What not to do before buying a house | 7 Mistakes to avoid (2024)

Set yourself up for home buying success

In today’s ultra-competitive housing market, buyers need to be strategic to get the home they want.

Luckily, there are some simple best practices you can follow when house hunting and applying for a mortgage that will put you on the road to success.

If you know what to expect — and how to avoid common home buying mistakes — you can give yourself the best possible shot at scoring the home you want. Here’s what to do.

Verify your home buying eligibility. Start here

In this article (Skip to...)

  • Mistakes can cost you
  • 7 things not to do
  • Best practices
  • The bottom line

Mistakes can cost you when buying a house

When you’re preparing to get a mortgage and buy a new home, it’s important to clean up your personal finances and present yourself as a strong borrowing candidate.

However, that doesn’t just mean saving up cash for a down payment and closing costs.

It also means avoiding common financial mistakes that can reduce your borrowing power — or even, in a worst-case scenario, get you denied for a mortgage.

“Most buyers are so preoccupied with simply saving up for a down payment and getting their foot in the door that they forget about the little details that can trip you up — such as a low credit score and paying down their debt,” says Michele Harrington, COO of First Team Real Estate.

Don’t get so caught up in saving and house hunting that you forget about other details that impact your mortgage.

Khari Washington, broker and owner of 1st United Realty & Mortgage, agrees.

“It’s easy for a home buyer to make mistakes during this process because this transaction is one of the most expensive things a person will engage in during their lifetime,” says Washington.

“Buying a home entails a lot of different activities going on at the same time. There are house condition issues, mortgage financing issues, contract negotiation issues, and appraisal issues that can all cause problems, distract you, and lead to errors in judgment if you are not careful,” he cautions.

So, what do you need to look out for? And how can you set yourself up for success?

Verify your home buying eligibility. Start here

7 Things you should never do before buying a house

Here are some of the most common mistakes first-time home buyers make, why they matter, and how to avoid them.

1. Don’t finance a car or another big item before buying

Jim Roberts, president of True North Mortgage, says the biggest mistake buyers can make is to finance a car just before applying for a mortgage loan.

“Equally troublesome is when buyers wish to go out and purchase new furniture and appliances on credit before their new mortgage closes,” he explains.

“All of these activities are a big no-no, as lenders will do a final credit inquiry check before closing; if new debts were added, it could jeopardize the loan approval.”

And it’s not just your FICO score that’s at risk.

Taking out a loan on a car or financing a big-ticket item like a boat, wedding, or vacation can increase your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), making you look like a less attractive borrower to a lender.

“If your DTI is above a certain threshold — typically around 43% — then you are considered a risky borrower,” Harrington cautions. “Avoid making any big purchases or financing a new car for six months or a year before you want to purchase a home.”

2. Don’t max out credit card debt

Maxing out a credit card is one of the worst things you can do before closing on a home loan.

“The extra debt payment amount will offset your income and result in you qualifying for less mortgage financing,” Washington says. “It will also lower your credit score, which could increase the cost of your loan.”

Roberts notes that, in the credit scoring system, the actual debt amount doesn’t matter — you could owe $2,000 or $20,000.

What they care about is how much you owe relative to your credit limits,” says Roberts.

“If you owe $2,000 and your limit on the card is $2,500, your card is nearly maxed out and it will lead to drastically reduced credit scores — resulting in higher rates and monthly payments when it comes to getting a loan,” he explains.

For the best mortgage rate — and in the interest of keeping debt levels down — try to keep your credit utilization below 30% of your total credit limit.

For instance, if your credit card allows up to $3,000, try to maintain a balance below $900. And pay the card off in full every month, if you can.

This will improve your credit score, reduce your debts, and help you qualify for the best possible home loan.

3. Don’t assume you need 20% down

Many first-time buyers assume they need a 20 percent down payment to buy a house. But while having 20 percent down comes with perks — like avoiding private mortgage insurance (PMI) — it’s not always the best option.

Waiting until you have 20 percent down can push your home buying timeline out by years. And the longer you wait to buy, the higher home prices you’ll be chasing — which likely means you’ll need an even bigger down payment.

Luckily, there are several loan programs available today that require little to no down payment. These include:

  • A 0% down VA loan (available to qualified military/veteran borrowers)
  • A 0% down USDA loan (available in select rural and suburban areas)
  • A 3.5% down FHA loan
  • A 5-10% down conventional mortgage

“Also, some conventional loans can require as little as 3% down if you pay mortgage insurance,” Washington points out.

Typically, you need to pay mortgage insurance if you put less than 20 percent down. But the good news is that mortgage insurance companies today charge more affordable monthly premiums than they did years ago for borrowers with good credit.

“A lot of times it makes sense to put less money down and pay off other debts instead of trying to put 20 percent down on a home just to avoid paying mortgage insurance,” Roberts says.

Verify your low-down-payment mortgage eligibility. Start here

4. Don’t quit your job or change careers before buying

Demonstrating consistent employment is essential when applying and getting approved for a mortgage loan.

“Job changes can create lending issues, especially if your pay structure changes from salary to commission, as this necessitates a longer track record of earnings — typically two years when it comes to commissions,” Roberts adds.

“A change from salary to hourly can also create some lending headaches, as hourly earners can have variations in their income simply based on how much they work,” he explains.

Roberts’ rule of thumb? Aim for a consistent employment history of two years or more at the same employer or at least in the same line of work.

If you already work in accounting, for example, switching from one accounting firm to another shortly before you buy a home won’t set off any red flags for your lender.

But if you switch to a totally new field — for example, from accounting to hairdressing — you’ll likely need to work a full two years in the new industry before you can qualify.

5. Don’t shop for houses without getting preapproved

Before you go house hunting, it’s crucial to get a mortgage preapproval. Otherwise, you could be setting yourself up for disappointment.

“If a prospective buyer finds a house they love and afterward tries to get preapproved for a loan, the home may be gone before they finish getting preapproved. In addition, many sellers want to show their home to serious buyers only and will request a preapproval letter from the buyer,” says Washington.

There’s another compelling reason to get preapproved early in the process, too.

“Often, you really have no idea how much house you can afford until you get preapproved by a lender,” Harrington says.

The preapproval process involves applying with a lender who will check your income, credit history, and assets. Only after verifying these documents can a lender approve you for a home loan and tell you your real price range.

6. Don’t go with the first mortgage lender you talk to

You’re excited to claim a home, and you want to speed up the process. So you apply with one mortgage lender and move forward as soon as you’ve been approved.

The experts agree: That’s a big mistake.

“Although many lenders’ rates are very close in price to others, some lenders charge rates that are above average. Getting a bad loan with a higher interest rate can be very expensive in the long run, so be sure to shop around and get quotes in writing from several different mortgage lenders,” Washington recommends.

One of the biggest fallacies among borrowers is that their longtime bank will provide the best deal for them.

“Typically, big banks are significantly more expensive in both interest rate and closing costs than a good mortgage broker or other lender,” cautions Roberts.

So, when you’re getting quotes, try checking with a few different types of lenders. Check rates at your current bank, but also look at online mortgage lenders, credit unions, and maybe even a mortgage broker.

You won’t know who can offer you the best deal until you’ve compared personalized rate quotes from at least 3-5 companies.

Find your lowest mortgage rate. Start here

7. Don’t make any big financial changes before closing

Once you have a signed purchase agreement and you’re approved for a home loan, you’ll go through the final stages of underwriting.

This is mostly a waiting game while the lender re-checks your financials and issues final approval. But don’t be lulled into thinking it’s a done deal. Nothing is official until you’ve signed the final closing papers.

The last thing you want to do while waiting for final loan approval is to make major financial changes, such as:

  • Purchasing a car
  • Significantly increasing your credit card balance
  • Opening up new credit cards
  • Changing careers
  • Applying for new loans or lines of credit

“It’s tempting to use any extra funds you have to buy thousands of dollars worth of furniture or open up a Home Depot credit card so that you can save money on new appliances. But those moves can easily tip the delicate balance of your DTI and throw off your creditworthiness so that you no longer qualify for a loan,” notes Harrington.

Remember: Loan approval isn’t final until the loan funds, at which time the house will be in your name.

“But before that time, a lender can rescind approval if a material change to the buyer’s situation occurs,” Roberts says.

So maintain a financial quiet period prior to closing, and don’t do anything that could put your final approval — and your home purchase — in jeopardy.

Best practices when buying a house

To improve your odds of getting mortgage-approved and qualifying for a lower interest rate, be financially prudent in the weeks and months before you apply for a home loan.

Roberts suggests three best practices to follow before buying a home:

  • First, do not close any active credit accounts. Keep any active revolving accounts open
  • Next, do not apply for or open any new credit accounts
  • Additionally, strive to pay down your credit balances to 30% of your credit limit or less

Of course, you’ll want to save up as much cash as possible.

Remember that your down payment isn’t the only upfront home buying expense. You’ll also have to pay closing costs, which typically equal 2-5% of the loan amount (or $2,000 to $5,000 for every $100,000 borrowed).

You should keep track of any large deposits to your bank accounts, too. “If you make any deposits into your checking or savings accounts that are not payroll deposits, be prepared to document where they came from,” Roberts adds.

Lastly, review your three free credit reports (available at Annualcreditreport.com) and work to correct or remove any errors or inconsistencies you notice there.

Recap: What not to do before buying a house

Yes, it’s a competitive market. But there are still homes to be had for savvy buyers.

To recap, here are the seven things you should never do right before buying a home:

  1. Take out a car loan or finance other big items
  2. Max out your credit cards
  3. Assume you need 20% down
  4. Quit or change jobs to a new field
  5. Go house hunting before getting pre-approved
  6. Use the first mortgage lender you talk to
  7. Make big financial changes prior to closing

As long as you avoid these mistakes during the home buying process — and keep your finances in the best shape possible — you should be on the right track to homeownership.

Time to make a move? Let us find the right mortgage for you
What not to do before buying a house | 7 Mistakes to avoid (2024)


What not to say when buying a house? ›

Here are 10 things that no home buyer should ever utter:
  1. I don't want to commit to just one agent. ...
  2. I do not have pre-approval or I will get pre-approved later. ...
  3. Yes, I am pre-approved; and, I am pre-approved for X amount. ...
  4. I MUST have this home. ...
  5. Well, we really don't need X, Y or Z. ...
  6. Let's just skip the inspection process.
Jun 25, 2015

What purchases should you not make when buying a house? ›

Don't overspend on big-ticket items You may be tempted to order that new easy-chair for the soon-to-be-yours family room, but it's advisable to stay away from making major purchases like furniture, appliances, jewelry, or cars until your home loan closes.

What not to say to a mortgage lender? ›

10 Things Not To Say To Your Mortgage Broker | Loan Approval
  • 1) Anything untruthful.
  • 2) What's the most I can borrow?
  • 3) I forgot to pay that bill again.
  • 4) Check out my new credit cards.
  • 5) Which credit card ISN'T maxed out?
  • 6) Changing jobs annually is my specialty.
Mar 10, 2023

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The Top 3 Things to Consider When Buying a Home
  • When you're shopping for a home, you're likely to visit multiple properties before you find The One. ...
  • #1: Price. ...
  • The sticker price. ...
  • The cost of homeownership. ...
  • Negotiation. ...
  • #2: Location. ...
  • Commute and accessibility. ...
  • Neighborhood features, factors, and amenities.
Oct 2, 2023

What not to say during a house viewing? ›

Talking about possible renovations

Even though the seller intends to sell, they may still be emotionally attached to the home, and the memories it holds for them. They don't want to be reminded that the home will probably be hammered down and reforged; so best not to mention any renovations you plan to do.

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7 Things You Should Never Do When You're Negotiating a House...
  • Mistake No. 1: Ignoring how long the house has been on the market.
  • Mistake No. 2: Showing you can afford much more than your offer.
  • Mistake No. 3: Assuming all fixtures are included in the purchase.
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Jan 2, 2023

What is considered a big purchase when buying a house? ›

A big purchase is anything that's outside normal spending. So a homebuyer can still buy groceries, make car payments, pay for their yard service, and go to restaurants. The mortgage lender will, however, flag any unusually large expenses.

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Get preapproved for a mortgage

Getting preapproved for a mortgage is a crucial piece of buying a house in California (or anywhere, really). It shows that a lender has done a preliminary review of your finances and is likely to loan you a certain amount to buy a home.

What is a red flag in mortgage? ›

Red Flag #1: When they offer you a rate that's lower than the APR. When a mortgage's APR is much higher than the actual rate, it means that the fees are a lot higher, too - and you'll be paying them over the life of your loan. A low rate might be enticing, but you have to consider the long-term cost.

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According to the 28/36 rule, you should spend no more than 28% of your gross monthly income on housing and no more than 36% on all debts. Housing costs can include: Your monthly mortgage payment. Homeowners Insurance.

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While you're waiting to close on a home, you can still use your credit card, but it's best to only use it for small purchases and pay off the balance in full. Do not make large purchases you cannot afford to pay off that'll leave you carrying a significant balance from month to month.

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Here are some qualities to keep an eye out for: misaligned doors, cracks in the walls, sloping in the floor, and the windows are hard to open or has cracked glass. If you notice a lot of these qualities during a house tour, have an inspector take a look at the foundation before committing to the home.

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These three essential factors — Credit, Capacity, and Collateral — play a pivotal role in determining your eligibility and terms for a mortgage. Let's delve into each of these C's to unravel the secrets to a successful mortgage application.

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If you can easily afford it, you should probably put 20% down on a house. You'll avoid paying for private mortgage insurance, and you'll have a lower loan amount and smaller monthly payments to worry about. You could save a lot of money in the long run.

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“The biggest mistake that I see is to not plan far enough ahead for the purchase,” says Bush. How this affects you: Rushing the process means you might not save enough for a down payment and closing costs.

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Here are five things to avoid during the homebuying process to assure your transaction goes as smoothly as possible.
  • Don't Make an Expensive Purchase. ...
  • Don't Get a New Job. ...
  • Don't Switch Banks or Move Money Around Unnecessarily. ...
  • Don't Give a Good Faith Deposit Directly to the Seller in a FSBO Purchase.
Sep 19, 2023

What are three scenarios in which you should not be buying a home? ›

Here are a few scenarios where you'd be better off waiting:
  • You're new to your job. Being in a new employment position can spell trouble from a homeownership perspective on more than one front. ...
  • You can't afford the down payment. ...
  • Buying a home will wipe out your savings.
Mar 31, 2017

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13 Tips For Buying A House As A First-Time Home Buyer
  1. Be Sure You're Ready To Commit To A Loan. ...
  2. Don't Skip The Preapproval. ...
  3. Maintain Your Credit. ...
  4. Understand Your Loan Options. ...
  5. Save For A Down Payment. ...
  6. Don't Forget Closing Costs. ...
  7. List Your Needs, Nonnegotiables And Nice-To-Haves. ...
  8. Work With A Real Estate Agent.

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