Fresh Elderflower Cordial Recipe (2024)

It's mid-June and the elderflowers are coming to an end. I actually thought the flowers were finished in this part of the country until Andy came home with a bag on Saturday and said 'a present for you'. It was another dozen freshly picked flowers. So I made Elderflower Cordial.

Fresh Elderflower Cordial Recipe (1)

When we started making Elderflower Cordial years ago when we lived in Wendover, we were the only people we knew who made it. We used to put bottles of it outside our cottage with an honesty box, and they always sold within hours. Now it is far more widely available to buy in the shops, but there really isn't any that tastes quite asgood ashomemade.

Mixed with sparkling water and ice, it really is the most lovely drink.

Fresh Elderflower Cordial Recipe (2)

The Joy of Elderflower Season

The elder (Sambucus nigra)is an ancient plant, native to the UK.The smell of the flowers is very distinctive, and they hang in the hedgerows through May and June and positively sparkle in the sun. Some of them are as large as dinner plates.

We have made Elderflower Lemon Curd, Elderflower Vinegar, Elderflower Gin, Elderflower Mead and, of course, Elderflower Champagne.I'veeven made an Elderflower skin tonic which I will share another time.

When you are making all things elderflower in your kitchen, the beautiful fragrance permeates your house. It is a pretty short season and can be over before you know it. We try to make at least one Elderflowery (word?) thing every year.

Fresh Elderflower Cordial Recipe (3)

Removing the Stems from the Elderflowers

As with all things Elderflower, I advise removing the thick stems from the flowers and as many of the little stems as you can be bothered to remove. The more stem left in whatever you're making, the greener the final result will be. And the greener it is, the more bitter it may become.

This cordial isn't like some of the other recipes I've talked about, because the flowers only sit in the bucket for 1-2 days which probably isn't enough time for the stems to make your cordial bitter. But I remove the stems anyway. You can either do it with your fingers (which promptly get covered in elderflower pollen) or a fork to pluck them off into a bucket.

Also remember to shake them well to remove any tiny insects which came home with your elderflowers.

Uses for Elderflower Cordial

The traditional way to enjoy it is to dilute with water, still or sparkling, in a glass with a slice of lemon. Elderflower cordial is also lovely in cakes and drizzled over ice cream.

It is also a good cheat's way to enjoy an Elderflower Gin and tonic without having to make the elderflower gin infusion. Simply add a dash of cordial to your gin and tonic!

Makes about2 litres.


About 12-15 elderflower heads

1kg sugar

50g citric acid

2 lemons, preferably unwaxed

1 litre of boiling water

Half a lemon, sliced

Half anorange, sliced


Remove the flowers from the stems either with your fingers or the prongs of a fork. Compost the stems.

Remove the zest from the lemons (I use a potato peeler so it comes off in large strips), and juice them.

Pour the 1kg sugar into a clean, food grade bucket. Pour the boiling water over it, stir well with a wooden spoon until the sugar has dissolved.

Add the citric acid, lemon zest, orange and lemon slices, lemon juice and elderflowers. Loosely cover with a lid.

Leave to infuse for 1-2 days, mixing again with a wooden spoon in the morning and at night.

Sterilise cordial bottles using cleaner/steriliser.

Strain the cordial through muslin in a sieve into the sterile bottles.

Refrigerate straight away. Your cordial is ready to use immediately, and this recipewill keep in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.

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Fresh Elderflower Cordial Recipe (2024)


Why add citric acid to elderflower cordial? ›

Why use citric acid in elderflower cordial? The addition of citric acid simply prevents the cordial from fermenting and acts as a preservative. You can buy citric acid for cordial online in a number of sizes depending on how you choose to use this versatile product.

Why does my elderflower cordial taste bitter? ›

As with all things Elderflower, I advise removing the thick stems from the flowers and as many of the little stems as you can be bothered to remove. The more stem left in whatever you're making, the greener the final result will be. And the greener it is, the more bitter it may become.

What is the difference between elderflower syrup and cordial? ›

The terms elderflower syrup and elderflower cordial are used interchangeably: they both mean a concentrated elderflower extract. This extract can be used in drinks, liqueurs, creams, and any other number of food items as an additional flavor profile and sweetener.

Is homemade elderflower cordial good for you? ›

Elderflower has antibacterial and antiviral properties and may also help alleviate some allergies and boost the functioning of the immune system. Topically, elderflower might help reduce pain and swelling in joints due to some forms of arthritis and is used to stop bleeding.

Why has my elderflower cordial gone fizzy? ›

There is enough yeast in the flowers of the elderflower to cause it to ferment, go fizzy and become (very slightly) alcoholic. The solution is to freeze your cordial in small batches, and defrost as and when you need it.

How do you keep elderflower cordial from turning brown? ›

Recipe Tips

They can be frozen if liked: freeze about 25 heads in a bag and add to the hot sugar syrup straight from the freezer - this will stop them turning brown once defrosted.

Is elderflower cordial an anti inflammatory? ›

Elderflowers have been known to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, good for helping to relieve symptoms of colds and flu, sinus infections and respiratory disturbances. This cordial is packed full of Vitamin C which helps boost the immune system.

Is elderflower cordial the same as St Germain? ›

DIY elderflower cordial (syrup) is versatile and significantly less expensive than prepared elderflower liqueur (like St. Germain). Cordial can be customized with dried or fresh elderflowers, different fruit juices, or liquor. Citric acid boosts acidity and extends shelf-life.

What variety of elderflower is best for cordial? ›

A variety of elder called 'Black Lace' produces light pink flowers and has much thinner and darker, almost black, foliage which turn red in autumn. The flowers and berries can be used in foraging recipes, the pink flowers of this variety result in a cordial with a pinkish hue.

What is cordial called in America? ›

In the U.S. we would just call the concentrated liquid a fruit syrup or flavored syrup. Some may have more specific names such as Grenadine or brand names such as Rose's lime juice. These are also the two that you are most likely to find in someone's kitchen or bar—or in fact at the grocery store.

Is elderflower cordial a laxative? ›

750ml Sugar Free ELDERFLOWER Cordial – EFSF

Add gin, rum or vodka. ingredients: water, xylitol, citric acid, elderflower extract, stevia, sodium benzoate. warning: excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.

How long does cordial last once opened? ›

What is the shelf-life of your drinks? Cordials: Our best before date is printed on the neck of our bottles, but typically will have about 12-18 months shelf life by the time you get your hands on them! Once opened, they should be consumed within 3 weeks.

What is the purpose of adding citric acid when making cordial? ›

This comes from the citric , which acts as both preserving agent and souring factor. Our homemade cordial is shelf-stable for at least a couple of years if it's prepared and stored properly, so make use of your winter harvest and put up a good supply to see you through the summer!

What is the purpose of adding citric acid? ›

Citric acid is often added to packaged food and drinks. It helps keep canned and jarred foods fresh over long periods of time. It can prevent some kinds of fresh-cut produce, like sliced apples, from turning brown. Citric acid can also help thicken foods or give them a slightly sour flavor.

What does citric acid do in syrup? ›

It is used to enhance fruit flavors and to import a desirable tart taste that helps mask medicinal flavors. Citric acid is used in syrups, elixirs, or combined with bicarbonates or carbonates in antacids and dentifrices.

What does citric acid do to drink? ›

Manufactured citric acid is one of the most common food additives in the world. It's used to boost acidity, enhance flavor, and preserve ingredients (5). Sodas, juices, powdered beverages, candies, frozen foods, and some dairy products often contain manufactured citric acid.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.