Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (2024)

19 Jun 2024

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I dream of like, I and my family members were going to my grandparents' house, maternal grandparents' house. So, we went there for some time. Like, I was using my phone, I had to do something. So, I asked my maternal uncle's wife for earphones. I used the earphones, ear buds, okay. And I put it near the side table of her bed. So, we went to my maternal uncle's house through the train. And the next day, I woke up and saw a lot of people was outside the house going somewhere. And there was most of the people were guys or boys. And they were dressed up so nicely. Like, most of the boys were wearing white hoodies, baggy jeans, wearing glasses with skateboards and headphones, grey headphones. And they were looking so cool. I remember one of them, okay. Then, I suddenly was in my 9th grade class, okay. There were my English teacher and science teacher of my 9th grade. And I was giving the exam of my dream college, okay. I already, in real life, already gave my exam. So, I was giving my exam and most of the questions, I remember, they were the same for my real life. And it did not went so well. It was so not so easy, the questions were. So, I was giving my exam and suddenly at the end of the exam, I realized that I made a lot of mistakes in the question paper. Instead of filling the colour of the answer, I ticked it. So, I called my science teacher and she started looking at what I did my mistake. She asked a question. Like, there was a question. Then, I ticked Kaveri. So, I ticked the answer Kaveri. It was wrong, but Kaveri's T was right. So, I corrected it and showed it to the teacher. She said that it was okay. Then, she gave me a new question paper. Then, I started, her disease, unfortunately, I started doing the paper again. Then, my English teacher came and she said, I noticed that in my new question paper, the answer is already there. I was so happy in doing more fastly. Then, my English teacher came and she noticed too. She said, you do not copy. I said, no, no, I haven't copied. Then, I started hurrying, but I got new paper. So, I got extra time to complete my paper. I was very happy that I got extra time and others were studying. So, after some time, I went to my, again to my, then we have to go somewhere. Then, I went to the train station and I was in escalator talking to one of my friends. Suddenly, I met one of my old relatives and she started saying something. Then, I went to my grandparents' house to take my apartment key. I knocked the main gate, but nobody answered. My maternal uncle took my keys. I saw him through the window. I saw him through the window and he was in there, but not his face. He took my keys and then started going through the room. Then, I suddenly saw a big red cow with horns. It was a very big cow. I started scared and running away. The cow started chasing me, chasing me. The cow literally chased me for three times. Then, I was not having enough time. So, there was a guy going through that road. He was wearing a beanie cap and was riding bicycle. So, I told him, please help me. The cow is chasing me. So, he helped me. I told him only to let me cross the road, but he was a kind guy. So, he let me. So, he took me to the station. He was wearing a beanie cap and he was very kind. Then, I saw him in my dream twice. He was going somewhere. He was looking very pretty. I don't know why. I started calling him British Fish. Even his name is not fish. I saw him also in the car. He was going somewhere. So, anyways, I went to the station. I got my keys. Then, I went to my stay to go to my apartment. Then, I met my cousin's sister. I told her about the things she said not to be very close to the guy who helped me. Anyways, I showed her my keys of my new apartment. I told her that I will put a new cute key in my keys. I told her that I should take a picture or that I had such an age. I am so capable and so happy that I got a new apartment. That's all. That's all. I was very happy that I woke up suddenly.

20 May 2024

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Walking up sky steps. I see a cloud coming- I will get wet. And the rain begins- I hide my computer under my shirt. Come up by the back part of student union. How did I get there? I walk along road. Hope I won’t get hit.Then I’m in a hallway in Noble thinking about where Tricia‘s office could be. And Kalin has his cows all lined up in the hallway. One of them is messing with the copier. It’s so cute and she’s also kind of messed up some boots. Expensive boots . Kalin doesn’t know what to do with them and so we just leave them on the counter. But then Shana off appears and she’s looking at how much they cost. And we are talking about how I only have one semester left until retirement. And then I remember that I need to tell her that I can’t make it to the Michael Franti dance party. Because we will be in Monterey. And then I’m walking on the sidewalk in the rain.

13 May 2024

Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (15)

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Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (19)


I had a dream that there was a white cow in the the ocean around chaos and the ocean was pretty rough and I believe there was also a brown cow and a family trying to escape from somewhere

7 Apr 2024

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Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (26)


I was in the wrong lane trying to make a turn and experiencing frustration when another driver didn't let me in and acted as if she was scolding me because it is my issue that I made a mistake. Next I was sharing a sandwich with my son Aaron. Then there was a matter of a tent and we were camping in the woods whereby the original tent size was expanded much larger so that it could accommodate more people. I was unaware of its ability to be expanded. Next there was vivid imagery of traveling through the green pastures whereby there was black Angus cows eating. This was coupled with my desire to be a cowboy and to have owned a spread just like that. Finally I was taking my former girlfriend's mother's pet, Sophie, who was balancing a ball inside and outside a pet store.

5 Apr 2024

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I was in the wrong lane to make a turn I honked because a car didn't let me in and she looked at me with annoyance Aaron gave me a bite of his sandwich and wanted to know if I wanted some more Aaron is my son Sophie who used to be my girlfriend's dog would get up on a small little ball and balance itself finally we went to a pet store and I was going to buy another one and it did the same I had a tent and normally it's open small however it was open by my daughter so that it was much bigger in the shape of you later I was traveling in the hills were beautifully green with black angus cows and I wished I was a cattleman I even saw myself looking like a cowboy whereby my pants were long like they dress

6 Mar 2024

Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (34)

Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (35)

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Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (37)


I dreamed a cow was eating my body while I was still alive

27 Feb 2024

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Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (41)


Dreamt that scientists discovered a new species of beetle called a “waiting cow”. It was an inch long and had black and white spots. Omens of good luck. I loved them

24 Feb 2024

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It started as a video game, the goal was to try to collect as many items as you could without getting caught by the guardian of the building. Me and a few others finished that part while almost failing. Then we escaped the building and it turned into a harsh snowy landscape. The 'guardian' was making life outside of the building hard to survive. The animals, cows, were malnourished and cold. The building were wrecked and abandoned. The landscape was hard to traverse. By the end, I got face to face with the person creating all of this destruction, and it turned out to be my mom. I screamed "enough is enough, stop hurting innocent things around you just so you can feel better"... Then the dream turned into me and my mom in a room alone, and I was giving her a gift... Even though I found out she was evil earlier.

21 Feb 2024

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I dreamt a lot of things out of any real order last night. Here is what I remember. I dreamt I woke up and didn’t go to work because I had it in my head it was Friday and I already worked 32 hours but actually it’s Wednesday. I dreamt that I was talking to my dad about a time I took my daughter out to dinner here and what she ordered. Aged beef. I don’t eat meat. I dreamt about a momma cow chasing her calves down the road that were being taken away from her. I dreamt that I was a waitress taking orders in a restaurant and someone ordered something and I didn’t know the menu yet so I had to read the description to know what to ask them and they were irritated with me. I dreamt that Ivanka Trump announced that she has had it with her dad and with old men running the world and she was entering the presidential race as an independent. Conspiracy theories abounded. Here are some things happening in my real life right now: my kids are in college, my dads in Florida. There was an election yesterday but I didn’t vote because the primary is already decided and I’ve been so busy I didn’t know what else was on the ballot. I usually vote in every election. I didn’t see any “I voted” stickers on social media yesterday like I usually do. I’m pretty far in the interview process for a job in communications that is very different from my current job as a children’s librarian. I love working with the kids but financially I’m struggling and I can’t work two jobs anymore. I was victimized in an attempted carjacking in October and I am still suffering with physical and emotional pain.

15 Feb 2024

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Flowing green fields. No red. Blue and green everywhere. Rolling hills, blue river, cows looking at me funny. I am flying over the ground. Them I get caught in a web. My nemesis giane black widow spider feels me hit the web and I am cacooned. I use my survival nice to escape and I see egg sacks. Before I leave u set the egg sacs on fire and I hear the giant spider scream in a high pitch drove and it begins to chase me. I jump off a cliff and into a river and I see the spider staring at me with its 8 eyes on top of the cliff

3 Feb 2024

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I put Joel’s toe in my mouth, it tasted horrible. He asked me not to spit in his cup, because it was getting him sick. Someone was pregnant, and Cody was on mushrooms with her. We were planning to go to the fair, but Cody was napping. We went to church, and also built a paper circular building. I was pregnant myself but I didn’t know who the father was, maybe Tyler. Also I was out on the streets, both had coming scenes. One encountered mastication with lip gloss, so cringe bro. And my guinea boy onion was being carried by me but when I put him down his mouth had another set of teeth inside and he wouldn’t close him mouths and it was terrifying. The homeless people were like my bros, they had a lot of the same books, Paul Stametts was hungry and sat at his own restaurant I ate with him. I was friends on north street, maybe like Vegas. Huge skyscrapers hosted big parties. Also me and Joel had a long enbrace and I told him I had fallen in love with him. If nobody dates Nehemiah he should totally ask me out. We were dancing and Miah hit a forward cow tail and I was hyping him up and it was an awesome dance party. We also drove around the mall, drove fast and others were behind me.

31 Jan 2024

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I was at my grandpa's house playing in his backyard near his garage when I look over to my left and I see a couple of brown cows and a 6 foot tall white reindeer with fur as white as know with extremely long antlers looking at me. It comes near me and I start to get nervous, my grandpa comes outside and tells me to come inside but on my way in I pull off one of the Elks antlers and I come inside.

Understand The Meaning of Symbol Cow in Dream | DreamApp (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.