens we need four chickens and a duck everyone Stat one two three four um oh you’re watching American Idol very cool okay and cakes let’s get one three and four four cake is one three [Music] and four and what is everybody’s favorite 90s cartoon everybody what was your favorite 90s cartoon I will start off with the Angry Beavers I say this each and every time but there is not a better cartoon out there in 90s than the Angry Beavers pinky on the brain The Simpsons and pizza and let’s go chip is here and pizza is that one you love that so I mean just the whole like it’s a masterpiece when you have a cartoon and the title of the cartoon is stinky toe that is my favorite um that is my favorite episode of my favorite cartoon when Norbert has a stinky toe Powerpuff Girls that one was good regrets and Simpsons Tom and Jerry and Carson thank you for my Coral my friend I appreciate you I appreciate you very much when I was young I love Thomas the Oh Thomas the train yeah Thomas the Tank Engine oh my gosh Adam I totally forgot about that one yes I mean I didn’t watch it I had to watch it with my kids but I totally forgot about that one Johnny Bravo and Dexter’s Lab yep rocket power oh my God the amount of trains your nephew had uh yeah they needed every single Thomas the Train Train Andy Pandy ringstar was the conductor oh I remember that thank you again Carson I appreciate you my friend Tweety Bird roly poly oie oh that was a good one American Dad that started back in I guess that started back then right Cow and Chicken oh my gosh I forgot about Cow and Chicken I totally cabbage Pat dolls anybody remember those oh yeah I still have my Cabbage Patch dolls somewhere hello hello Nick I am doing good how about you and thank you for coming back Dragon Ball Z yep I remember these things because I had to um my kids had all those toys and Johnny Bravo does anyone remember the Magic School Bus hello Geon how are you Shelly says yes [Music] um Arthur I remember that The Wiggles you know what I did not watch The Wiggles and I did not have my kids watch The Wiggles Ducktails yep Maggie and the Ferocious Beast on PBS was my favorite a does anyone remember Bear in the Big Blue House I do not but I I guarantee you somebody on here does so that pizza is so Pizza is this one yes everybody does very cool water water and yogurt so water that’s this one this one and yogurt is this one I loved Oswalt even though it was past my bedtime my Big Comfy Couch was my favorite Angelina says um the Pokemon um Looney tun as Venture yep so we have soda let’s do two of this one one of this one and pasta let’s do one of this one and we’re going to do two of this one okay and let’s go Saved by the Bell was the best Hands Down Show though it’s not a cartoon see I never watched anything like that did you miss NE time no honey it’s not until another hour what about the show I think it was called in the Box does anybody remember that one Malcolm in the Middle was amazing I absolutely loved Malcolm in the Middle I remember in the Box hello Sweden um some people remember it some people do not and crash box I don’t ever remember I my kids I don’t think ever watch that one and let’s go again I remember you know what U sometimes I don’t think kids understand what they’re going to be missing when they get older what about Monsters Inc everybody no worries queen nobody says no that is no reason to say sorry you know Blues Clues oh my gosh so many episodes of Blues Clues so many episodes I still love and watch Monsters Ink regularly that’s a good one that is a good one and there we go The Flintstones that’s some good that was some good cartoons yes I had a drawing feature of Blues Clues when I was younger I loved it what level are you maxed out at um 101 my friend Bob the Builder and see I could be like you know what I could remember watching reruns of The Adams Family in black and white and that my friends was some cool TV how do I remember where I put everything because we I have been playing this game for two months and I have built this door from the ground up so I know where I put everything your cat’s name is Gomez I love that name for a cat Family Ties was good see I think Family Ties I think that that was one of my favorite because you know how they always had like the family sitcom kind of thing I think Family Ties was probably one of my favorite of that time loveboat loveboat making your dreams come true what about uh PBS Kids um let’s see Cyber Chase read between the lines and zoom that’s for PBS Kids breedy bunch in Gilligan’s Island on repeat and I really could never figure out why they could not get off the island but you know what some things were just beyond me as a kid love Zoom so much truthfully I forget I don’t even know notice when I do my little like my little humming what was everybody’s movie they would watch in the um in the 100s of time of times as a what what is the one what is everybody’s movie they would watch hundreds of times as a kid there you go and so I need four of that one of that and bleach that would be my dog again that would be one two three four and then paper towels one two three four and then we need both bleaches we need this one and we need this one and then she’s very up set over something cleaner we need this one and we need soap do we need both soaps no we just need the green shampoo and soap the soap we need this one this one and shampoo okay let’s put this away and is there a new update no not yet not yet um so we have bread clotted cream so we have bread we have this one we have clotted cream we have milk we have this one and we need soda eggs and cheese so we need soda we need this one we we need eggs and then let’s do some CH we need one two three and four so cheese oops not what cheese but cheese so this one we need this one this one and we need this one one this one and one too okay let’s put this away now everybody I wonder how many people listen to Rafi growing up is that a jam Jam I see is Jam Jam here is Jam Jam Jelly Bean here and jelica thank you for hurting me double dare oh what was the was that the Nickelodeon one is that the um like the kids show one I know I if I were not trying to um expedite this I would be writing all of this down the Bionicles I remember Bionicles I mean not for me but for my kids bye aricles and jam jam oh my gosh thank you for my rhythmic bear Jam jam oh did you see I sang it perfectly Jam Jam thank you for my rhythmic bear Jam Jam Jam Jam thank you for my rynck bear Jam Jam all right everybody remember our motto we are to all be pink bears in the world full of brown bears we strive to be a pink bear in a world full of brown bears you wanted the pink one I think it was cool though I liked his little dance well you know what except for me yes except for sad who is navy blue you’re still different though you’re you’re not a brown bear okay we have 95,000 [Music] bam okay and oh crap all right so no that’s actually where it needs to go there’s something so relaxing about watching Supermarket simulator it’s a pretty I mean it’s a fun relaxing game I think and jam Jam wants to know how everyone is doing tonight um we’re doing good we’re doing really good we have we’re having a fun trip down memory lane and everybody’s talking about things that you know that they remember growing up and it’s always a fun conversation it’s always a fun conversation I have my first cake ordered it’s a little boy who loves rubber duckies a doing good Jam Jam just ordered some sushi for dinner yum I remember well you know what’s weird is I used to remember the Milkman delivering a eggs and milk and cheese to our front doorstep in the mornings but then again I can remember when the doctor used to do house visits so we love to bring up Nostalgia I agree and I just think it’s such a cool thing I was obsessed with Hocus Pocus as I was a kid and honestly don’t remember why okay I had never seen Hocus Pocus before until last year and I watched it for the very first time last year I had never seen it I had to be 59 years old before I watched Hocus Pocus have you seen the second one no no um now I guess this year I’ll see the second one who remembers the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I do I remember when it came out then again I can remember when um The Sound and Music was in the movie theaters and there we go I stick with the original it brings back childhood memories yeah I think Johnny Depp did a really good job but I still like the original best what about halloweent town have you watched those so is anybody so when does the second Beetle Juice come out and I know you all are going to be watching that one right my favorite was the girl with the gun and she turns blue the G yes yes um I forgot what her name is but yes I agree it comes out this year okay okay JB Joby has never seen Beetle Juice okay you I would recommend watching Beetle Juice it’s kind of just like a classic that everybody needs to see at least once yeah her name was Violet yep yep yep yep that was her name Violet the Sabrina and the the original one I do remember that yeah I know I was thinking that I’m like I should have known that one my mom loves labyrith so much grew up watching it you’re going to the Beetlejuice the musical that’s cool I Love Lucy was my go-to when I was younger that is absolutely timless okay we have 95 and we should be able to open up oh so JB Joy just saw um Ferris berer berer berer buer does anyone remember James and the Giant Peach I remember when that one came out yes Spy Kids was good too what do you think are getting better reading um about the movies or seeing the movies in the theater what do you think is better reading about the movies or seeing the movies in the theater I don’t know I just don’t go to the movies anymore but I think some movies are should be experienced in the theaters so I don’t know I would say because I remember so many like core memor seeing movies in the theater so I would say both that’s what I would say yeah you have to kind of go like if you read the book and then you go to see the movie you just kind of have to remember it’s a it’s somebody’s adaptation of a book so their imagination might be a little bit different than yours GM GM again thank you and Green Acres was so good green nickers is the life for me hard living is a price to [Music] be that’s all I remember of that one I was meeting audio books about the movie or seeing the movie in the theater um I would see the movie in the theater I I mean if you could I would otherwise that’s somebody else’s interpretation of the movie so dish and cleaner so this one and cleaner and this one [Music] and ketchup ketchup is one two three four and let’s do some beer and let’s do this one okay let’s go my school did a musical for James in the Giant Peach a few years ago very cool I actually did a musical of Snow White and I was Doc the hwarf so and yes I had my own solo does anyone remember Pingu who remembers notebook hello David how are you my friend oops I went the wrong way because I should have gone here my sister loves Babes in Toyland I remember thinking it was kind of annoying I remember seeing babe in the movie theater and I cried over a pig who remembers Art Attack do you ever want want to map out your store uh no because I mean it’s always changing so probably not I don’t even think I’ve even heard of ar attch oh you’re pig that was a good that was a really good cartoon I did check out the king of retail I’m not too sure if I’m going to be playing it but I did check it out okay we have [Music] $95,100 and books cereal we have more books we have oil flour sugar pasta uh no I I used to play scary games and I’m I’m I’m over them I’m going to just do the simulator games for the unforeseen future freezers and we have the house War stuff back here and this is it so nope been there done that and I’m going to be playing these games and there we go no we still have four expansions um scary games are hitting a Miss for me I don’t know I mean you can I mean they’re just a little bit too um they’re just too dark sometimes you know I was reading some of the titles of some of them and I’m like oo I’m about the Simulator game so um I’m not mad at all well good Rebecca because so am I so am I all right let’s do a Hydration Station everybody I have not been drinking enough water so Hydration Station would you play the station simulator I have that gas station one I just haven’t gotten around to trying it yet I I played The Sims the other day it was just a little bit complicated and I didn’t really have the concept down very well so we might go back to it one day but for now um I’m going to be practicing it a little bit more nope no new updates yet what’s another good Simulator game I love power wash I love house flipper um I’ve been looking at some other ones oh gift goal thank you thank you all right what do you want to do next do you want to do what do you want to do next everybody what do you want to do next we have and oh YOLO that’s so cool do you want to [Music] do heart Puffs do you want to do chilies um do you want to do we’ll do chilies all right I can’t and no I’ve seen um C the Contraband police and it is has a little bit of Ault theme to it that I will not be playing you know it just I can’t do that one um I can’t do that one and try to stay within the Tik Tok guidelines so we’re not going to be doing that one yeah I’ve seen somebody play it and they’re like oh shoot uh probably shouldn’t have shown you this and oh shoot I probably shouldn’t have shown you that and I was like yep not going to do that 1050 I’m not very good at driving on video games but I saw somebody else doing that over the weekend and he was just crushing it so I might have to think about rethinking that yes and it should scare you because I tried riding a lawn mower in a game and I ended up on the porch don’t ask me how I did that one Georgia all right everybody get ready we’re doing a duckson parade and you know that you have to help me sing it and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and the baby duck goes [Music] and we have ducks on Parade did you want to tell them that you oh look it she’s bringing you a come here you want to show them let me see it okay this used to be a squirrel okay so that’s what she wants to show you there’s no innards so nothing there but she wanted to show you her squirrel come here you can have your squirrel back come on she’s like can I please have my squirrel can I please have my [Music] squirrel yeah NOP she brought the deck yesterday and that was a little terrifying because it was only the head of the duck so that would be her version of squirrels on Parade what’s for snack today I I’m going to just have yogurt and granola new banana just yogurt and granola today you have yeah there’s not one animal in this entire house that has its stuffing it’s all the animal skins Kel thank you for Harding me and Georgina thank you for Harding me I appreciate that and jam Jam thank you for my hot PBS and there we go in 75 C squirrels on Parade we have a mama squirrel and a baby squirrel and we have squirrels on Parade a mama squirrel goes and a baby squirrel goes and we have baby squirrels on Parade one two and three okay I will have you know I think that was a pretty good squirrel noise and one two and there you go and 28125 all right let’s get this done has indie no she has never caught a live animal Indie is um she does not have that instinct to chase so she saw we had a squirrel in our backyard once and I almost had to take her to therapy after that cuz she was completely mortified that there was an animal in her backyard that did not have her approval to be there so nope what’s up kids Monday Monday and that’s what we do I did not know that fox screamed good morning Na and let’s go here Holden thank you for hiding me and Co again thank you for my chilies let’s go let’s go let’s go and five and six all right everybody while I am doing this if you all could be so kind and can you share the live we are still in our competition until the end of the evening Geor Georgia thank you so much for my Corgi last time I checked we were still in the top 10 but if you could please share the live that would be awesome I would love to stay in the top 10 and I appreciate all of you storybook pins thank you for my chilies 16 and 50 and we have Indie being very excited she got to show everybody her squirrel skin [Music] and 242 just so your outfit video love the look today thank you I’m still wearing it I am definitely um it was comfy and I’m still wearing it and sugar and hot sauce okay we’re back to 101,000 and there we go and there we go thank C and we’ll do a Vibe check as soon as I can look right now I cannot check the Vibes so we’re going to hold off on that and right now I am busy doing my little cashier thing so 20 40 60 70 1 two and three and 25 and here we go and there we go okay 203 and here we go and there we go I don’t know why I’m saying that and here we go and here we go and here we go checking out and we are making money and checking out isn’t it funny thank you Shelby I appreciate that do you have uh how do you price your product I round up everything to the nearest quarter from market value so everything in my store is either 25 Cent 50 Cent 75 cents or a [Music] dollar and 77 and there we go and eight five six seven eight and 75 thank you I hope it’s available to Mac soon yep no I think they have to finish it first before they put it somewhere else but I totally get it 2 and 75 okay totally get it we’re at 105 everybody we need 20,000 more it is taking us way longer to get there than I had anticipated but that’s okay because you know what we’re not in any hurry do you want to know why because we’re not 15275 well thank you early I appreciate that and and away we go beer beer beer and cleaner cleaner thank you we’re at [Music] 106 and 106 all right that’s a lot of toilet paper young lady I think you are probably up to something how’s your day going so far Janet it’s going really good so far I got not one complaint it was a little chilly today but it has been a fun day five six seven eight and 25 oh it’s Julia’s birthday today everybody everybody let’s wish Julia a happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Julia happy birthday to you you happy birthday my friend 106 shares cuz that’s what I see on my screen I’m not 100% sure that does not show what I and 260 shares Ellie thank you so much for my chilies and storybook pins thank you for my chilies and thank you thank you all right looks like we’re going to have about 28,000 um is power wash a game are you done playing that or not yet um yeah it’s a game and I’ll be playing that one later on today I played that one after I played that one after this one um I played that one about I don’t know about 9:30 or 10 I like the end of the day with that one I like to end the day with that one I cannot lie I like to end the day with that one I’ll tell you why cuz it’s fun yes it is yes it is yes it is cuz cuz it’s fun yes it is yes it is yes it is cuz it’s fun and that’s what I like to do swish swish swish swish swish swish that’s me dancing by the way all right everybody we ended up with 8,555 what do you think our profit was for today again we have 8,555 what do you think our profit is what the y think our profit is we have 10855 um Adam says 65 bam says 78 lilani says 13 Renee says 3809 Ally says 85 Tyler says 8555 MC mittens thank you for my chilies and I absolutely love your username and I want to name my cat that now MC mittens oh my God I need like 12 cats MC mittens for the win lean says 6,000 um Stacy Says 7850 did you expand yet no honey not yet uh nope nope I’m just gonna have more than one cat I’m GNA have prickles and I’m gonna have MC mittens um I don’t have a cat yet but it’s in the works one day a cat is going to come into my life Bree says 4750 yep one day one day it’s going to happen and in reality for day 450 our income was 7,942 everybody [Music] 7,942 Trina you were close at 7250 Mellie said 73 skit said 7680 um Mickey said 7,077 uh tiar said 73 Stacy said 7850 let’s see here um Shelby say 7422 bam said 78 bam so far I think you’re the closest Jay thank you for my Tik toks uh jelica this is called Supermarket simulator and you can purchase it on Steam so veggie and veggie and water all right everybody we have snack time in 30 minutes so 650 and let’s do the water Supermarket simulator 1.1 million so who yeah I’ve thank you I’ve had I’ve had um I’m very very blessed with my platform and that one oh that’s very cool because you have a dog called beans I love that MC mittens I like how we are absolutely on the same on the same track nope no no backup or no upgrades yet nothing nothing like that yet we are still just doing our thing so it was that one it was the little one it was this one it was this one let’s just double check this one let’s just double check NOP okay nope nope nope that was 380 so yeah it still be okay and let’s try to see if we can put some stuff away and the whole thing is is I mean I don’t think that we’re going to have any update anytime soon to tell you the truth just something tells me that it’s not going to be super fast I mean it’s just one guy doing this and I think we’re just all going to have to be patient as much as we don’t want to be and I think that that’s what it’s going to be think that that’s what it’s going to come down to all right so snack time is in 30 minutes everybody Joe thank you for my chilies MC mittens again thank you for my chilies uh Kelly Kelly thank you for my chilies I appreciate you very much thank you so what is everybody having for snack time everybody what is everybody having I’m just going to have like I said I’m just having yogurt and um some granola today nothing fancy nothing fancy hope thank you for Harding me I appreciate that [Music] and let’s do this okay Starbucks I um caramel macchiato [Music] oo nice it’s dinner time for me so eggs with lots of veggies cheese and avocado Emily that sounds really good that sounds like something I would eat I had chicken tortilla soup o that’s some that was one of my favorite um that was one of my favorite soups before I became a vegetarian excuse me you go super slow um oh you okay so you can breathe says you can unstick a stalker in the back room by grabbing the Box they are facing oh very cool we’ll have to try that the next time um that they get stuck thank you for that salami and cheese Toasties [Music] yum micro a microwave cup Idaho mashed potatoes you can never go wrong with mashed potatoes I’m telling you that right this minute they’re never going to go wrong never ever Emma is having popcorn um TI is having reesei sticks I think that sounds amazing hello Julia I tried that but they just went back to the box when I put it back oh well we will put that to a test the next time that we get somebody stuck we will see if that works and let’s go put this back taco soup sounds good yeah like I said um try it out see if it works and report back and let me know and we’re going to put that one one right there okay and let’s see what we got here that one still needs to stay there let’s go see if we can put this one away hello hello hello big thing of grapes [Music] yum yum I’m saying [Music] Yum so I think I’m absolutely ready for summer I think I’m ready I think I’m ready to um I think I’m ready for warm weather I know I’m not a huge fan but I am kind of over um I’m kind of over the cold weather and I think it has finally just happened and this one is going to um Amy had fajita nachos from a local Mexican place was delici it sounds good um I’m so ready for summer in the pool yeah I think I’m just ready for um for it to not be I mean I really am not looking forward to like it being a gazillion degrees but it can be um it could be warmer let’s just put it that way oh Shell’s about ready to go into winter see I am thinking just the whole I don’t know maybe like sitting outside a little bit more would be like really good for you know mental health and I just think it just sounds very um it sounds very appealing let’s just put it that way for some reason maybe it’s just because it’s a little cold outside um Amy’s ready for the pool but not the Louisiana humidity now does like jumping into the pool does that even help with the humidity do you have an air conditioner oh yeah yeah no it gets up into it gets up into triple digits where I live so you definitely have to have an air conditioner where I’m at yeah no it definitely like I said in the summertime starting probably like July the middle of July until August it it really easily can go into triple digits I’m ready just for the beach I need out of um WV for a week uh West Virginia yeah I mean like I said I probably am not going to be going anywhere but at least I can set outside and just kind of just set out there a little bit more and I’m looking forward to that you know I think that that will be good I think that’s what we need I think that that is absolutely what we need so let’s get that one let’s get that one and let’s get [Music] pepper let’s get one two three four yeah tiar exactly I mean just having watermelon on the back porch is like sound So Divine to me that sounds perfect I’m ready for August for my uh five-day Cruise Tia where are you going on your cruise Jenna thank you for Harding me and Lauren thank you for Harding me and hope thank you for Harding me and Kelly Kelly again thank you for my chilies I appreciate yo [Music] and does anybody else have I mean I know I’ve asked this question before but does anybody else have any um says leaving uh galston going to Cal and yukatan O do anybody else have any amazing trips planned does anybody else have any trips planned I will take any trips only if you fall down the stairs yep I’m thinking only if Indie runs into me and makes me fall going to the transatlantic cruise on Sunday very nice Las Vegas in October very cool I booked Mexico in November for my 30th birthday Abby I think that’s amazing what part of Mexico are you going to Philippines for 3 weeks to see family oh leani that’s incredible family vacation to Gatlinburg I like that not 100% sure where that’s at but I like it camping and boating this summer in Washington nice nice C this one and this one and books is this one and and we need pasta we need this one and this one okay Stacy thank you for hting me we are going to to Florida at the end of May never been to Florida Tennessee in late August with some family excited to see while the fall leaves I I mean Tennessee seems to everybody seems to be moving to Tennessee these days oh amazing Place Gatlinburg Tennessee very cool Phoenix this weekend then Nashville next weekend very nice it’s hot here in Florida yep see I don’t think I could handle the humidity in Florida um this is called Supermarket simulator and you can purchase this on Steam did you miss the power wash no we do that at the very end of the day I am from California born and raised in California born and raised all right everybody I am trying to get this stocked as much as we can and Bryson is here and now that Bryson is here we need to try to find your name twin if you are new here this is where we try to find somebody with your same name so if you are um throw out your name that’s not Bryson it’s impostor Bryson is it impostor Bryson I didn’t know we had an impostor Bryson King orphan is in the house all right everybody try to find your name twin and it’s amazing how many um how many sometimes how many popular names you can’t find and then how many sometimes how many unpopular names you can Kelly thank you for purchasing an auto renewal subscri description I appreciate you so we got we need two we need three chips and ham and cheese so chips is this one this one and then ham and cheese is this one um Tracy and I’m pretty sure I’ve have another Tracy here Juliana Jessica we have a Shelby do we have a Shelby in the house do we have a Shelby in the house a Tyra a Lisa a Maddie or a Madison and Andrea and let’s do this and M oou let’s do that and do we have a Christy or Anita and let’s do chicken legs chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken legs okay let’s get going Tabitha named after be which we have a Stacy and I’m going to have to go check that out toilet papers one two three four one two three four one two and one two and paper towels and one two okay and orange juice and orange juice and apple juice we sold a lot of that orange juice apple juice have we found any twins yet have have we found your twin and bleach and this one okay let’s go put this away um hello joyn how are you are we doing good are we doing good is there another Tyler there do we have a Tyler Caitlyn we have a Kaitlyn we’re looking for a Janet do we have a Janet we have a Christian looking for a twin is there a Kayla and a Tamara or a Jasmine oh mad found their twin awesome do we have an Amy was three medicines yesterday two of us tonight Madison are a good one oh what about a Gigi that’s such a cute name we have a Tiffany and a Sharon we’re looking for a Sharon it’s giving Lost Child in the supermarket it really is it really is Sharon your mother is looking for you on aisle four Sharon your mother is looking for you on aisle four please stop running for uh please stop running from your mother Sharon is there an Ashley I know I love that we have a Shelby is anybody looking for a Shelby there is a lot of lost children in this store and we have that and we have that [Music] let’s see here all right let’s go okay and I need to find my way out of the storage room all right everybody we have 10 minutes before snack time 10 minutes before snack time yep we are going to I finish restocking the store room and then I open the store I’m a triplet there’s oh there’s two more than two Ashley’s love it love it love it love it and let’s go and there we go like look at all the I see my comments are super laggy though I don’t know why yesterday I couldn’t see the emotes and today my comments are totally lagging hello Karina how are you I don’t know everybody I just don’t know I know I’m the only um bam though is there another bam there might be other one did you turn on this super slow mode I don’t know I think it’s just the I think it’s just me today yeah Tik Tok actually I had to um reconnect to the Tik Tock live studio so that’s I think that was the glitches a little while ago yeah because I’ve seen another Angel they were on later last night because last night we played this a little bit um we played it at the very end last night I just think your twin comes on at a different time Angel Indie always agrees Indie wants to be a part of everything she has fomo she totally has the fear of missing out my pup is good she’s good she is um I’m trying to walk her a little bit longer and um she seems to like that and she’s good no more lunchtime cheese no more good girl cheese and as soon as she is done with her Frosty Paws I’ll be making her her own treat yep I think it’s a pitb thing I’m not too sure but it is absolutely it’s like she’s got to be involved in everything Andrew wants to know how everyone’s going how is everyone doing what’s up kids Monday Monday what up what are we working towards a license or expans we’re trying to expand but it’s it’s uh it’s taking a lot and somehow I have a feeling that this game developer knew exactly what they were doing to slow down the progress because they have made it so expensive to get everything at this point on that it’s it’s taken me three days to get to 104,000 yeah it’s just Fifi it’s just a fun thing that we do where’s my dog she is in the other room she is doing her thing and she’s doing a good job being a neighborhood watch so she is out there watching the world go by cuz that’s what she does Kelly Kelly thank you for my chilly chilies I appreciate you and we got cleaner and bleach and fabric softener so cleaner we got cleaner we need tablets we need this one we need fabric softener we need this one we need shampoo and we need this one and what did I do I only did oh that one let’s get that one and away we go keeping them squirrels and birds in line yes she is you know so long as she’s in the house she’s all very brave and you know what I I take that back Indie is actually really a good dog um she’s not reactive but if something is like out of place for her she will be very like I don’t know y’all I don’t think this is good and she’s a good girl that way you know I think she’s a good girl oh your cat’s name is Indie that’s awesome yeah when she’s in trouble Indiana Jones but other than that she’s just Indie so she knows when she’s in trouble only reactive when the on neighborhood watch um like if we’re out walking or something and like she just doesn’t like something or like if another dog is like super aggressive towards her then she’s just basically like yo this is not going to work for me yes yes when she’s in trouble she gets the full Indiana Jones why are you putting boxes outside yeah I’m just running out of room it’s just getting a little crowded in here so I just put them out there so I’m not tripping over them you know I saw um I actually saw Kimmel he has so many boxes on the outside of his store room that kind of just I don’t know you know he’s got like mountains of stuff and I’m I’m almost thinking like I don’t even know but he still puts orders in too so I don’t know why he had that that day I’ll have to ask him one time um I am at the maximum for the storage I am at the absolute maximum I don’t have any more room in my storage so milk eggs and cheese so milk and no matter what no matter how hard you try it just doesn’t you can never I mean you it’s just really hard to keep your store and stock I mean that’s just if you play this just don’t get frustrated with that because this is one of the more I wouldn’t say tedious but this is um this is definitely a major part of the game sions thank you for hurting Me Miss Chris thank you for my chilies and tiara thank you for my rose I appreciate that they need to add more storage I maxed at the storage and have tons of upgrades yes this is Max storage and I could probably fit maybe Che at the most three more racks in here and that’s it that’s all I’m going to be able to do I’m dreading the part where things becoming very expensive just means hard work coming up yep I mean you’re definitely gonna have to just kind of be like this is going to be it this is going to be what I’m doing and it’s taking me two days two days um I’m trying to take two or three days to get to 103,000 I’m yep yep yepo and that’s what we do all right so we need so let’s do some cheese let’s do some cheese we need coffee we need coffee again we need this one one two three four we need rice and before we know it one day one day we will have we will have an update and this will all get easier I just watched another streamer whose store is dark green I didn’t know you could paint it’s just a mod I mean they downloaded a modification to their game I mean we’re going to be able to do that one day but that’s that’s something that they downloaded it would be better if you could take multiple boxes at once I mean truthfully I’m going to be completely honest with you anything would be better I mean any little help would be better but I am going to just stick it out yeah yeah a lot of content creators have done that and again I am 100% saying each to their own I’ve kind of Taken upon myself that I want to see how big of store I can do on my own without a modification so I’m kind of just doing it along that ways and like I said anything with be better you know carrying two boxes um changing the price on the computer there’s just so many places that we can go from here that I’m excited to see where we go you have made me start playing this game it’s addictive I know Lauren it really is and but that’s okay because it’s fun self checkout um you know I can only imagine that we would get get the self checkout when the store is so much bigger but I wonder if we’ll have like somebody monitoring the self check out lines oh it’s snack time snack time all right everybody I am going to put this on hold for a minute I am going to go use the restroom I’m going to get my yogurt and we will come back and we will have snack time together oh they had no organization Lindsay there’s a lot of people out there that kind of struggle with that so it is something um it is something that people do struggle with all right I’ll be right back everybody and go get your [Music] snack for for for for for the for for for [Music] all right everybody how are you doing Mommy otter how are are you thank you for Harding me all right what does everybody have I know you all been talking about it but I didn’t get to hear it all right everybody you ready to sing a ducks on Parade are you ready and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have duck on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes there’s my quacks coming in and we have ducks on Parade yay baby ducks for the win baby ducks for the win Alaskan thank you for Harding I appreciate you Amelia we are sure trying I have 102,000 we need 125 so if we don’t expand tonight it will be tomorrow I cannot believe how long this is taking Tiara thank you so much for my chilies and my rose leftover loaded fries from Chili’s reheat it sounds good and jam Jam is coming in with game controllers all right everybody I know that we did the whole um name thing but first what I want to do is you can take loans out I have not taken any so let’s go ahead and do a Vibe check everybody I want to see how everybody’s doing Mr miles is a five trillion is a four I know this is yogurt with granola um me is a three Shelby is a four um if you don’t know what A vibe check is it’s basically where it’s between one and five one means you don’t have really like a lot of energy five means you’re doing great and so anywhere between 1 and five is you just kind of tell you just tell us how you’re doing Nicki man Nicki Nan is a four M’s a two Stephen L’s wife is a three Sharon is a five Payton is a three Jennifer is a five Lindsay is a two taay is a one sorry you hurt your back oh no a two sorry you hurt your back [Music] honey how is everybody doing oh you know what I can’t see your emotes I can’t see your emotes so I can’t tell you how you’re doing so you all can see how you’re doing I don’t get to see your emotes for some reason it’s a glitch on Tik Tok and I do not know why so if you just do the number I can see the number okay Jordan said a five um Burns asleep is a four skid is a four hosby nosy is a three and a half I’m a five I’m I’m doing good I’m having a good day today Shelly is a four Andrew is a four Sunshine is a five Jason is a five I know I’m sitting here and I’m like gosh nobody’s doing the vibe check and that’s why Jason is a five Justin’s girl is a one Lisa Smith is a five Peggy is a three Jam jams coming in with a five I love it um DNM Mikey is a five Paul is a three Carrie is a five awesome can you believe oh my gosh why does it feel so much later than a Tuesday I do not know why baby diva is a five good evening my friend do you have a video of your PC yet no I do not not yet you thought it was Thursday it feels like Thursday hopefully I know it just it’s been a it like I said it feels like it should be a Thursday totally um this is vanilla yogurt with granola like sh says it’s already Wednesday in Australia hello Shelly from the future yeah this is one of my favorite snacks I am trying to cut down on like really super sugary snacks so I am trying to do a little bit better mhm and then tomorrow we were going to do cookies for tomorrow and I’m going to do my my Lenny and Larry protein cookie so if you want to get a cookie for tomorrow tomorrow’s snack um tomorrow is Wednesday’s snack and we’re going to do cookies Amanda I love everything vanilla yogurt yeah yeah like I said I was going to do the whole um crumble cookie but it just has way too much sugar in it that doesn’t mean that you can’t do a crumble cookie but I just needed to pick something else Jordan I’m looking into a new game if I can find one I like I’ll play one if not we’ll we’ll stick with what we’re playing I have had that kale and it’s really good you know truthfully Amanda I mean I would probably Splurge for one but it has like a cup of sugar something crazy in it like that in fact let’s see let’s see how much a crumble cookie is because I’ve never even been in the store [Music] crumble if I could spell crumble cookie let’s go okay and and okay let’s go to the website okay so I don’t want that and don’t want that and why can I not get oh minu there we go why never mind it’s getting it’s irritating me I mean it looks good but I can’t get into their website yeah Katie it looks it’s expensive it looks good and it has a lot of sugar period Artemis I think it’s exactly like that t this is called Supermarket simulator and angel thank you for hiding me so kale said no they’re not actually cookies they’re like little mini cakes which I never knew that then why are they called cookies Kate I don’t think that’s unpopular at all I’ve had other people on here say they don’t like them they’re cookies made out of cake batter okay so what is your favorite cookie whether it is um oh they make them with boxed cake mix that seems kind of cheating well it has a lot of sugar in it with so much frosting it’s bad okay well I’m sticking with my little um protein cookie so I am good with that but crumble cookies aside what is your favorite kind of cookie what is your favorite kind of cookie everybody Burns to sleep is lemon [Music] cookie oh wow so sad said um that it’s also a Mormon company and since they do not caffeine they do no caffeine they do a lot of sugar really interesting skit says chocolate chip cookie Rebecca says white chocolate chip macadamia nut I’m good with homemade warm chocolate chip absolutely oatmeal raisin we’ve already had our our raisin discussion and you know a lot of us including me thinks that raisin should not be in cookies pean sandies those are good oatmeal raisin again with the raisins oh Tricky Ricky says oatmeal raisin too and misa’s oatmeal raisin oh my God we are surrounded by raisins Miss pigs mom says oatmeal raisin yep the oatmeal raisins are coming and strong tonight Tia says sugar cookie Tiffany says raspberry cheesecake cookie from Subway I’ve never had one I’ll have to try that one Tiara says I love oatmeal raisin Toto says I love oatmeal raisin oatmeal for sure raisin no norie I could not agree more raisin over pecon all day long no peans over raisins all day [Music] long oh my gosh sad you would take raisins over nuts no you give me nuts you keep those little you keep those little shriv things away from me I hate raisins yes you and me too oatmeal chocolate chip exactly chocolate chip protein cookies love it yes yeah no those little like those little like grapes gone bad do not belong in my cookies nope a turtle cookie yes what about a Snicker doodle let’s not forget good old snicker doodle cookies no bit cookies grape’s gone bad yes it’s exactly what it is would you eat raisins in trail mix nope I absolutely picked them out of my trail mix marinaa thank you so much for Harding me this is me trying to eat trail mix and then I’m like and then I do that yep nope and no yep I agree with grams yeah well you can call me grams but I’m glad you agree with me yeah um c147 8954 you’re not blocked you wouldn’t be here if you were blocked me and the raisins against the world exactly no you keep the nuts in and then you throw the raisins away you all are backwards I love you all dearly but you’re backwards um Justin’s girl we’re going to be doing power washer later are we switch yeah we’re doing another one later well I’ll tell you what trar if we ever have trail mix together I will pick out my raisins you pick out your nuts I’ll give you my raisins you give me your nuts and then we’ll be happy keep nuts but take the raisins out exactly yes gangle I do remember you of course I do I believe raisins over PE counts no um believe it or not the most expensive thing in my store is uh cake mix trail mix is iffy because if one raisin sneaks into my mouth it’s over yep throw the whole box away I don’t want it anymore yep nope I’ll tell you what just give me a candy bar and put a little granola on top and I’ll call it a trail mix raisins are not a treat they are a punishment I’m telling you right now there if you get in trouble you’ll be like you know what I’m going to make you eat raisins you’ll be like no I don’t want raisins they’ll be like sorry that’s your punishment yes yes raisin no raisins are not a treat they are a punishment it’s like I’m sorry you’ve been bad go eat your [Music] raisins and then if you’ve been really bad you have to eat prunes okay if you eat raisins do you eat prunes I mean it’s the same thing prune is just like a giant raisin do you eat prunes do you eat oh so you do no see PR yeah prunes just take that too far um no I never did I never made my kids eat anything that I didn’t like if I didn’t like it I figured it was bad and for some reason Robert and Brandon both like raisins I don’t know where that came from um what about dates no dates are just bad from the dates are just they’re bad just even coming off the tree they’re bad Lobster is amazing um cashews are not directly nuts but so good yeah I like cashews Prince and dates are what crosses the line okay so you could eat a I I mean I get it I mean grapes are small they’re dense and all of that but uh yeah none of it none of it lobster and shrimp are just ocean bugs oh my God I love you raisins only a couple goes into a cookie again we’ll never try a raisin no I mean and more raisins for me than exactly and I will gladly give you my raisins fig dates and prunes and raisins are a big no MM I won’t eat um figs either I think figs are gross nope figs are a noo we used to have a fig tree in when I was younger and um I mean they just look weird I mean don’t look weird that just looks weird yeah I remember my entire family eating the figs and I was like that it looks like an alien Google what a a fig looks like and I’m telling you right now you won’t eat it exactly just I mean how did somebody like dry up a a grape and be like hey I think we’re gonna call you a raisin rays of the sun oh ah that because the Rays of the sun are in the grape and turned it bad there you go I don’t I mean like I said we had a fig tree when I was growing up and there was just no way I am just no way would I do that nope NOP nope nope nope nope grapes in French a grape and French is raisin oh really I won’t eat mango whether it’s dried or not yeah I try to keep the bugs out of my fruit I don’t like mango and I don’t like papaya or yeah papaya I don’t like either one of those and yes you can yell at me but I do not like those oh my gosh okay sad if is takes me to a website that I am going to get in trouble for I’m going to be really upset how are [Music] are how are figs pollinated pollinated oh I don’t know if I want this okay oh it’s like oh oh oh gross okay you were yeah yeah not me getting all grossed out that some wasp does something something nasty to a fig I love Peaches I absolutely love peaches every fig contains a dead wasp what in everything what what what is wrong with what is wrong with us why are we eating dead wasp things um I hate was but never going near figs nope nope I think I’m fine with never having a fig I’ll eat pumpkin pie I like pumpkin pie my favorite fruit is watermelon absolutely guava I do not like guava mango or papaya Heather you and I are G to we Heather you can have my raisins you can have my prunes and you can have my fixs they’re all you my friend they are all you watermelon I think is hand down the best and in the summertime when watermelon is available that’s that’s what I’m having for snack time I’m telling you that right now I’m having watermelon strawberries are I do like strawberries but hands down uh watermelon I wonder if you allergic to wasp if you eat a if you eat a fig I don’t know maybe it’s cuz they’re dead and like dehydrated anyone else hate plums I like plums okay do I put salt on watermelon no my parents used to do that and I could never understand why I don’t put I don’t put salt on hardly anything thank you Kate this is Max love me liquid B their Plum that their proteins are probably broken down and and eaten by the um the Fig whatever nope have you tried cinnamon on watermelon no Kaden nope if you keep on saying if you keep on spamming I will mute you thank you oh wait I didn’t have to sad already did oh there’s Angel they’re gone y yep yep yep Bo yeah no I don’t put salt on any of my food did you know that pineapple eats you back when you eat it sad how do you come up with these facts I am so I don’t know if I’m disturbed or if I’m just really glad that you’re on my side you know I’m just I’m not too sure which I can’t help but thinking the crunch is bug stuff yeah bug stuff that’s what I’m saying you’re incredible love you so much I love coming every night and seeing your store you rock thank you Sarah I appreciate that it breaks down meat oh okay so I’m never having pineapple now either all right true pineapple has some barbs which can make your tongue feel irritated Tiffany Pooh thank you for my heart Puffs sh yep nope thank you so no figs no pineapple and I’m just basically just ripping through things that I’m not going to eat anymore yep I’m going to stick with pineapple is a natural inflammatory medicine well that’s good though it just breaks down your innards apparently no kidding Kenzie me too yeah I’ve just ruined a whole bunch of fruit for tonight A thank you Kirsten but um yeah apparently we’re only we’re only eating water and breathe just gave a free gift sub and that went to Bambi Bambi you just got a free gift sub and that is good for one month after that it is $2.99 a month if you want to resubscribe I appreciate you very much all right let’s see what we got here everybody all all right all right and we did good we did good and okay I’m GNA go put this away and then I’m opening back up o cream cheese jalapeno nothing wrong with that everything good for you for all right let’s do this Tiffany thank you for my chilies I appreciate that all right oh no fungus Among Us oh my goodness I’m sorry about that honey I thank you for my [Music] rose all right let’s do this everybody let’s see if we can try and management and bills okay let’s see if we can to expand every time every time sad every time but I love it and it reminds me of me it reminds me of me in the best way Lonnie how often do you change your prices do you change them every day only when they give me the little notice that the price is either gone up or down Reverend Dorian thank you so much I appreciate that I know but it’s perfect perfect that is that is zad’s calling card right there zad’s like hey I’m in the house is the best one chicken and potato potato what was that that was um Wanda the that was Wanda the witch sad sent a Wanda the witch [Music] oh my gosh you remember four or five things that they uh that they list how do you well if I don’t remember it you can go back and check the computer because the computer has a little arrow of the things that you need to change the price of so if you don’t remember it just go back and it will tell you there so soap and cleaner so soap is this one cleaner is this one okay and now we go there we love Wanda yes we do Wanda is our kindred spirit pasta is one two and one two okay I think we can open back up here in just two seconds peanut butter is one to three four and let’s get some little beers oh we need ham and Pudo ham and Pudo and candy so let’s do candy we’ll do this one and that one and then ham we’re going to do ham we’re going to do one two and three we’re going to do Puda which is one two and three and we’re going to do bear which is this one which is one two three four kilo thank you for my chilies and I heart you [Music] too oh yeah because you got me on um because what I was playing I think I was playing house flipper and I was totally concentrating and you got me you got me good on house flipper I had my yogurt and granola I had my yogurt and I have my granola do you always make your prices the same as market price no I actually round up my prices to the nearest quarter so everything in my store is either 25 cents 50. 75 cents or a solid dollar so that’s how I do that Crystal oh wow Crystal thank you for all 207 of my chilies that’s amazing thank you so much my friend I appreciate you yeah if I can’t fit them in my store room I put them right there it’s just easier than trying to stumble over them they are extras they are [Music] extras [Music] hello did I play power wash already no no I’m playing that and I’m play that about 9:30 I think between 9:30 and 10 yep nope I know that they’re there I actually um I check those first before I reorder anything power wash is a really cool Simulator game where I basically power wash an entire town and what I’m cleaning right now is a fire station Sharon is on level six baby awesome so we need need we need oh gosh darn it we need so much do you still play house flipper I do I do that on sun or on Fridays well thank you kilo for um interpreting for me I appreciate that very much uh four hours and 22 minutes left in the watch me live competition we’re in ninth place all right everybody we if you could could you please um share the live and we I would love to stay in the top 10 so I will be watching that to make sure that nobody tries to knock us out of the top 10 but for this competition it’s really super easy I just need you to share and get some new get some new eyeballs on the page right now we have 138 new followers so that is super amazing and I appreciate you kqueen thank you for my chilies and Crystal again thank you for my chilies I appreciate that and so I absolutely think it’s amazing that we are in the top 10 and I absolutely amazingly appreciate each and every single one of you I absolutely appreciate you we’re going to put that one right there okay happy Tuesday Lonnie miss the beans well Sydney I am glad you are back my friend I am glad you are back what game is this this is called Supermarket simulator I purchased it on Steam for approximately $13 in the US and if you are new here welcome welcome welcome I am live every single day starting at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard time I love Simulator games and I’m glad you are here what would you do Lonnie if a stranger walked by your extra boxes and took one on the street well have you seen the emote with a bat that’s what I would do I do have a moderator that speaks um Spanish they just are not on right now if that’s what they said t Rosco thank you for my roses I appreciate that and kilo is coming in with my cute little couch potato thank you so much do I know anything about cars only how to start them kilo thank you again for my little couch potato I know enough Spanish to be able to barely read it and that’s about it are you wearing Plum lipstick love yeah I’m wearing bin there Plum that and it’s a Mac uh it’s a Mac lipstick that I absolutely love Emily thank you for my rose yeah I was feeling this color that I’m wearing of my jacket is a little bit of a harder color for me to wear so I thought I needed to brighten up my um so I need to brighten up my lipstick a little bit yeah I mean I know just enough to get myself in trouble but I know um I know Outsourcing um is um speak Spanish I was a member of the ACC got banned and now I am mad I don’t know what that is what happens if the Box accidentally ends up in the wrong place you can’t put it in the wrong place it will tell you that it’s in the wrong spot are the stalkers taking a break kind of they only put the stuff in the store they don’t put the stuff in from the street into the store oh account uh okay her account got banned I think that’s what she meant oh okay nothing not going to do about that one oh they do oh well that’s sneak well that’s cool I guess I don’t know I was totally impressed with um I was totally impressed with the the um multiple languages how close are you to expanding I need 125,000 to expand and I have 101,000 right now hello Miss see bear and we got that courney thank you for my chili and Emily thank you for my my all my chilies thank you I appreciate that all right let’s put this away and open the store do you order everything and then put um and then put and I order everything I put it away and then I open the store yes that is exactly what I do if you could be fluent in another language what would it be very good question and I think I would probably say Spanish um just because I live in San Diego but I would also love to learn Japanese I would love to learn um I think German or Italian I mean there’s more that I would love to learn but I think that that’s the one that I would learn first so let’s do pasta is this one and then sugar is this one and that’s it all right let me put these four things away and we are opening up oh you’re fluid in Spanish and English I love that I wish I could what about Welsh yeah I mean truthfully there’s no there’s no language that I wouldn’t want to learn it’s just um Welsh is a wild language oh really well let’s learn that I think we should learn Welsh then I mean let’s give ourselves a challenge let’s let’s try to ear learn Welsh falling asleep going to bed have fun thank you my friend um I’m always scared to look up the things that you you tell me to look up you’re Welsh but you can’t speak it okay and everybody ready for their ducks on Parade because you’re helping me sing it and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes smooch is right there with a quack smooch is a right there with a quack quackin Emily has a quack emis has a quack trillian has a quack Shel has a quack Crystal thank you for my chilies Michelle’s has a quack and we have ducks on Parade look at all of those quacks my friend we are so we are so quacking fabulous we are the most fabulous quackers ever that’s what I’m saying we’ve got some incredible quacks going on why do I sing the song for my cats now because it’s an amazing song all right everybody this right here is the cash register and the cakes and a soda and then this is sodas this is the cat food and dog food this is chips this is coffee and tea this is right here condiments and bread right here we have pizza we have wine we have whiskey we have books we have more books we have oil we have all of this good stuff here and we have freezer stuff we have rice potatoes more freezer stuff hello joyy and we have potatoes and this is all of the house cleaning stuff and I just saw something I have to order so let me do that really quick and then we are going to open up because I need two of these and let’s open up and we’re going to do this and then we’re opening up because we’re amazing ducks on Parade Amy Michelle thank you for Harding me and Crystal thank you for my chile as I run into this and and let’s go everybody let’s open up okay we have $11,250 and Crystal sent another duck yes get ready get ready we’re singing another one so get ready to quack and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck go Sydney’s coming in with the first quack and me has a quack Kate has a quack Leela has a quack uh Michelle’s quacking Jolina’s quacking sad is quacking Justin’s girl’s quacking honey hosby NOS is quacking Kate is quacking Crystal’s quacking radical political is quacking Varian is quacking and Varian is quacking and we have ducks on Parade we have du on Parade if that doesn’t put a smile on your face I just don’t know what will telling you that right now Vermilion I’m doing good I am doing good do you ever reopen as soon as you close the next day without restocking I have Abby dabby but it just takes more time and more money to restock after that so it’s like it’s like it feels you know you have like more inst gratification because you open up right away and it feels like you make more money but ultimately at the end of the day it doesn’t to me it doesn’t save anything lots of bots today there’s lots of bots every day thank you I absolutely love my little track jacket I like it I like it it cracks me up too you quack back me up it’s Adidas yeah it’s a um kind of like a retro Adidas jacket well thank you Brendan can you show us your Supermarket I already did and I will show you after the end of the day I do I do I do I I do a checkout also I’m trying to expand tonight it’s just it we need another $25,000 so it’s going to depend if I can get that I was in your live yesterday we were talking about Taylor Swift’s new album yes we were yes we were and it’s still say what you want to I think she’s an incredibly talented artist and we have that we have that that that that that that and $85 I basically do it all I do the ordering I put the stuff away I um expand I do everything for this grocery [Music] store and there you go and one two three four and 25 how much money do you have right now we have $12,432 so we have that going for us 15075 Sam thank you for Harding me I appreciate that Carolyn thank you for my ice cream cone Kate thank you for my chilies and spaghetti thank you for heting me I appreciate [Music] you thank you hello [Music] Daisy am I [Music] what and 85 she went to Grammy and didn’t even acknowledge sling I was going to say you know what um yeah I mean I still think that she’s a hardworking artist I mean I’m not going to hold up for every single thing that she does but I do think that she’s a hardworking artist [Music] I mean you love her or hate her I mean it to me it’s it’s everybody has the choice to like an artist or not and if you like her that’s fine and if you don’t again perfectly fine and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes quack and we have ducks on Parade we have duck on Parade ducks on Parade sorry everybody I did not well yep we got you quacking we got you quacking we got you [Music] quacking we got you quacking if you put uh oh just because I like to it’s my store I get to do whatever I want to in my store I can do whatever I want and anyway they’re not fast enough to do it on their own they’re not fast enough to do it on their own five six S 8 N9 and. [Music] 75 that’s and there we go 4650 checking out is the fun part I know my quacks aren’t working oh no you have a broken quackers thank you they are terribly slow and four one two three four and 50 and let’s go let’s go and let’s go and let’s go and 15 350 and there we go thank you you made me crave yogurt and granola for snack time so I’m having it now it’s good for you it’s super crowded tonight I know this is a little bit of an earlier crowd and there you go are the purchases are never over 400 no I’ve had a couple under over 400 not many like maybe two or three and there you go and $10 and Crystal just gave away a free gift sub and that went to Allison so Allison um if you that sub is good for one month after that it is $2.99 a month if you want to resubscribe if not congratulations and Crystal thank you again for gifting that gift sub I appreciate you um the most is over $400 Jam Jam thank you for my chilies my friend and there you go how much do you have to pay all of your workers at the beginning of each day um $80 for each cashier right now the stock um the glitch for the stalkers is that I don’t have to pay them but that’s going to be changing once they um once they fix their little glitches okay if you want coffee you can have coffee and 13150 and Kelly just sent out a free gift sub and that went to Dominique Dominique you now have a free gift sub good for one month and after that if you want to resubscribe like I said it is $2.99 a month if not enjoy and thank you Kelly very much thank you very much okay and there and there and oh this one’s [Music] 32925 and 7150 thank you yes I maxed out at level1 and $ thank you and where we go and one two three and 50 I don’t pay the stalkers either um they just stand around doing nothing well that’s kind of true but I think eventually we’re going to have to even if they stand around and do nothing and 75 they say my check out is full yep they keep on saying that it’s very crowded and they’re complaining about that but that’s okay because we are at 112,000 everybody 112,000 which is [Music] amazing and let’s put that here 179 home from work um going to play little super marus awesome no this is not on um switch this is on only on a Windows based PC at this time [Music] 18075 yeah could you imagine trying to do this in VR I think that would be weird that would be too much like work for me I think okay so here’s my store if you want to see my [Music] store hello Kayla Supermarket simulator it’s on Steam if you know what I mean I would be totally overwhelmed too um are you okay tonight I hope you’re having a wonderful night yeah no I’m I’m I’m very good tonight I am very very very very good tonight and this is the [Music] store and there you go when should I do a whole shelf of products at what level well it really depends I mean I would do it as soon as you have the room if you have the money in the room I say do it sooner than later because um I I personally think the more stuff you have in theore store the more money you make Hello Kelly thank you for Harding me Ashley thank you for my chilies and Penny thank you for my chilies and John thank you for my chili all right everybody we have ready to say how much we made right now we have $4,99 we have 11 14,939 how much do you think we made I round up all of my prices to the nearest quarter I go I round up from the market price to the nearest [Music] quarter Kristen says 7,621 summer says 3487 Daisy says 6382 Jam Jam says 5722 Sunshine says 7250 Hannah says 6650 um Trina says 7980 Tricky Ricky says 6250 Sophia says 8989 it Shay says 5625 John says 9440 and Emma Emy says 9874 and in reality for day 451 we made $ 7,18 $7,150 um Bernice came in close with [Music] 75 uh Shelby said 75 uh o Sunshine said 7250 and Kristen said 76 so that’s pretty close I I personally think power wash is worth it yeah sunshine you were really close and we have yogurt and shampoo good night Cho Queen and we’re still going to keep that there and then yogurt is going to be that one’s fine and then this one’s going to be $175 I tell you yogurt is cheap cheap cheap cheap the sound of the power wash put me to sleep last night yeah it does that to me every night that’s one of the reasons why I like to play it at the very end is because for me it’s like um it’s so relaxing I get to just instead of being like a little stressed out I get to just be like I’m going to bed can you play power wash Slimmer free on Xbox you can yes you can you can can that is free over there um tap and share uh we are number nine to watch me live H this is the last day yes it is and believe it or not we are going to be back into another competition tomorrow I’m not too sure what that’s all about Jam Jam is coming in on the jam Jam Jelly Bean Express with a private jet thank you Jam Jam Jelly Bean and the private jet that is always so cool yeah I’m playing private uh no I’m not playing private jet I am playing power wash uh later today yes Jam Jam is coming in oh cool John got the H their cast removed yay yay for no more cast yay for no more cast and let’s go back up here it’s the Jelly Bean jet the Jelly Bean Jet and we got that and we got that and no we have one left darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it okay let’s put that right right there all right let’s see what we can do I’ll be free to leave your house after 2 weeks oh that must feel good what are you going to do how do you remember where everything goes um you have to remember I built this store from the ground up so pretty much I remember where I have put everything the entire time I remember some of I go back and I look every once in a while at the videos in my YouTube and I had some pretty weird ideas about my store and it’s very nice to see that how far it’s come I’m telling you that right now it is nice to see how far it’s come and can I put that there yes I can you can put that there and let’s see if I can’t put this over here all right Jam Jam it’s coming in and there we go go okay there we go I miss watching you build the store well I’m still building it I’m still you know it just takes longer in between the builds I mean we’re still doing the same thing it just takes a little bit longer to do it do I stock too sometimes sometimes I do you know it kind of like um it really the whole thing is is I get to do whatever I want it’s my store and I get to do whatever I want and sometimes really depending on how I’m feeling is what I will do but um yeah sometimes it’s nice just to kind of relax and restock the shelves because you know like I keep on saying you know after after we max out we’re not going to have much to do why do you have more things than me and I am Max um are you maxed level or have you maxed out on your license because I maxed level and I still have two license left the Sims 4 is free on Steam if you want to play that one in both I don’t know because I still have two sets of license bet and I also have four expansions so I’m not 100% sure why but never but level goes up no matter what there we go there yeah I saw that um Kristen I saw that you’re the second person that has said that that’s a fun game to play for free I played Sims I don’t really understand it well enough to say I know about the Sims but I’ve played it I really I don’t know I don’t think I played it well but I played it this game is not free this game is $13 this game is $3 did you just uh did you stay in the top 10 I think I’m number nine right now as I believe I am Number Nine will there be a new game on Friday um probably house flipper I’m thinking we’ll do House Flipper on Friday house flipper Friday everybody has a good ring to it yeah you know it’s um I’m slowly but surely learning how to play that and I’m telling you right now I decorated some of the ugliest fugliest rooms ever but they didn’t give me much to choose from so I’m a little upset about that but we are definitely going to be trying again definitely going to be trying because you know like I keep on saying there was some fugly rooms I can’t wait for you to finish the fire station I know Jam Jam did you ever play that game is that I game that you’ve ever played that’s that and that and that I haven’t but now I want to you should you know what it’s a fun game to just um I I mean I can’t well you’ve watched me but I literally just sit there and zone out I mean I talked to all of you but I’m like in the back of my mind I’m like yeah this is pretty cool that’s the only game I think I would play offline and just like enjoy it on my own I try to be fast as I run into the wall Adam came back cuz I couldn’t sleep so flower let’s do this one this one and then we’re going to do pasta is this one okay and then we’ll have that that that and that and that let’s do a sugar we’re going to do this one and then let’s do a tuna nope we have to do this okay so let’s purchase that and then let’s do this we’re going to do a tuna let’s do a tuna everybody Lonnie you could um run for your own store in real life with all the experience I feel like I could I don’t know how well I would do in real life but I really feel like I I could at least think I knew what I was doing I mean I could at least BS my way through most of it and then ice cream we’re g to do this one okay and let’s go this game is called Supermarket simulator my friends and you can purchase it on Steam so what does okay so what do you do what do you do if you can’t sleep how do you turn your mind off if you can’t sleep me as soon as I start reading something I’ll go right to sleep so if I’m laying there and I can’t sleep I will immediately like just pick up a I’ll pick up my phone and start reading something and I’ll go right back to sleep yeah reading yeah listening to music that’s also a very good one listen to music reading puts me asleep oh every time every time what’s this one YouTube or Tik Tok yeah sometimes though I get really kind of like I don’t know sometimes Tik Tok I find myself um yeah I was gonna say sometimes I get myself like kind of tensed up but I don’t think it’s not too bad if I want a boring social media I’ll just look at Facebook even though I have not posted something on Facebook for like three years do you all still have a Facebook soap cutting videos oh my God I love those kind of videos Tiffany you do um I do but only for birthdays Jam Jam that’s kind of how I am I do it because I still have a lot of pictures on there that I don’t think I have anywhere else and that one I use Facebook for the Memories yes okay because I have I mean I know that there were people on there that were saying they were making a lot of money on Facebook and I was like how I mean I never go on Facebook only for Marketplace and then she’s gone once the stuff is I just deleted my Facebook a few weeks ago you did sad see because my my mom messaged me on Facebook she doesn’t know how to text cuz I was actually thinking about going through and um going through and just like trying to get all my pictures and then just delete it yeah yep nope I 100% agree so let me ask you this now are any of you on Twitter or whatever you call it are you still on that social media justtina thank you for my fireworks my friend that was very beautiful thank you but are you still on um are you still on whatever you call it NOP NOP no see neither am I yeah I won’t call it the other thing never had and don’t know how to use it I had it for a certain um just because I felt like I needed all the social media accounts but I I I deleted that one I have nothing to do with that one on that one and that one I know YX though the only reason I still have Instagram is because that’s where the girl that does my hair messages me and that’s a valid reason to have that I highly recommend you keep that for that and and then a pizza okay I used to love Instagram I know you know what and that’s just the whole thing it’s it’s like I don’t understand what happened to Instagram but it just tanked fast you know that’s the way I look at it it was like there one day and the next minute it was gone cuz that’s actually where I started and I don’t go over there I have like 150,000 followers on Instagram and I can’t even remember the last time I went over there which is kind of probably bad but I don’t yeah they tried to be everything but Instagram I think I just don’t understand that yep NOP like I said it’s to me it’s like I I don’t get it and I don’t get it soda let’s do this one I miss having Myspace you know what um yes I think mypace was cool uh toilet paper let’s get that one and then let’s go this one three four one two three four and then we’re going to get that and then paper tows and then paper to now does anybody have that lemonade which or lemon8 which is um does anybody have that Tik tok’s version of Instagram Britney thank you for my rose I appreciate that and that one right there yeah yeah it’s called like lemon8 I think and that’s Tik tok’s version of Instagram you’ve never heard of that and then oh my gosh and then there’s one called Clapper which I absolutely refuse to ever do anything with something called Clapper I am I I have it I tried it and I’m like this is the most sh*ttiest thing I’ve ever seen hello my friend yep and then I know that Instagram has the thing that’s supposed to be like Twitter and I haven’t posted anything on there in a year either well thank you Max I appreciate that mypace was good and that threads yeah what up is with that and to me I got it because again I was like oh if I’m going to be social media I need like every single account I got it and I’m like why do I have this does anyone um on Kick I’m I don’t know what kick is nope no updates yet Nicole thank you for Harding me I appreciate you how much until the next upgrade we need we need about $113,000 and Kevin thank you so much for subscribing you are subscriber number 6,36 and I appreciate you immensely I’ve never had a Snapchat so I I don’t even have that one uh meridel thank you so much for my confetti I appreciate you there’s a Tango what the hell is a Tango [Music] and am I the only one frustrated with the kyotic box to tossing can we keep it tidy at the curb please well I don’t think you know truthfully I don’t think they throw it I think what they do is they stack it up straight and then it falls over all over the place that’s the way I that’s what I usually see and away we go and away we go hello Nicole how are you my friend anyone remember AOL oh my gosh is AOL even still around I mean if somebody had an AOL address would it still work it is fun Luna I know it is a really good game okay oh no honey every I think everybody’s good hopefully you feel better and let’s get that could be just because I start no it’s a um I think I missed a message I I think I missed something all right and let’s see how fast we can open my son made stairs out of boxes and climbed up to the fire escape on the outside of the building really once they got I mean were you able to climb up the stairs my import takes forever is that is oh yeah no it’s um I was going to say my restocking takes forever but that’s okay because we are in this for the long run everybody we are in this for the long run no just to the bottom platform he was 10 I’m so proud I’m proud of him are you kidding you tell him I think that that’s impressive 100% I never even thought of doing that yeah no it is a lot of fun all of these social bringing back memories I know oh good yes please tell him that I was impressed with his building skills all right so let me ask you this since we’re talking about social media and stuff no the staff won’t help restock okay so does anybody still does anybody still date online and I’m not saying it’s a good thing I’m not saying it’s a bad thing I’m just wondering if anybody still dates online I know Jam Jam that was my first gut reaction cuz I mean your mom does dog food I see I have but I won’t I I mean I won’t anymore but that doesn’t mean that I think that it’s a bad thing it’s just I won’t do it people just kind of go online to hook up yeah no I watch too much catfish I don’t know I just I I just I don’t know I I mean I I tried but I just can’t I I mean and I haven’t tried for years it’s been years since I dated online but I don’t think I would that’s what I’m doing Norby that is exactly my dating plan to the tea yeah I mean I know a lot of people who it works for it just doesn’t work for me you know and nothing against anybody and I want to be very careful for you all to know that I am not judging anybody but um I don’t know why but a lot of people without teeth thought that I was their perfect match and um I just stopped you know I just couldn’t do it anymore I was just like teeth are not an option this is a necessary thing and I if you think I’m kidding I am not and I just you know I have I have a I draw the line yep that’s a wild sentence it’s the truth teeth are not an option and you know what if I ever um yeah if I ever ever ever decided to start a new profile that would be that would be be my caption that would be how I would start I would lead with that I would lead that teeth are not an option I was always against dating app went on fruits for one day before I deleted it uh the app I met my love a that’s so cool must have teeth yes I don’t even care if you have one you have to have something in your head do you have to to buy the computer version um the you this is only available on uh a Windows based PC people in the area weren’t uh so I had to change locations well one time okay so get so get this long time ago I actually did um e Harmony and I did not realize it was a very um religious based dating app all right and I’m not saying anything about that one way or the other I’m just telling you what I did now in e-harmony you have to do um like a personality test that takes like an hour or so to absolutely do the e-harmony test um oh we’re talking about online dating so I did the um the personality test took me like an hour and a half and I kid you freaking not they came back and told me there was not one match for me in the entire e-harmony database and I’m like you have got to be freaking kidding me and I took it as a compliment you know I decided to take that yep I took it as yeah and I’m sitting there and I was like no this can’t be right so I actually extended the miles like I ran out to like a 100 mile radius I upped the age and I lowered the age and still and then they’re like this isn’t your match but this is the best we can do and they sent me like a couple of like random pictures and I was like um it yeah and I literally I had two ways to look at it I could be like I’m unlovable or I could look at it like you know what I am so unique that none of these other cookie cutter people were my match and um and I am and I am and that’s the way I did it and that’s the way I always look at it and it’s one of my favorite stories it is absolutely one of my favorite stories um Olivia thank you for my chilly gns thank you for Harding me Kevin thank you for my chilies Mama te thank you for my chilies and I appreciate you all oh you had the same issue so we’re very unique and I think that that makes us again very special I like it yeah yeah at first I was like you know at first I was kind of like I don’t know I mean I’ll be completely honest I was a little butt hurt in the beginning but when I started thinking about it I was like no this is a compliment y’all you know and so that that’s the story of my life but I will find I will do matchmakers for you all in a heartbeat I just don’t think um I don’t don’t think I have it in me to find mine it’s very simple you just want to find somebody who’s obsessed with you and I think that that’s what it should be and I don’t think anybody should settle for anything less um The Sims went good it was um a little bit different than I thought it was going to be but it definitely went well I mean it was a good first try it was a good first try I got nothing against Sims one [Music] two okay I just saw a staffer take a box they can restock the shop with once it’s in storage yes yes you have to get the boxes off the curb and into the storage room I’m just accepting that the apps are not the way for me yep and I’m perfectly okay with that I mean and again I don’t I don’t have anything against online dating I’m just going to wait until I accidentally run into somebody and I’m going to be like oh yeah there you are and then I’m going to be okay with that exactly exactly exactly I’m just not in that that much of a hurry to date if I did try to date again my bio would read much have must have teeth and doesn’t spray his hairline yep yep and it’s not an insult I mean teeth are not an option you have to have them and I don’t even care if they’re yours you can borrow somebody’s teeth just put the in your damn head you know that’s all I’m asking you could that’s all you need that’s all you need they don’t have to be yours and thank you everybody for it’s not asking a lot I know you could just be like hey bud I’m I’m going to take a picture for an online dating app can I borrow your teeth and then I’m sure your friend would be like yeah dude take mine you know Dentures are okay yes I’m not say and that’s just the whole thing it’s it’s like I’m not being mean I’m just saying you have to have Chompers in your in your face it’s it’s it’s just what I’m saying everybody all right so let’s go what do you want next everybody what it what do you think what do you want next do you want yes um Kate what would you like next would you like um we’ve already done ice cream cones do you want corn do you want we are doing the fire station today do you want lightning bolt okay Mama T said lightning bolt and that’s what we get okay lightning bolt us up my my friends we will hose be nosy we’ll do um corn next time s Knuckles all right everybody we have a duck song Everybody Get Ready To quack and we have a duck on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes and we have ducks on Parade um sad I don’t know who’s shooting what at who but um people don’t shoot their people don’t shoot things at me so I don’t know about that and we have ducks on parade is Kimmel on here if you need me to come on to your um live and sing that for you just let me know and he has teeth I don’t know I mean ciml do you have teeth teeth are not an option dude you better have teeth in your head I don’t know man I’ve seen him talk and it’s it’s debatable he never really looks directly at the camera this is Kimel Norby thank you for my lightning bolts and Snapper Kitty are you ready and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes and we have ducks on Parade we have duck on Parade that’s right damn it and I think even ducks have teeth if I’m not mistaken no geese do so geese have teeth do they have their own oh kiml thank you so much for my lightning bolt and I’m sure you have teeth Dar I’m just I’m just giving you a hard time because I do thoroughly enjoy giving you a hard time camel’s coming do like okay he just yelled at me Kimmel just yelled at me that he has his own teeth because I would never want to start that um that horrible rumor online that Kimel does not have teeth so I will I will retract my statement and I will tell you I’ve seen him smile plenty of times and yes Kimmel does have teeth so we will check that off we don’t want to make them we don’t want we don’t want we don’t want to make kemel mad um watch me and Bert pull up at Kim for yelling at you I think yeah bare minimum yeah bare minimum met okay yes we got that much you know I’m just telling you right now you know you just you don’t expect a lot and sometimes sometimes sometimes you get it I have been waiting for this day both of my favorite streamers I have my own teeth so I’m good there Mama te thank you for my light and them both all their teeth are some they only need one I don’t really care you have to have a tooth in your head and again it doesn’t even have to be yours you can borrow it but if you’re going to be on yes if you’re going to be on there you have to have teeth tooth I don’t care just have one teeth required exactly all right everybody let’s go ahead and get this and open up raise the bar okay two teeth no you don’t want to grind up the food when you’re having dinner okay yeah we’re not gonna we’re not going to do no baby bird kind of thing on the date I’m not going to chew your food for you I’m not dating someone that I have to uh chew their food for nope Pew I’m good then I have one tooth left that’s very that’s awesome I’m chuckling over here well good Mama T thank you for my confetti and for my lightning bolts bman thank you for my lightning bolts and Mama te thank you for my lightning bolts but blending food is so romantic you know and that’s just the thing it’s like and again I don’t want to make fun of anybody who maybe doesn’t have teeth but I’m just saying you know um if you’re going I I I don’t know I mean I’m trying to like retract because I don’t want to be a bully but um I’m just saying for myself that I would prefer if the person that I was in a relationship with had teeth there you go there I think that that made me a nicer person everyone has their preferences and that’s yours yeah you know what exactly I’m not saying that that person is right wrong or indifferent I’m just saying my personal preference is to have teeth there I like it that makes me feel better I feel like I am Mama T thank you for making me look like Calbert so I think yeah yeah and then I’m just going to put it straight out there so that way there’s but nobody ever reads anything I mean I could sit there and be like um you know teeth are not an option and then they would still you know be like m MH that’s what she says but her eyes say her eyes say no but I know she means yes my personal preference is to have teeth at well exactly and I think that we each have the right to do that you know I think it’s like you said a personal preference thing exactly and they have to smell good too yes I think um I think having um body odor is not an attractive thing to have on your first date I would have to agree with that you know you just kind of you have to set the bar High cimel you smell great okay okay so you have teeth and you smell good so far so far you’re doing you’re doing good you know I think that those are two fine qualities that you you know that everybody should have teeth and smell great you know I think that that’s going in with some really strong um some really strong characteristics not just teeth but good hygiene in general yes yes yes and please do not okay and this is just my personal preference again I’m not saying anything about anybody who does that but please do not wear socks with your sandals camel I I have a feeling that this one might be hard for you but please do not wear socks with your sandals so you know I I know that you can’t see your feet when you’re you’re um when you’re streaming something tells me that this might be a deal breaker but please don’t ever no socks with Crocs no no I can even handle more of an over I could handle truthfully I could handle a lot of cologne more than I could handle the socks and the sandals thing I just can’t do that or a navy shirt with black jeans that’s not a good one um Taylor thank you for my rose honey that is your first gift here on Tik Tok and I appreciate that yes Taylor thank you for my roses so I don’t know I I mean I I don’t know I think I truthfully I think camel looks more like um thank you for making me look like Calbert I could see kemel truthfully I could see him wearing like a pair of Vans that’s what I could see kemel wearing so I I think with socks I’m not a foot person but I got some hot dogs well okay so now instead of being called Kimmel we’re just going to call you hot dog so every time you come in we’re going to call you hot dog you just you handed that to me and I have to take that so Kimmy is now officially hot dog so just so you all know and I’m and every time you come in I’m gonna think about your feet and I don’t really want to do that but hot dog you’re the one that just said that you have hot dogs so we got we got to go with what you said yeah it’s it’s poor Kimmy and the dogs it’s a law yeah it’s a law you you it is forever from this day forward camel will be known as hot dog hot dog so every time you come in that’s it what about a dress code on the first date truthfully I would rather have somebody dress exactly how they want to and then trying to be like you know I mean I would prefer that it be clean hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog camel’s in the house hot dog hot dog oh so tomorrow I’m GNA go on his live and I’m GNA give him a Frank fantastic hot dog because you know I have to represent the beans kimy and the hot dogs oh that sounds like a really good um like 80s band [Music] see that one Mama T yes look at it was little Kimmel we’ll call we’ll call Frank fantastic baby chemel and jam Jam’s coming in with another baby chemel it actually does sound like a good band doesn’t it oh I know we need to um we have 108,000 and we need 125 to expand and I hope you know how much we love you Kimel and I mean sorry hot dog and it’s always fun to have you here and it’s always fun to um it’s always fun to give you give you some [ __ ] and we really appreciate you for that and Carson is coming in with another baby Kimel yes yes I think we probably pick on him way more than his own stream does but I like that all right everybody are you ready to open up are you ready to open up we are opening up we are opening up and the stories changes well yeah well we keep growing all right let’s do this everybody let’s do this let’s do this let’s show hot dog how it’s done everybody hot diggity dog kimel’s in the house all right let’s do this let’s do this when are you switching to power washer um probably in about 45 minutes we’ll just get through this one and then we’ll do a little bit more restocking and kiml I love you too sweetheart you already know that if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t pay any attention to you hot diggity dog kimel’s in the house hot diggity dog now I can’t get that song out of my fa my head and we’re waiting for oh we have to go and see if anybody has suspicious shoes on all right let’s check out their shoes Okay so this guy he’s not dressed bad he’s not dressed bad now this guy I don’t know that guy’s a little bit uh his sweater looks a little hot and the thing that bothers me about this outfit is that he doesn’t have a t-shirt underneath that sweater so you know his pits are a little sweaty and he does not have a little t-shirt on underneath soaking up that sweat so that one bothers me a little bit I’m just telling you that much now there’s a guy around here with pink cowboy shoes on where did you go where did you go where are you I know which one he is I just can’t find him oh Mr sweaty pit oh here’s the guy look it he’s got some pink cowboy shoes on are don’t they’re not cowboy boots they’re like little they’re little loafers I don’t know I don’t think I like those shoes so let’s help Mr sweaty pits hello sir but and we don’t know if anybody you know I was going to say we don’t know if they have teeth but we’re just going to assume they do there we go nope no update what’s the weather Christmas sweaters and short skirts I know and this guy is going straight to the beach I have no idea what he’s doing and she I mean she’s got to be like freezing she’s either freezing or the other guy is just super sweaty and PR no P3 rf3 action thank you so much for my roses and I just dropped to gaming number 90 so 11975 hello star how are you my friend 24 and does the weather change in the game nope never does [Music] 6.75 and there we go and 8525 I’m doing good I’m doing good having a good night we are sitting here we’re trying to get up to 125,000 so then that way we can expand and and we’re going to go from there Jam Jam says I think I would become a crocodile girly because Star Wars just dropped new ones [Music] really Steph thank you for my tiny diny I appreciate you sometimes when they walk into the you can see the inside of their mouths they all have teeth oh really I have never looked that closely but I’m glad that you did Lissa thank you for Harding me I absolutely um I’ll wear Crocs I have Crocs oh your puppy loves my lives I love that I do love that Lissa thank you for Hing me sad okay we’re going to change that we’re going to change that and if I have to fly out there and put Crocs on your feet I’ll do it it’s okay you can just sit there and I’ll put them on your feet and then you’re going to look like you know you know like the little puppies when you put shoes on the feet um you’re going to walk like but I’ll help you and will ease you into the Crocs and it will be fine I’ll be there with you every step of the way 20 40 60 805 and six and 50 I’ve never worn Croc either I think they are ugly they oh they’re they’re totally ugly and they’re totally amazing and that’s why they’re that’s what makes them amazing I want the Croc heal I want the um I want the High um Crocs that have a platform that’s the one I really [Music] want and 206 yes Robert has um charms on his Crocs I don’t have any charms but Robert [Music] does 75 they are very comfortable you need to see his COC charms okay I will ask him to stand still while I take pictures of his feet for you but and I’ll put it on Discord or I’ll send it to you I’ll have to ask Robert I don’t know I don’t usually do things without getting his permission 9575 yep nope I last thing I want is for Robert to think I’m selling his feet pictures I cannot believe those words just came out of my mouth but it it did so we’re not going to do that I I will tell him what I’m doing how’s [Music] that um you know I I I might just you know I can I can um I can just yeah we’re going to just talk about a different subject I’ve officially found my new favorite account awesome Elliot I’m glad you know you just never know what inappropriate thing we’re going to be talking [Music] about and 27 and Siara thank you for my lightning bolts and Lissa thank you for Harding me and Steph again thank you for my tiny tiny and there we go and there we go okay 17575 oh a new goal okay um so we will do corn next since we’re talking about feet um we’ll do corn next and let’s get this we’re at 116 right now everybody so we need 10,000 more have you updated the store at all in any way I’m trying to get another extension it’s just things are so much more expensive now so it’s taking us a little bit longer but we are definitely trying okay feet and corn I know and this is a family friendly Channel could you imagine if we were not you know it’s it’s something thank you Austin I appreciate you panic thank you for Harding me and Bluegrass girl thank you for Harding me how much do you need for the expansion 125 and we’re at 117 now and that’s $1 this game is fun and very addictive 4625 so we’re at 100 um yeah so we’re at 100,000 we’re at 117,000 we need 125 okay and let’s find the corn and we have corn everybody a little splashy thank you jam Jam I love my little splashy thank you T I appreciate that uh uh oh no you reminded me to save I’m sorry Austin honey that happened um that happened the other night I accident pushed the wrong button and um yeah that wasn’t good I actually lost quite a bit on then too thank you I actually have a little smiley face on that one it is 900 p.m. in the game but we’re going to stay open until we get all of the customers checked out and 10 15 16 17 25 Betsy’s in the house oh no Austin I’m so sorry about that sad thank you for my splashy I thought uh oh uh oh oh I really want those um I want those Crocs sad I would like to officially issue my apology I was trying to do too many things and I thought Jam Jam said Mr squishy or Mr splashy so I would like to apologize to you from me and my family to you I apologize for thinking that was Jam Jam so yeah sorry I love you so the next gift that jam Jam gives me I’m going to thank you so make it good Jam Jam yeah Mia thank you for my corn I appreciate you l Louisa uh Lou Alberto thank you for my corn Mama T thank you for my corn and Mia it’s me thank you for my corn from my family to you how do I price my items I round everything up to the nearest quarter I love my new camera I got to tell you that right now I am um I absolutely love it and it’s just you know what it’s this webcam that I got and it’s it’s just amazing and I actually was using a Canon full on camera before but I really do like this one you’re way more vibrant than before yeah that it was just I think that the camera just thought I was too close or something and it just was not um it just wasn’t doing very good well what we do um we are waiting for everybody ready to get checked out and then we’ll see how much well I turned on the lights because what happened is is that the camera before was like like overexposing everything so I was trying to keep everything as dark as possible and now with this new camera I don’t need to do that Norby thank you for my corn and Matt thank you for my corn oh my gosh Austin that autofocus thing was driving me crazy you have no idea how much I I couldn’t stop looking at the camera because I had to keep on trying to make sure that I was in focus camera name or details it’s called face cam and it’s from Elgato so it’s called face cam from Elgato and I’ll try to I’ll put it in my Amazon store I got it at Best Buy but I’m sure I can find it on Amazon but this is what I got okay all right so we have $1 121,122 121,000 $1 121,122 how much do you think we made everybody how much do you think we made bad okay um Justina says 9678 um Abby says 4605 Betsy says 3500 um Texas chick says 51 Baker Bert a lovee username 12,500 B swags says 57 um hosby nosy says 6757 trillion says 3439 uh Norby says 78 um Anna says 6,000 uh 67 JB Joy says 7138 and in reality Maddie says 5784 we made $6,750 [Music] no oh my God Anja is 25 cents off an you’re 25 cents off that was amazing on point yeah definitely on point we have a psychic in the house everybody I know that’s amazing you did awesome that’s the closest I’ve ever seen anybody ever get to the actual amount you need to go buy a lottery ticket right now absolutely yeah that was awesome soda Pizza Sushi cleaner soda Pizza sushi cleaner okay everybody we are $4,000 away from expanding I think what we’re going to do is okay let me ask you this let’s do a poll do you want to stop here and go over to power washer or do you want to try to stay here and expand one more time because if we expand I’m not going to move the store around but do you want to stay here and try to expand or do you want to go over to power washer smile we stay here tears uh Power Washer do you want to stay here is Smiles or go over to power washer tears so stay here and expand or go over to power washer tears smile is stay here going over to power washer is tears um do you want to stay here is a smile or do you want to move over to power washer is a tears do you want to stay here is a smile or do you want to go over to power washer which is tears do you want to stay here oh it’s a blowout we’re staying here everybody we are staying here so we are staying here at 129 and then we’ll expand and then we will go over to power washer after that okay so let’s go soda let’s see which one this is and we’ve made it this far let’s go on over so it’s that one yep see I always listen to you all if it’s something you want that’s something we do that’s just the way we roll at beart everybody that’s just the way We Roll yeah Taylor it’s um we are definitely um we are definitely expanding we are going to expand one more time then we’re going to get another license and then we are going to expand two more times and sad is coming in with an Interstellar did kidding that was Jam Jam yes that was so cool thank you jam jam now you’re even now you are both even and I can I can settle down and I can be super cool and jam Jam that was absolutely beautiful thank you that was a cool one I had never seen that one before all right because I’m like the kind of mom that has to make everything even and since I kind of like um messed that up so now we’re good so now we are good now I okay that was cool yes it was a um it was an Interstellar one it was very cool so $9 okay and then Sushi let’s do sushi exactly exactly and it’s a lot of stress it’s a lot of stress um and a cleaner yeah I got to keep keep things fair you know if nothing else I’m a very fair mom so 10 oh just go and have fun Cameron I mean it’s okay to be like apprehensive but you’re going to do great so just go and have fun that’s 772 and this one is 359 where is it what is this thing and this one is $478 so this will be $5 even okay okay hello 7 o’clock yeah sh thank you for my corn and I just jumped several rankings ooh I did I did and we [Music] are and we [Music] are yeah Cameron and then let us know tomorrow how everything goes honey we’re still number nine um yeah we’re still number nine if everybody could um if you could share share my live that would be awesome we are still number nine in the watch me live rankings oh we just went to 71 that’s awesome well yeah it’s those those um those gifts that sad and and um jam Jam sent just got us back up into the rankings Kelly Kelly thank you for my corn I appreciate that okay so let’s go let’s go oh I need to pay the bills because apparently I have not been paying the bills I have not been paying the bills so let’s do the elbows and Michelle thank you for my hand heart I appreciate you I appreciate you let’s put that little one in [Music] there let’s put this this one [Music] away can’t put that one away and Carson’s in the house Carson is in the house and that one goes there and all right let’s start going and there we go so we need orange juice and an apple juice and we need a and soda we have this one and we have oil let’s do this one and this one and ice cream we’re going to do this one okay let’s go put this away [Music] okay Carson thank you so much for my wand of the witch because I instantly was GNA blame sad oh my gosh I was sitting there and I was like sad and then I saw it was you and I’m like Carson thank you Carson for my Wanda the witch that one scares me every time I know that’s awesome yep yep yep yep because I was actually looking at the phone and so I wasn’t even seeing that and so that was a good one and now we’re at 67 yay yay look at us just creeping up there I was waiting for you to be distracted you did a good job my friend cuz I’m sitting there and I was you saw what I was doing yeah done good my friend you’re done good all right everybody and thank you everybody for sharing that um number 10 is online so I just want to make sure that we stay in front of them and uh I don’t think number eight is online right now but if if we could just stay in front of number 10 yeah Kayla I um I’ve actually since I switched my camera I’m able to stream in the daylight or the the light and it actually is a lot less stressful on my eyes so I’m very happy about that and I’m super excited to be um ranking in the top 10 on this competition it’s just it’s just super incredible it’s kind of surreal that we’re even like um these are for Content creators that have to have over 250,000 followers so um they’re pretty big content creators and the simple fact that we are in the top 10 is amazing um you’re the only one on in the top 10 I thought number um I thought number 10 was on when I just looked yeah number 10 juicy um Juicy J is on the number eight is not but the guy right behind me is that guy is right behind me and beer and we got this one and we got that and that hello David how are you my friend what competition is it it’s the it’s called watch me live and it’s for Content it’s for gaming Gamers on here on Tik Tok that have over um oh it just showed when I went on well maybe not I mean it would be nice if they went to bed go to bed um so that way I could stay I mean even if they pass me I’m still in the top 10 he is on okay all right well we’re gonna um we’re going to see this one how long did it take you to grow this business do you mean my store I’ve been playing this game for two months oh yeah Miggy we’re gonna I know you will my beans are going to keep us in the top 10 without a doubt Jam Jam thank you for my my Draco thank you so much my beautiful friend I love that one I love that one thank you so much yes the St is crazy looks so nice um two months and I have 433 hours in on this game and Hunter’s in the house Hunter how you doing my friend we have Carson we have Jam Jam we have sad and we have Hunter it’s like all my all my baby beans are here and I have all of you and it’s a good night it is a good night everybody crab we have this one how much did this game cost you $13 this game is $13 in the US on Steam and it’s a super fun it’s a super fun game it is a lot of fun and let’s go I really like it and a lot of people on here are playing it too Court thank you for my corn my friend thank you thank you we have two flowers right there so if we need to put one over here we can and just the first one okay you should count down how many times you go up and down those stairs oh my gosh I think I would be exhausted just thinking that jam Jam thank you for my sweet that’s I think you’re sweet I was going to say sweet confetti but that’s not what that one is but I still think you’re sweet is it easy to remember things go yourselves it really is because I have everything kind of categorized by what type of product it is so I have all my books together I have my cat food my dog food together I have all the alcohol together I have all the dairy together so for me it’s super easy to remember where everything goes because everything’s kind of lumped together all right everybody it is um oh Hunter thank you for hurting me honey okay so it is 9:13 where I am we’re starting to get the um the light the night crew in and I want everybody if it’s okay to say where you’re from and then see if you can find your location twin see if you can find somebody from the same state or the same city um but let’s go ahead and start our location twin and see if you can find somebody who’s from the same state or the same city as you are in and go and go go go and go and I’ve been at Bean mark on and Carson thank you so much for my beautiful Swan I appreciate you Carson that one was nice you jam Jam lives on bean in beart on aisle 3 it feels like that sometimes but you know what it’s a good place to live lots of good people and that’s just what we do that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying everybody and vodka let’s do that and let’s do this and let’s do this all right let’s put this stuff away everybody okay we have has anybody found their twin yet we have Chicago we have San Paulo Brazil um Lisa thank you for my corn honey oh Carson found a twin love it I haven’t found my Michigan twin all right does anybody from Michigan uh we usually have a lot of Texas Texas is usually very uh popular we have Athens Greece um Fort Myers Florida um gabster is in Texas we have a Texas Paul is in Texas Nicole is in Dallas Texas and Kelly’s in H Houston Texas I was actually looking at my analytics today and I probably one of the uh the most popular place that I U my followers are from is from Texas Connecticut we have Austin Texas I’m from Denmark and I play the game level 15 oh very very cool Home El Paso Texas anyone kale is in El Paso Texas we have Waco Texas Texas we have Washington Pennsylvania I got all my Michigan buddies now awesome oh Paul is still looking for Dallas Texas and we have beer and beer and beer and [Music] beer we have this one and we have have wine so we have this one okay and then we have 4 1 42 4142 so 41 42 4 1 four and then paper towels is two so we have seven left and we could do um why is cheese there that should not be there we’re going to put cheese there we’re going to put cheese in we’re going to put cheese there so we’re going to do fabric cleaner so fabric we’re going to do this one and then we’re going to do bleach bleach and fabric okay I’m going to do this one and then we’re going to do bleach we’re going to do this one and this one [Music] okay all right so Lisa thank you for my corns how are we doing on our matches everybody anyone from Illinois um anyone from Illinois uh Sarah the Northern California Angel is from Northern California and so is Norby Norby is from also from Northern California anyone from Kansas Katie are you in Northern California hun we’re looking for Pennsylvania oh Norby’s coming in San Francisco see I knew where you were at I knew exactly where you’re at um Kayla bear is in Kansas I’m going to bed for week exam for me have a good night good night Miggy and Ohio anyone from Georgia Diana is looking for somebody from Georgia and I’m still looking and Las Vegas is do we have anybody else from Las Vegas the gabster is from Las Vegas I absolutely love it when we all do this anybody from Manitoba Canada anybody from Manitoba Canada we also have Ley from Switzerland I’m in Florida North Florida basically South Georgia not currently Las Vegas but was born and raised there well Kayla bear you know um well Livy was in there La Livy was in Las Vegas last week so that’s kind of that um any else anybody else from sh shatan Canada that’s his closest I can say to saying that dazzy is in New York um New Yorker in Texas J um well that that’s kind of the same thing anyone in Joshua Tree I I’m not too far from you we actually Robert is in Palm Springs so Robert’s pretty close to you anyone from Romania do we have anybody from Romania or Brazil do we have Romania or Brazil and we also have Oklahoma and Washington Oh Katie is from Romania there you go there’s your Romania twin there you go Kentucky Caleb is in Kentucky Maryland um Sammy Joe is from Maryland looking for a Maryland Match Denise hello my friend Angela is from Louisiana and so many fellow kaes see when we’re looking for names it’s hard to find the names and then we’re looking for something else they all pop up let’s see here hello hello I’m from Michigan cheetah is from Michigan everybody Austin is Louisiana oh my goodness I was walking in the Box do not walk in the Box Lonnie do not walk in the box and let’s go get that okay uh Jay Dy is looking for a Maryland twin everybody is anybody from Maryland I’m from Grand Rapids M Michigan but live in Houston now so you could you know you could be um you could be on either end of that how far from downtown LA am I like an hour and 45 minutes from downtown LA I don’t live super close but I don’t live super far either and hold on hold on okay all right and we’re back we’re back good evening Nina and if you just joined what we’re doing is we’re trying to find our location twin pepper Peach you live in Costa Mesa I used to live in Costa Mesa I lived in Costa Mesa for a couple about a year and a half uh there about a couple years Bryson is in Texas okay Bryson you are so not going to be an orphan on this one we have Texans all over the place we have Texans all over the place and we have sugar we have this one and potatoes Bry said you’re a cowboy that’s right is a cowboy hot sauce and let’s do two of those and mayo and we’re going to do green tea and we are going to do the last three sodas we’re going to do one two and three and there we go okay oh Victoria’s originally from NorCal anyone from Missouri Kaitlyn is looking for somebody from Missouri do we have a Missouri in the house crazy llama cat how are you doing my friend you’re from Alaska right what we’re doing is we are looking for our location twin so hello Madison so if you want to try to find your location twin we can try to find somebody else yes all right do we have anybody else from Alaska crazy llama cat is in the house from Alaska and Hisperia California so you’re up the road for me and it’s you moved to Missouri year ago was it crazy llama Cat’s birthday oh my goodness happy birthday my friend happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear crazy llama mama cat happy birthday to you upper Hut New Zealand do we have anybody else from New Zealand that’s anywhere near there sounds really super cool zodiac killer lived in a town 10 minutes from me well there you go that’s a that’s a pretty good um that’s a pretty good kind of cool little fact um I yeah L I think you’re the only one from Switzerland my friend you can join um do we have any other location orphans um Courtney’s from New Zealand and what level are you at I am maxed out at level number 101 do we have a Virginia or in Illinois a is in Missouri and thank you I appreciate that it’s been it’s been a lot it’s been a really fun two months carara is in uh Missouri everybody so if you need Missouri there’s carara and liby is in Utah and we’re expanding as soon as we open up we only need um we just need to get this stuff on the shelf and then we’re opening up and we’re expanding we’re going to knock the wall back and then we’re going to go over to power wash and we’re going to apply over there for a little bit we’re going to apply over there and there we go and there we go and Bella thank you for hurting me my friend and I appreciate you now Bella you’re from Italy right it’s Bella from Italy Cara says hello fellow Missouri peeps okay kale um oh they’re from Germany oh okay for some reason I thought Italy Okay so is from Germany do we have anybody else from Germany I know me too I was thinking the exact same thing hummus hou [Music] and okay I need scallops and big Sushi scallops and big Sushi we need that we need sushi and we need a chocolate and a cake and we need chocolate and a cake and a cake and this one okay and then let’s get I think we’re going to be able to open up no we need big um so we need cleaner dish tabs and bleach so [Music] cleaner dish tabs and bleach and then we need soap okay then we can open up all right let me put this away we’re going to open up and then we’re going to push that wall back everybody and then I’m going to push it have you ever thought of doing reaction videos to movies on patreon no I didn’t even know what that is I’ve done reaction videos on um on YouTube but I mean truthfully as it is right now um 100% of my energy is going into my streaming channel so I really don’t want to try to diversify too much because I’ve done that in the past where I try to do a little bit of this a little bit of that and then nothing turns out good and is Cousin Eddie was that um Tennessee Ernie Ford carot was that the one and Lisa thank you for all of my corns yes oh my God I know that’s a good one and can you tell I’ve seen enough I Love Lucy to know exactly which one you’re talking about and that one awesome and then this one did you already expand no Brandy we’re going to do it right now we’re going to open up and then we’re going to go push that wall back Bryson’s going crazy that’s because Bryson found the um their Texas twin Bryson is no longer an orphan so I think they’re celebrating Bryson celebrating hands down let’s give a big let’s give a big win for Bryson if he’s going crazy yep Brandy if you can give me just a couple of minutes we’re going to put these boxes away and then we are going to open up and then I am going to head over to power wash and we are going oh shoot and we are going to clean that uh fire station Bryson just came in with 1,23 corns everybody 1,100 12 23 corns Yeehaw deep in the H of Texas the stars are bright shining bright deep in the Heart of Texas I don’t know if I sang that one right thank you Bryson all right so what do you want next we just made our corn goal what would you like next I knew that was wrong but you know what it’s all right it was close enough you know what I meant um what would you like next oh deep in the Heart of Texas um game controller is a little bit expensive I like to keep the ones that are um that are like the real inexpensive ones yep Austin I knew they were going to Tik Tok knew they were going to we all knew that they were going to but we are not going to panic about it because I’m telling you right now there’s no way Tik tok’s just going to roll over and hand them their their company so we’re going to all stay together and we’re not going to worry about it um and if something happens then we’re just going to move somewhere else everybody but nobody’s breaking us up let’s do the heart Puffs so I just want you I don’t want you all to worry about it so we are going to be together one way or the other yeah I’ll take them to court you don’t think that there’s not a million gazillion people on here making money that isn’t going to start a class action lawsuit for the loss of income I will be all over that so I’m just saying y’all I don’t want you all panicking I mean I you don’t panic until I panic how’s that so nobody panics until I panic we have at least a year to figure it out and there’s going to be all sorts of things that can happen in a year so potato and um this one one two and three yeah it’s insane the the amount of the amount of that and I don’t want to talk about it too much because it’s kind of depressing but you have to remember um we have an election year and every single person who voted to ban that I will be voting against so anyway that’s all I’m going to say on that we fight yes and here’s the thing and again I’m going to say this um we’re going to stay together Tik Tok doesn’t make this community this is just where we gather all right and if we have to gather somewhere else then we gather somewhere else they’re not going to break us up so period into story deep in the Heart of Texas because that’s what we do I love how you speak about this it’s the truth don’t you think that I mean you are this is my life you are my life and you don’t if you think I’m just going to be like well that was fun I’m just going to go and run off into the sunset you are horribly wrong a thank you amandas all right let’s take a look let’s open up and let’s knock that wall down deep in the Heart of Texas so tomorrow whenever anybody gives you let’s just say you run across somebody who’s not you don’t like their energy this is what I want you to do deep in the Heart of Texas and they’ll have no idea what you’re talking about but you are going to totally own your own power and you’re going to take it back All My Exes Live in Texas that’s why I H my hat in Tennessee [Music] yep so and if you’re working ah Bryson thank you for cuddling I that’s so cool thank you honey there’s empty shelves in one of the fridge okay let’s look did I miss one you mean that one that’s clotted cream in the front end cap oh we need cheese and clotted cream okay thank you that’s why we look what is why we look so clotted cream so let’s do this one and then cheese let’s do okay Bryson good night my friend good night good night [Music] night clotted cream is really good whisps of Willow hello my friend Janet thank you for my heart puff and jam Jam thank you for my 200 heart Puffs there we go okay and let’s put this away and then we’re going to open up let’s do this one and there we go okay so let’s go put this away there and now we’re going to open up and now and there we go awesome okay deep in the Heart of Texas Stars are bright shine Shining Light deep in the Heart of Texas when was my last Hydration Station am I looking hydrated not I should have drank a while ago let’s have a Hydration Station everyone what does the numbers on the bottle oh that just kind of gives me like a little indicator how much water I should be [Music] drinking there’s no more room in my storage room okay so we’re going to do this we’re going to expand and then we’re going to go clean up we’re going to go clean a fire station everyone I had never heard clotted cream before either but I actually went and bought some and ate it and it was really good fire station we’re gonna go clean a fire station and let’s go that way a little bit there you go I’m just playing with my new camera which is super cool by the way I tried to the clot I tried clotted cream I made my own scones and I got the clotted cream and I put some Blackberry Preserves on it and I’m going to tell you right now it was really good it was really good all right I’m just going to sit here and wait for um wait for somebody to come to my um come to my little cashier it was really good aie equivalent to a mascapone or creme fresh yes I think they said milk was expensive probably I mean I put everything up to the um I round everything up to the nearest quarter and sometimes it’s like a couple of pennies and sometimes it’s almost a quarter so there’s they’re always complaining about something being overpriced stars are bright okay well he’s very shy looking don’t be shy it’s fine and 75 cents okay we’re at 114,000 we need 125 we need 125,000 they’re shopping away in here we’re just sitting here waiting a look he’s like hi I have a Hungry Cat and I need some pizza and beer with some potatoes and lasagna so 75 okay oh and this guy just popped up at Sheldon just came out of nowhere he’s going to have himself a little fancy dinner of vodka french fries and pizza and thank you yeah if you want to birdie I will um I’ll walk around once we’re all done but I can’t leave my cash register right now um a if you want I can put um I can put a picture in Discord of it and I got a pre-built computer it’s from IB power I got that from Costco and that’s going to be your biggest expense I have two monitors two ring lights a webcam and a microphone so I I’ll put a picture of it in Discord for you so computer and Discord Discord how do you hire employees there’s a tab it’s the same place that you pay your bills and um do your ordering there’s something there’s called employment you just add you just um hire them there and that’s what you do 127 .25 and nope no updates yet everybody 25 said there you go and one two three and 25 birdy I’ve heard that it’s going to be an option and we can actually turn it off if we want so I’m not if if there’s an option and I don’t have to have it I’m not going to have it in my store so I’m not going to I’m not doing that sad you’re like nobody’s taking our stuff and a150 thank you we’re at 118 everybody and 20 40 60 70 5 6 7 8 and 25 yeah I really do hope that we have the option for that because I’m not really thrilled about having that option but you know if I can’t I can’t but let’s hope that we don’t have to have it and 17050 uh my game glitches a lot any suggestion um um I don’t personally have any for you but if you wanted to look in Discord there might be um some suggestions there wisps of Willow thank you for my roses I appreciate that it I’m not too sure what computer you have or anything like that so I’m not that computer savvy to be able to help you [Music] out okay and your brother’s right here and 106.75 okay we still have a lot of people in the store it’s 9:00 and we have to make N9 $5,000 can we do it everybody we’re at 121 let’s see if we can do it we’re at 121 that’s 257 five I saw that good pizza great pizza I did look into that one and we’re at 121 still come on everybody you can do this and there we [Music] go and 175 and there we go 3550 oh you love that good I love good pizza great pizza I thought I will have to take a little bit closer look into that one 22 20 or 1224 let’s see what we can end up with and 114 [Music] okay and 135.7 75 we’re at 123 everybody we need to make $2,000 okay let’s keep going 259 there’s a late fee on bills or do they pay automatically after three days they’ll P automatically let’s go let’s go and 17150 we’re at 124 we’re at 124 everybody and 20525 [Music] and 12850 1247 and 13125 okay we’re at 124 866 is the green gym thing still happening I saved all these G gyms and I don’t see it I’m not too sure truthfully if that’s still happening cat thank you for my rose and wisps of Willow thank you for my roses I appreciate that has anybody else seen the little green thing tonight we’re at 125 everybody we’re at [Music] 125 all right and here’s the store while we’re waiting and this is the store as we have it you’ve been seeing it on other lives okay that’s the store right there and that’s this up I don’t see it either I wanted to give my points Delani well I guess it does um yeah I guess it does like randomly pop up so I do appreciate that the incaps are what makes the difference right here everybody if you didn’t if I didn’t have these incaps then all of these freezers would just be like I wouldn’t have enough room for them andc caps are a must I’m telling you that right now um there’s Mr Snowflake right there with his sweaty scratchy sweater all right so Kyle’s busy Kevin’s busy Brandon’s done and Bert is still busy oh yeah I would definitely think that they would be doing something for the holiday I would definitely think that I would think so at least Diamond Rose I know isn’t it cool how it just grows I don’t think the graphics Chang no I have a different camera but the graphics in the store didn’t change all right everybody we made $7,295 how much do you think we made tonight we have 127,000 Nick I’m doing good how are you okay Jamie says 6755 Hunter says 7856 um esta wal says 7500 Austin says 7250 Sarah says um 6,500 CM Bru says 8,000 and Madison says 9250 Brandy says 67 WIA Willow says 60 7689 and Mrs pigs mom says 5777 baby brat says 9844 and in reality we ended up with for day 453 7,706 7,7 and6 no no customization yet and so let’s see what we got so 7,000 wisps of Willow was super close at 7689 um Jacqueline was close at 7125 Taylor was close at 7326 Brandy said 76 super close and Leo and Leo said 7170 and lakens said 7125 um KK Rogers said 7456 and JB Joie said 7950 and Austin said 7250 and SD wall said 75 hunter said 7856 you were close you were all really close yep do why don’t you have your max profit um I had my Max profit for the day ground beef and yogurt ground beef and this one is going to be 1250 and yogurt all right everybody Leo just sent a duck are you ready and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have ducks on Parade a mama duck goes quack and the baby duck goes there you go Maddie Maddie says quack Jamie says quack Mrs Pig mom says quack JB Joy says quack sad says quack Hunter says quack and Bella says quack and Shelly says quack and cat says quack and Whisper Willow says quack and Amanda says quack and Denise says quack and we have ducks on Parade we have duck on Parade ducks on Parade awesome we are all bunch of quackers and we are that’s what we’re doing all right everybody let’s pay the bills let’s pay the bills now for the growth we we need 115,000 we have 126 so we are going to be fine we have 115 so we have 115 so we have 115 and we need on one and we have 126 535 so that’s going to give us $1,535 so we can expand all right watch I ain’t spending this much money oh okay all right and here’s our expansion right here everybody and here’s what we did I know it always makes me nervous it always makes me nervous so my idea is with the expansion of the store we are going to make these go longer like this and we have ducks on Parade we have a mama duck and a baby duck and we have Ducks on parade and a mama duck goes quack and a baby duck goes quack and we have ducks on Parade do you think that that’s no that’s a little bit too squishy I think so let’s just put this right here for now and we’re going to put that right here for now we have I’m going to have to think about this what are we going to do what do you think we’re going to do yeah I think what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to push this back like you said and we’re going to do [Music] incaps because that’s going to be um yeah that’s going to be interesting good night baby [Music] brat all right so you know what we’re going to do tomorrow we are going to rearrange this tomorrow because tonight we are heading over to we’re heading over to power washer because I do not have the brain energy to figure this out so we’re going to tomorrow we’re going to come straight in and we’re going to figure this out right here fire station all right everybody let’s go over to the fire station that’s going to be so cool our store is going to be like ginormous [Music] ginormous [Music] ginormous I think we’re going to do a whole thing at toothpaste we’re going to need another rack okay all right let’s go let’s go over to say good night to everybody at Bean Mar good night everybody we’ll see you tomorrow we’ll see you [Music] tomorrow I always save twice because I’m super superstitious and we are going to oh I saved trust me I saved twice that’s how super I’m just super cautious that way and let’s go clean a fire station everybody stars are bright keeping [Music] the and away we go you and me both let’s clean stuff I love it let’s go and look at howett pretty our fire station looks and we’s go and start cleaning hello Zine how are you so how’s everybody doing you’ve never heard of this game before Oh my gosh I am lowkey obsessed and this is what we do we clean and we make money um we clean and we make money and this is how we in our day okay so how is that baby reindeer is that a good I don’t do any like I don’t want any uh spoiler alerts but is that a good game or a good thing I’m in the helicopter level that’s an add on for the fire station oh cool it was good okay good morning Georgia all right maybe I’ll try to watch that you loved it okay then I will definitely try to watch that if you like it I will try to watch it now is it a series or a movie hopefully it’s a series cuz I think that’s easier for me to watch okay it’s a series okay it’s just a different setting um like for example this one right here is a little bit it’s a little bit of a wider nozzle but doesn’t have as much power so I just try to get as much as I can oh thank you Shelby I appr I appreciate you okay so what are you watching besides the reindeer game that is that you’re lowkey obsessed with is there anything that you’ve been watching um that is like a must watch um it’s called the reindeer no it’s called the little reindeer I think no it didn’t catch on fire it’s just really dirty Fallout series I started that Gray’s Anatomy The Walking Dead I’m so late but I love it you know what I watched that for many I I have I kind of lost it um I kind of lost it a little bit I watched it for a couple of years jnie and Georgia the spider Wick Chronicle Ozark is always a good one cuz I went to watch um I didn’t really feel like watching Fallout today and I turned on the TV and I’m like I could not find anything it was actually kind of lowkey kind of bum apples don’t far as good okay Madison thank you for my roses and my sunglasses and my Rosa I’ve heard good things about the gentleman series I was going to ask you about the three body problems you know what I I personally could not get into young Sheldon I loved the Big Bang Theory but I just couldn’t I I just could not get into young Shel and I just don’t know if I was missing the point or what oh this is the best way to end the night stream I’m telling you right now I was going to ask okay I’ve seen that Resident alien and I was wondering about that one yes you need to buy this game it is so much fun and once we get done with all the main game we are actually going to be washing um SpongeBob’s bikini or yeah Bikini Bottom and every time you hear that little noise that means that it’s done and we make money we’re watching yes we are watching SpongeBob’s bikini the bottom part of it look at how nice that looks ly would you play a kind of jump scare game I’m not too into scary games but lethal company is fun you know I I do have that game but that particular game I’ve heard from multiple people that it’s more of an online game and I have not been I I don’t do online games I have it I just I’ve tried playing it and it just didn’t really work yeah cuz I didn’t think it was I know it’s not a scary game but it’s I think it’s more of a multiplayer game you and B that I would do that I would do in a heartbeat so we’re going to do um I didn’t get a chance to talk to Robert about it today but for Mother’s Day I want to play overcooked with Robert on Mother’s Day I think that will be so much fun yeah no I would definitely do something like that I don’t know if Robert’s ever played that game or not I’m not 100% sure have you heard of Jason’s Woods game they took it U off CU copyright but it was so fun no I had never heard of that one before yep that that’s what I’m going to ask ask for Mother’s Day it it’s for Robert to play overcooked with me uh yes Shelby what is your question golf with friends oh is that like U like an online game have I recovered since the shoe house there’s no coming back from that once you’ve experienced that there’s no coming back oh that shoe that we cleaned you could hear children singing inside of it and it was horribly um scarring oh you can play alone or online I’ll have to look into that got that I have never played overcooked before so I’m not 100% sure of the premise I just know it’s like a fun game that you play with somebody else and you end up yelling at each other and to me I’m all about that yes um I have different soap that we’re using I purchased all the Soaps so I have like wood and glass multi-purpose all of that how are you liking the game so far this one right here oh my gosh this I love this game this one right here is I absolutely love ending the streams with this game I could clean all day long I don’t know what it says about me but I really could what were you playing before before this game oh I was doing Supermarket simulator so I was building a grocery store before I started playing this one and now I’m cleaning a fire station oh you saw you the hunt the killer podcast yep it’s all it’s going to be fun let’s just put it that way it will definitely be fun I can get all right look at that look at how pretty that looks you know I don’t think I’m going to do the whole Mother’s Day duck on Parade it’s just I don’t want to have to buy a costume and I think that will be just as good as me trying to make my adult son dress up like a duck it would be be cute but I think I’m going to let Robert um I think we’re just going to do the the game and there we go okay sad if you can talk him into it then I’ll do it other than that just going to I don’t think he would do it for me watched your son stream the other day he’s very funny uh yeah Robert’s got a sharp person he’s got a a very fast wit hello Preston pry how are you yeah I definitely think um actually both of my kids are pretty pretty quick um pretty quick with the humor okay and let’s pick this up and we’re going to put that over here he is hilarious yes like I said he’s got a he’s got a sharp personality and he’s cute I think he’s cute I might be a little biased but I think he’s cute have you been playing Supermarket simulator much y i play every day yeah he’s okay yeah we don’t want to tell him that he’s you know we don’t want to tell him that he’s cute too much oh wow oh wow there’s a lot of stuff to do up here everybody so when I first started playing this game I was jumping all over the place and it was driving people crazy so now what I try to do is I try to finish one area before I go onto the next I try well look who birthed him yours a pretty ah thank you I appreciate that yeah Robert take that you got your funny humor from me Yep this is still the fire station this is still the fire station right there okay and so this is is basically what we do and I absolutely love it like what did you do today Ronnie well I cleaned a really dirty fire station what did you do Bonnie I tried the Bus Simulator because it’s a free download with Amazon Prime it’s pretty fun oh really how cool I’ll have to look into something like that I saw this one guy over the weekend and he was um he was basically just driving a bus and oh my Lanta he had so many people watching him but he did it really well and I just don’t know if I can drive a bus that well so I was a little worried to try it good night cat I mean I’ve seen me try to drive things before and it does not go very well but you know it never hurts to try um hey how’s trick the let spray your jet around yes I don’t know you just text me that but yes good night Shelby I will see you tomorrow I’m actually in a really cool like little like rubber waterproof suit so I look pretty cool I kind of look like a Hazmat person but it gets the job done don’t know why I’m all the way up here there there okay it is it’s hard to explain why I like this game so much but I absolutely do there we go I love you positive everything helps me um out almost days I love you for it games it’s so smoothing well thank you I appreciate it that you know I do try to make it as fun and as positive as as as possible let’s just put it that way I do try got that we got that so has anybody been able to check to watch me live how are we doing how are we doing are we still are we still doing good still number nine that’s all I could ask for that works for me all day long still number nine everybody number n and we’re doing fine okay lar thank you so much for my heart Puffs I appreciate you thank you all right let’s go there okay little thing there oh goodness well thank you Z I appreciate you all right everybody so we found some name twins today we found some location twins today so what else did we got going on when is everybody’s birthday all right what is your sign I am a Leo so what are you what are you all I’m a Leo um Lacy’s a Gemini um Mama’s a Capricorn whis the willow is a Scorpio Katie a Pisces Harley is a 94 Virgo uh Danielle is a Pisces Amanda is a Leo like me the Leo gang I know we always have lots of Leos lots and lots of Leos Cassie’s Taurus my birthday is tomorrow Cassie happy birthday my friend happy birthday to you tomorrow happy birthday to you you tomorrow happy birthday dear Cassie tomorrow Happy Birthday to you happy Birthday Cassie oh Lauren is your um birthday’s August 5th my birthday twin yay birthday twin yeah birthday twin good morning from Germany how are you my friend Happy Wednesday oh Vicky you’re the 17th of August Happy Well we are a August twin brick is August 20th um Katie is August 28th love it love it love it all these Leos Leos are in the Kelly Kelly is August 28th catoria thank you for Harding me Maddie is a cancer there we go and there we go okay look at how pretty that looks everyone look how pretty that looks it all right so let’s get this and we’re going to put that one right there we’re going to put that one right there no there okay I’m doing good Darcy how are you I’m doing good I’m just sitting here cleaning a fire station had a good day we expanded over at be Mark everything’s going good your surviving sometimes my friend that is that’s all we can do I hear Indy in the background what level am I on well on this one I don’t really know if we have level but I’m 23% done cleaning the fire station I just I don’t think we have like actual levels and hey Laura how are you my friend Laura thank you for coming in with the marvelous confetti thank you thank you thank you I appreciate you yes I think that this is there’s a volcano I’ve seen a glimpse of it and I’ve heard people talk about it so I’m definitely going with volcano I don’t see it I just have a feeling it’s a volcano that’s okay honey sometimes life gets busy I’m just glad you’re here now you know we’re just sitting here cleaning a fire station we’re just sitting here cleaning fire station that’s just what we do We Walk This Way We Walk that way we clean a fire station it’s a good thing that I’m not scared of heights in this game I mean I am in real life but in this game I am absolutely Fearless um green gym exit and come back oh if you exit come back in it will come on awesome thank you going back and forth back and forth nope nothing happens if I fall I’m very um I fall all the time off the buildings and nothing happened no damage trust me I got scared the first time I fell cuz I thought I was going to like hurt my character but I didn’t I’ve got very good balance in this game I have very bad balance in real life but in this game I am SP on I actually defy gravity in this game I don’t know if you just noticed that but I was kind of like hanging out whoa that’s what happens when you fall we have bones made of jello exactly that’s what they used to call me in high school old Jello-O bone all right that just gave me another question did you all have nicknames in when you were younger did you have nicknames when you were younger did anybody have a nickname when they were younger day day oh that’s cute cool that’s cute too Nina ah yours with Jack Duster no idea why I think that’s really cool I’m perpetually without Nick James room no you I you are known as sad in the family of Pike my full name is Mary Justine MOSI used to call oh Justin oh they called you Bieber that’s cute okay what’s the name of this game it’s called power wash power wash simulator and I’m obsessed I’m telling you right now if it wasn’t for my Supermarket simulator this is all I’d be playing tiffer Tiffy that’s cute too Hunter bunner I actually kind of think that’s cute dad you’re like uh no uh no my name is would just shortened to show any tips for newbie streamers yes pick a game that you absolutely love and um just play that one have fun if you have fun people are going to want to watch you have fun and just don’t don’t be shy about talking to yourself cuz that’s what you do a lot of times but just ask your friends um like ask a really good friend to just go online with you and um and talk to you while you’re doing it and that’s what I would say just play the game that you like and thank you everybody play the game you like get a friend to moderate for you and just have them hang out with you and then just talk and talk to your friend and play the game Monica Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Monica Monica mon Monica Mon Mon Monica Mon Mon Monica Monica mon Monica Monica Monica don’t be afraid to sing don’t be afraid to sing and then just kind of think about like what do you look for like if you’re scolling through Tik Tok What do you look what makes you stop and watch somebody and whatever makes you stop and watch somebody is what you need to do on your stream and that’s as many tips as I can give you and then don’t be afraid to talk to your community and ask them you know like hey what do you think you know do you like this should I do something different you know be really U open and upfront with your community and and just see what they want I would say be yourself and right people will follow you exactly yeah because I mean that’s just the thing is it’s like you can take um you can take inspiration from another content creator but only you can be you and that in itself is your strength I did try the Sims last week and it’s something that was a little bit it was a little bit more complicated than I was anticipating so it’s something that I will be revisiting once I actually learn it a little bit better I was absolutely kind of just taken back by that yes because you have to remember and I always tell anybody this any if you’re going into social media or if you’re going to start streaming I mean there’s only one you and you need to capitalize that on that instead of being like another streamer or another account just 100% focus on being the most authentic yo yep cuz trust me being you and being different is what makes you perfect that’s what I’m saying everybody I Think You’re Perfect Just the Way You Are very dirty make a safe space yeah and just think about you know and think about what it is that you’re doing and just make sure that you commit to something that you know that you can do you know and then don’t be afraid to change I mean find what it is that that works for you and do that and if you have to Pivot then just make sure that you do it cuz I mean I’ve done a couple of different um I’ve pivoted a couple of different times just in the short amount of time that I’ve been streaming and I’ve needed to do that I stopped at first because you didn’t see um many people your age gaming yeah especially horror games exactly and that is um that is my what makes me difference is the simple fact that of my age you know and my charming personality I was stuck from then on in your um openness and you’re very funny and again just being um totally yourself is what you need to do I haven’t I mean I I’ve been looking at some cooking simulators uh I have not picked one that I want to like actually actually do do do okay there’s a I mean Simulator games are quickly becoming very popular extremely popular and um there’s a whole bunch of them coming out this year and I’m basically on the weit list or I’m on the wish list for all of them so we are going to be trying a lot of cool ones this year that’s what I’m saying everybody it’s going to be super cool now is there a cooking simulator one that you’ve seen that you like CU some of them are very uh kind of very like um super I would say super relaxy kind of like almost ASMR bubbles thank you for my marvelous confetti Harding me and my finger heart I appreciate you I’ve been um playing Need for Speed not a simulator but I’ve been playing with a steering wheel you know what truthfully uh I was talking about this one guy who was doing like a driving simulator and he had a steering wheel and he was driving a big old bus and so I thought that was kind of fun you’ve been playing Cafe simulator so how is that one that one’s on my wish list how is that one Cafe simulator sometimes the hardest thing to do is get up on the the ladder I’ve been playing saying um Chef Sim uh restaurant simulator you should try yeah that’s the one where you get to like the Kebab Chef one I have that one that one was on sale I thought uh your brother plays uh Microsoft flight simulator with a plane that might be kind of cool we could fly a plane um overcooked I want to play that one with uh Robert for Mother’s Day that one is a multiplayer game so I’m already I was going to ask Robert to play that one with me for Mother’s Day yeah I think it would be a lot of fun I forgot to ask him about that today I’ll have to ask him tomorrow about that I mean I don’t see why he wouldn’t I think he would rather do that than dress up like a duck um oh sometimes your birthday lands on Mother’s Day that’s awesome does it land on Mother’s Day this year I fell down everybody your parents your um parents anniversary is on Mother’s Day awesome well like I told you yesterday um my mom passed away so I’m going to be streaming um a little bit longer on Mother’s Day so that way just in case you need some company I will be here and we can hang out on Mother’s Day and let’s pick that up pick this up come on pick up the ladder everybody pick up the ladder come on oh I’m sorry Ash I mean I know how it is and it it it’s it’s not fun and so I again I thought we would hang out and anybody who needs um anybody who needs company I will be here well thank you Janette you know to me it it seems like the thing to do and even if you have a mom just invite your mom to um to join and hang out with me and we’ll do some fun stuff well like I said I know what it’s like and it sucks and so if I can make things just a little bit easier for you you know what that’s what what I’m going to do right I like my little um how I can change the nozzles so fast that is like super fun I am such a power washer nerd I lost both of my parents I’m 36 mom was 59 dad was 56 Kate honey I’m sorry and I mean I don’t have I mean I’m older than you but I don’t have either one of my parents either so and I’ll be here for Father’s Day also so you are not going to have to be alone and you can hang out and hang out with me Kelly Kelly says I don’t have family honestly well sometimes you know sometimes we don’t have family we’re born with but we get the family that we choose and and I mean sometimes that’s sometimes that’s cool and like I said I’ll be here for you all beans are family exactly sad you know like I said we might not have the family that we were born with but at least we still have each other exactly Charlene say the family just the family is a community that has trust and love exactly and I think that that’s exactly what we do have I mean we spend every day together we fight we cry we laugh we do everything that families do and that’s what we do how do you know bubble’s name uh because they’ve been following me for quite a while and I know their name we have a very good Community here yeah no they bubbles has been with me for quite a while even before bubbles with bubbles bu is just her Alias yeah I think um we were actually gaming one day or I was live and we were talking about nicknames and that’s the I think bu I gave you that nickname right or did you give yourself that nickname I don’t remember but anyway it was a nickname and it stuck you’re my mom Doppel Gainer except my mom except you’re warm and kind I love it here well thank you honey well I appreciate that very much and I will definitely do your your double gamer your your your Tik Tok Mom I will be your Doppel gang I can’t say that word doppelganger yeah you know what I’m talking about I’m heading to bed love you Mama beans good night Annie and I will see you tomorrow have a great day please I think that looks pretty good right Ernesto says I want my name to be bubbles I can call you bubbles if I can remember Ernesto to call you bubbles I will call you I will call you bubbles number two and I think I think that looks pretty keep on saying I think it looks clean but then does anyone in chat have um I’m not too sure what that is should write that down probably should you never heard of that one well I think that looks pretty good okay [Music] and look at that oh my goodness we are getting pretty good here look at this thing that we have to clean this is what’s going to be crazy is simple fact that we have to clean this from the inside that’s is going to be it’s a piercing that’s above your lip oh cool well thank you for explaining that cuz I had no idea I don’t think this moves no that does not move so how we’re going to clean that one I do not know oh it does move okay well don’t know I’m going to have to figure out how to move that oh okay so it’s like moving the ladder okay well thank you for that that little tip I appreciate you how much long how much is the game last time I checked I think this game is like 24 bucks this is actually one of the more expensive games that I bought but I absolutely love it and I would pay 25 bucks for this game all over again yeah and if thank you for reminding me that if you have an Xbox pass the game is free okay what put the ladder right here we’re going up um I got this off of steam I purchased this off of steam and it’s like 24 bucks there we go yeah I have a bunch of stuff on my wish list and not all waiting for it to go on sale I need to invest in this game it’s so soothing to watch it’s just as fun to play I’m going to tell you that right now and you know me I’m not going to play a game that I don’t enjoy and this is absolutely a fun game so I would 100% if you like this you know if you’re enjoying watching it I definitely say um it’s worth the investment it’s called P power wash stimulator and I’m basically power washing an entire town I finished the career part of this and two of the extras now onto the challenges see because I have this um I have this SpongeBob one and I’m just afraid if we start that one we’re not going to finish this one so I’m thinking I want to finish this first and then we’re going to do SpongeBob it just makes sense it just justes it feels it feels unfinished if we switch but you know the G is thing is is I’m not going you know we’re going to be doing this for a while so I don’t know we’ll probably finish this first and then we’ll do it just feels right you know what I mean jelly beans it just feels right I’m I mean it looks pretty darn good have you heard of golf with friend somebody just mentioned that one and they said that that one was pretty fun I’ve never seen that one but like I said somebody just mentioned it and said it was a lot of fun did you just start the game today no I’ve been playing this game for a while um we started this fire station yesterday and we are 36% then so we still have a lot of the fire station left to do look how pretty oh my goodness yep all of the games I play I don’t play on any other I get all of my games I either purchase them or download them all off the steam yay do you have to move the mouse up a doubt I sure do my little hand is moving as fast as light so I sit here and it’s actually very satisfying I’m going to tell you right now out of I love my super Market simulator but this one is like um such a cool way to end the stream I can’t believe steam hasn’t sponsored me you were sure think they would get a hold of me but you know I don’t think the whole thing is is maybe one day I’ll be famous but I just don’t think I’m famous enough now yep you can do that I know that was a pretty handy little um trick somebody told me the other day cuz I didn’t know that one somebody needs to sponsor me For Heaven’s Sake listen your famous nothing it’d be super awkward if we ever met no it would not no no no I’m just me whether I’m on the whether I’m on your phone or right in front of you I’m still just me I I wouldn’t let it be do you have to concentrate uh do you have to be connected to the internet to play Supermarket you know what truthfully I’m not 100% sure on that one I mean I’m always connected to the internet because I’m always streaming that game um I 100% do not have that answer I will definitely let you know and we will definitely meet up and it will definitely not be awkward and Amanda said no you don’t need to be connected uh my electric went out uh 27 hours and I was able to play oh awesome thank you for that we will definitely do something like that still looking for that starn volcano but I know it’s going to be there somewhere [Music] okay do I see popular YouTubers on to only my son [Music] that’s you or that’s Tik Tok Colin the only other Tik tocker that I met is I don’t know if you’ve ever seen their account what she’s called Tik Tock booby Bobby Tik Tock Bobby it’s like Tik Tock Grandma I met her I can’t say I I guess if I’m going to say I met people I should know how to say their usernames yay got that squeezing my way in here what kind of game am I playing now this is called Supermarket simulator I’m squeezing my way back here and trying to clean this up do you like it this involves hot water you should change the wording to your ad pressure washer which you’re planning on upgrading soon oh maybe I get an upgrade pretty soon which would be super swell oh did I say Supermarket simulator I always say that this is power washer just a forc habit just a forc hit all right everybody this is what we’re going to be doing for the day I’m going to jump off the roof and this is our beautiful fire station looking good looking good no I always do that I have I have Supermarket simulator just absolutely in my brain so we’re going to do the roof tomorrow and then we’re going to go back and we’re going to have to do that over there making progress yes I am all right everybody I’m to be back tomorrow at 300 p.m. Pacific Standard time I absolutely love each and every single one of you thank you so much for hanging out with me today remember be safe dress warm be nice drink water I will be back tomorrow at 3 pm Pacific Standard Time absolutely love you and thank you everybody thank you all 220 new followers thank you for um we have 88,000 views and we have 1,35 of you watching me right now and let’s check really quick we have our currently we are number nine nobody else is online so we should be finishing up number nine in the watch me live competition all right everybody I’d love um joyy what’s your question really quick really quick good night good night good night what’s your question joyy watch your question my friend good night Lacy good night AFK good night Caitlyn I will see you tomorrow Norby thank you for sharing my how do you save your progress in Supermarket simulator um you push escape and then push save so push escape and then push save so escape and then it comes to your menu and then you say save super easy you can do it so it is you push escape and then save all right everybody love you dearly and I will see you tomorrow good night everybody

TIKTOK LIVE STREAM - APRIL 23, 2024 - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.