Elderberry vs. Elderflower: What’s The Difference? (2024)

Posted by Daniel Powers on 03-22-2023

Elderberry vs. Elderflower: What’s The Difference? (1)

Elderberry and elderflower are two different parts of the same medicinal shrub. They are often compared to each other due to their comparable health benefits.

Before you make a decision about which herb to buy, there are a few key differences to keep in mind.

We’ll dig deep into the similarities and differences between elderberry vs elderflower in this article.

Elderberry Overview:

Elderberry is a small dark purple berry that comes from the elder tree (Sambucus nigra).

Elderberries have been utilized in traditional folk medicine for thousands of years. In European folklore, elderberry consumption was associated with increased longevity and vigor. And for good reason, elderberries are thought to provide a variety of health benefits.

Elderberry has been used as both a food and as a medicine. As a food, it’s often used in different types of jellies and jams. From a medicinal standpoint, it’s often consumed in a syrup form, though elderberry tinctures and lozenges are also available.

Potential Health Benefits of Elderberry:

Elderberry has also long been thought to offer significant health benefits.

Some potential wellness properties elderberries may have include:

  • May Support the Immune System – Elderberry is known as a popular herb for immunity support, and for good reason. Research shows that Elderberry may be a beneficial herb for the immune system.
  • Nutrient Rich – Elderberries are loaded with a variety of different nutrients, including vitamins and dietary fiber.
  • Antioxidant Properties – Elderberries are a great natural source of antioxidants. Eating foods rich in antioxidants is thought to be helpful for slowing down the aging process and promoting overall health and well-being.

Elderflower Overview:

Elderflowers are the flowers that bloom on the elder tree (Sambucus nigra). They typically bloom in either late spring or early summer (compared to elderberries, which are typically harvested in late summer).

Elderflowers have a beautiful white, lacy appearance. The entirety of the umbel (or flower cluster) of the elderflower is edible. It’s commonly used for tea, as a food, or as a garnish. In particular, elderflower liqueur is a popular way to consume this beneficial herb.

Elderberry is used in cuisine for its delicate floral flavor.

Potential Health Benefits of Elderflowers:

Elderflower provides more than just a delicious flavor.

Elderflowers are also thought to provide a variety of different health benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant Properties – Elderflowers are a rich source of antioxidants. This is due to the high phenol content in elderflowers.
  • Blood Sugar Support – Preliminary lab studies have shown that elderflowers may help to support healthy blood sugar levels within the normal range.
  • May Have Diuretic Properties – Traditional reports note that elderflowers have a diuretic effect on the body.

If you’re looking to support your body and fight against free radical damage, consider adding elderflowers to yourdaily routine.

Elderberry vs. Elderflower: What’s The Difference? (2)

Elderberry vs Elderflower: Similarities & Differences

When it comes to comparing elderberry vs elderflower, there are a few key similarities and differences.


  • Antioxidant Properties – First, both elderflower and elderberry have been shown to have antioxidant activity. This makes both herbs a great option for those looking for natural sources of antioxidants.
  • Ease of Adding To Routine – Another similarity is that both herbs are very easy to add to your routine. Both elderberry and elderflower are delicious to consume as either a syrup (elderberry) or a tea (elderflower).


  • Flavor Profile – Both elderberries and elderflowers are consumed for their delicious flavors. That said, elderberry has a tart, fruity flavor profile. On the other hand, elderflowers have a light, floral flavor.
  • Nutrient Content – A major difference between these two herbs is that elderberry is nutrient rich whereas elderflower isn’t.
  • Antioxidant Activity Levels – While both elderflower and elderberry have antioxidant properties, they have varying degrees of activity. Elderflowers have been shown to have up to two times higher antioxidant activity due to phenolic content.

Elderflower vs Elderberries: Which Is Right For You?

You may be asking, elderberry or elderflower, which is the best herb for me?

Elderberry is a nutrient rich berry with a great flavor that may help to support the immune system. It also has antioxidant properties due to its rich anthocyanin content.

Elderflower contains high amounts of antioxidants due to rich phenol content. Additionally, it’s thought to help support healthy blood sugar levels. It has also been used in traditional medicine as a diuretic.

If you’re looking for a nutrient rich herb for immune system support that’s easy for the whole family to take, then elderberry is the best option.

If you’re looking to support everyday health and provide your body with a source of natural antioxidants, then elderflower is a great option.

Can You Take Elderberries and Elderflowers Together?

Yes, you can take both elderberries and elderflowers together.

In fact, these herbs may be a helpful combination for supporting overall health and wellness. We include both elderberries and elderflowers in our immune supporting Sniffles Tea Blend.

Where to Buy Elderberries & Elderflowers?

We recommend buying elderberries from a reputable supplier.

We may be partial, but our lineup of herbs and spices includes a wide selection of both elderberry and elderflower products.

We recommend buying organic elderberries for the best experience.

How Can I Add Elderberries and Elderflowers To My Diet?

The preferred way to ingest elderflowers is typically in a tea form. Elderflowers have a delicate, floral flavor that tends to dissipate easily. Making a quick tea is a great way to get the wonderful flavors, and health benefits, of this herb.

You can also make an elderberry liqueur.

For elderberries, there are many different ways to add this berry to your routine. The primary way is to take elderberry syrup. You can also take it as a tea.

Check out our full selection of elder products below:

  • Whole elderberries (organic)
  • Dried elderflowers (organic)
  • Sniffles tea blend
  • Elderberry syrup
  • Conclusion:

    Elderflowers and elderberries are generally well-tolerated and safe herbs to consume.

    Consider testing each one before deciding which herb is best for you.

    You may discover that one is superior to the other, or vice versa! Alternatively, combine them to see whether you get a synergistic effect.

    Author Bio:

    Elderberry vs. Elderflower: What’s The Difference? (3)

    Daniel has a master's degree in herbal science from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. He's the founder ofThe Botanical Institute, where he writes about the health benefits of herbs.

    Elderberry vs. Elderflower: What’s The Difference? (2024)


    Elderberry vs. Elderflower: What’s The Difference? ›

    Elderflower has a woodsy and floral taste, and their sweetness comes out when elderflower is cooked. Photo courtesy of Shadi via Unsplash. Compared to elderflower, elderberry

    Sambucus nigra is a species complex of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae native to most of Europe. Common names include elder, elderberry, black elder, European elder, European elderberry, and European black elderberry.
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sambucus_nigra
    has a more intense taste: woodsy and floral, with a dark flavor that can be bitter and earthy when the fruit is consumed raw.

    Is elderberry the same as elderflower? ›

    Elderberry and elderflower are two different parts of the same medicinal shrub. They are often compared to each other due to their comparable health benefits. Before you make a decision about which herb to buy, there are a few key differences to keep in mind.

    What is elderflower good for? ›

    An extract of the flower is used to make medicine. Elderflower is used for swollen sinuses (sinusitis), colds, influenza (flu), swine flu, bronchitis, diabetes, and constipation. It is also used to increase urine production (as a diuretic), to increase sweating (as a diaphoretic), and to stop bleeding.

    What are the side effects of elderflower? ›

    The combination product can cause digestive system upset and sometimes allergic skin rash. Elderflower is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when used in excessive amounts. Some parts of the elder tree contain a cyanide-producing chemical which can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    Is elderflower good for the immune system? ›

    The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.

    Do elderflowers turn into elderberries? ›

    From August onwards, elderflowers turn into deep red and black elderberries. Although to us, elderflowers are, of course, the crème de la crème, bittersweet elderberries are rich in vitamins A and C and have strong anti-viral properties too.

    What form of elderberry is most effective? ›

    Elderberry overview

    When it comes to maintaining a strong immune system, black elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are the preferred choice.

    How does elderflower make you feel? ›

    This powerful herb also contains anti-catarrhal properties that help the body rid itself of excess mucus. Elderflower's anti-inflammatory quality makes it a natural choice for respiratory health. From soothing coughs to relieving sinus congestion, elderflower is a great addition to any respiratory remedy.

    Is elderflower a natural laxative? ›

    Elderflower is a creamy, white flower found on the black elder tree. It's often used medicinally. Though research is limited, elderflower might help treat constipation, reduce cold and flu symptoms, treat gingivitis, and even control blood sugar.

    Do elderflowers make you sleepy? ›

    Light and Fragrant. This infusion aids calmness and promotes a good night's sleep. Anecdotally used to relieve symptoms of hay fever and colds.

    Is elderflower anti-inflammatory? ›

    The health benefits of elderflowers mean they are high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and also helpful in supporting healthy skin healing and reducing skin irritations.

    Is elderflower good for kidneys? ›

    In a previously published study, we demonstrated nephroprotective effects, in terms of renal function and morphology, for Sambucus nigra L. elderflower extract rich in flavonoids, obtained from the wild specimens of European elder Sambucus nigra L. [10].

    Who should not take elderberry? ›

    Elderberry appears to have few side effects when used properly for short periods of time (up to 5 days). Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take elderberry. If you have an autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, ask your doctor before taking elderberry, as it may stimulate the immune system.

    What is the difference between elderberry and elderflower tea? ›

    Elderflower has a woodsy and floral taste, and their sweetness comes out when elderflower is cooked. Photo courtesy of Shadi via Unsplash. Compared to elderflower, elderberry has a more intense taste: woodsy and floral, with a dark flavor that can be bitter and earthy when the fruit is consumed raw.

    Are elderflower and elderberry the same tree? ›

    Elderberry and elderflower actually come from the same plant, and represent its different growth stages. While consuming raw elderberries or other parts of the bark or leaves can be poisonous, the elderflower is an aromatic, light blossom that creates a floral and balanced flavor.

    Can you eat elderberries off the bush? ›

    Similar to aronia berry, elderberry is also referred to as a "superfruit' due to its high level of antioxidants and associated health benefits. However, unlike the aronia berry, elderberry can be eaten right off the bush and has a sweet taste. Thus, they can be marketed fresh or in you-pick operations.

    Are American elderberries edible? ›

    Elderberries are quite edible. The blue or purple berries are gathered and made into elderberry wine, jam, syrup, and pies. The entire flower cluster can be dipped in batter and fried while petals can be eaten raw or made into a fragrant and tasty tea.

    Does elderberry increase estrogen? ›

    One study found that high doses of elderflower and elderberry extracts increased the production of estradiol (17-beta estradiol), a hormone that regulates the female reproductive tract and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

    Can you eat elderberries raw? ›

    When uncooked, elderberries contain a toxic substance that can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, so any preparation of elderberries you use should be cooked. Commercial preparations of elderberry such as syrups and lozenges don't contain this substance and are generally recognized as safe for that reason.

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