GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (2024)

A.K. Jain


2.GRIHA – Projects Eligible for Rating

2.1 Registration Process

2.2 Project Evaluation Process

3 Criteria of the Rating System

3.1 Site Selection and Site Planning

3.3 Recycle, recharge, and reuse of water

3.4Waste management

3.5 Health and well-being during post-construction occupation

4Rating of Very Small Buildings

5Main Benefits of Rating of a Green Building


A green building rating system is an evaluation tool that measures environmental performance of a building through its life cycle. It usually comprises of a set of criteria covering various parameters related to design, construction and operation of a green building. Each criterion has pre-assigned points and sets performance benchmarks and goals that are largely quantifiable. A project is awarded points once it fulfills the rating criteria. The points are added up and the final rating of a project is decided. Rating systems call for independent third party evaluation of a project and different processes are put in place to ensure a fair evaluation. Globally, green building rating systems are largely voluntary in nature and have been instrumental in raising awareness and popularizing green building designs. In India, primarily rating from the 3 organizations is recognized. The 3 organizations are:

LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Rating is given as Silver, Gold or Platinum on the basis of checklist of credits that can be achieved for 7 major categories i.e.

1) Sustainable Sites 2) Water Efficiency 3) Energy & Atmosphere 4) Materials & Resources

5) Indoor Environmental Quality 6) Innovation & Design Process 7) Regional Priority

IGBC: Indian Green Building Council. It is similar to LEED.

GRIHA: Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. It is a star (1-5) rating system based on 8 major categories ie. 1) Sustainable Site Planning 2) Health & Well-being 3) Building Planning & Construction 4) Energy End Use 5) Energy Renewable 6) Recycle, Recharge & Reuse of water 7) Waste management 8) Indoor air quality

Although different rating systems have been recognized in India but GRIHA is India’s National Rating System developed by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and endorsed by MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) for green buildings. It is based on the principles of nationally accepted environmental and energy norms. The aim of the rating system is to strike a balance between established practices and emerging concepts to minimize a building’s overall ecological/ environmental impact. The present Chapter focuses only on GRIHA rating system. The contents wherever required has been taken from the official website of GRIHA for education purpose only.

2.GRIHA – Projects Eligible for Rating

Except for industrial complexes, all buildings – offices, retail malls, institutions, hotels, hospitals, health care facilities, residences and high rise buildings, the others are eligible for the pre-design/design stage for pre – certification under GRIHA. The registration- cum rating fee for both the processes must be submitted upfront by the project proponent to complete the registration process. This has been divided into 2 categories based on the built-up area as follow.

i. For built up area greater than 20,000 sq. metersProjects applying for Environmental Clearance from MoEFCC are eligible to apply for precertification. However, it is mandatory to register the project under GRIHA rating after precertification has been awarded.

ii. For built up area less than 20,000 sq. metersProjects can register for GRIHA pre-certification and GRIHA rating at the same time.

2.1 Registration Process

Since, there are many important issues that need to be addressed at this stage, hence registration should be done at the onset of the project cycle.

i.Registration: The registration is done online on the official website. After submitting the online Expression of Interest, the project team submits a proposed development plan for the registered project with recent photographs of the site. The application is forwarded to the Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitat (ADaRSH) to review the feasibility of the project for GRIHA pre-certification. On approval of the project by ADaRSH, the proponent can proceed with the payment of registration cum rating fee and precertification process.

ii.Certification fee: GRIHA pre-certification fee is calculated on the basis of built-up area (excluding basem*nt area for parking). The registration fee is calculated based on the following formula.

GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (1)

2.2 Project Evaluation Process

The Project evaluation under GRIHA is done mainly at two stages

1. Pre documentation stage – Soon after project is registered an orientation workshop is conducted where the experts from ADaRSH determines the points to be achieved in the project with the proponent.

A team from ADaRSH along with the client’s Integrated Design Team meet and determine the points being targeted by the project, as soon as the building project is registered, during the orientation workshop.

2. Post documentation stage – The points agreed upon during the Orientation workshop along with necessary are submitted for evaluation by team of regional ADaRSH experts. During the construction phase, members of the ADaRSH team visits the project site thrice, to check on-site compliance of relevant GRIHA criteria. Once the project is commissioned on site, the building is rated as per the procedure given below.

All the necessary proof through documents for the points targeted under various criteria is submitted and then evaluated by third party regional evaluators, to determine final rating that shall be awarded to the project. During the construction phase of the project, members of the ADaRSH team carry out three due diligence visits, to check on-site compliance of relevant GRIHA criteria. Once the necessary documentation is uploaded, and systems commissioned on site, the building is evaluated and rated in a three-tier process.

In the first stage a team from ADaRSH experts review the mandatory points for compliance followed by the evaluation of optional criteria as per the process outlined by GRIHA and estimate the total No. of achievable points. The project can be rejected at this stage itself.

Thereafter the project goes to evaluation committee comprising of eminent external experts. The members independently review and award points. The evaluation committee comprises experts in the area of public health, landscape design, lighting and HVAC design, energy management, water and waste management etc. After evaluation of documents, a provisional GRIHA rating is awarded and forwarded to National Advisory committee for approval and award of final rating

After one year of occupancy of the building, a performance audit is conducted to award the final GRIHA Rating. The building is rated 1-5 star depending up on the scored points. The rating is valid for 5 years from the commissioning of the building. The point scored and rating is given below.

The preliminary evaluation is done by a team of experts from ADaRSH. The team reviews the mandatory points and checks for compliance. The project is rejected if mandatory criteria are not complied with. The team then evaluates the optional criteria and estimates the total number of achievable points. All compliance documents are vetted through the appraisal process as outlined by GRIHA.

The evaluation report is given to members of an evaluation committee, comprising renowned external experts in building and landscape design, lighting and HVAC design, renewable energy, water and waste management, and building materials. The members independently review and award points

It is believed that the‘sustainability is always local’ and thus also believe that the people of a specific region of our country know their local requirements best. This puts them in the best position to evaluate buildings built in their region. We have thus developed a pool of evaluators, who are experts in the fields of:

1. Public Health

2. Landscape design

3. Solar Passive design and architecture

4. Building Energy systems

5. Renewable energy

6. Plumbing engineering

thiThe relevant categories of criteria are entrusted to these people as external evaluators, who then evaluate the project and provide their inputs as to how the project fares and how it could be made better in terms of its commitments to sustainable design (if required).

A provisional GRIHA rating is awarded after evaluation of documents submitted for rating the final score is presented to the National Advisory Committee comprising eminentpersonalities and renowned professionals in the field, for approval and award of the final rating.

The final GRIHA rating is awarded after receipt and evaluation of the post occupancy performance audit reports. The audit is conducted after 1 year of building occupancy.The building is rated 1-5 star depending upon the points scored as per the compliance of different criteria points. The points scored and the rating is indicated below. The rating awarded is valid for a period of five years from the commissioning of the building.

1. 50-60 points is certified as a 1 star GRIHA rated building,

2. 61-70 is a 2 star GRIHA rated building,

3. 71-80 is a 3 star GRIHA rating building,

4. 81-90 is a 4 star GRIHA rated building and

5. 91-100 is a 5 star GRIHA rated building

3. Criteria of the Rating System

So as to manage, control and reduce /optimize the same to the best possible extent GRIHA assesses a building out of 34 criteria and awards points on a scale of 100. In order to qualify for GRIHA certification, a project must achieve at least 50 points. The criteria points used for building rating are categorized/ described below:

3.1. Site Selection and Site Planning

Objective: To maximize the conservation and utilization of resources (land, water, natural habitat, fauna, and energy conservation) and to enhance the efficiency of the systems and operations.

Criterion 1: Site Selection

Site selection is the first step to a sustainable habitat and needs to be done appropriately, prior to commencement of design phase. Site selection and analysis should be carried out to create living spaces that are in harmony with the local environment. The development of a project should not cause damage to the natural surroundings of the site but, in fact, should try to improve it by restoring its balance. Thus, site selection should be carried out in light of aholistic perspective of land use, development intensity, social well-being, and preservation of the environment.

Criterion 2: Preserve and protect the landscape during construction

To preserve the existing landscape and protect it from degradation during the process of construction. It involves proper timing of construction, preserve top soil and existing vegetation, staging and spill prevention to prevent spilling contaminated material onsite, erosion and sedimentation control, replant the trees that were cut down during construction in the ratio 1:3.

Criterion 3: Soil conservation (till post-construction).

Conserve topsoil till after completion of construction activity. This commitment entails proper top soil laying and stabilization of the soil to prevent erosion and maintenance of adequate fertility of the soil to support vegetative growth.

Criterion 4: Design to include existing site features.

The natural functions of a plot of land (hydrologic, geologic, and microclimatic) can be disrupted by the placement of a building on it. The design of a green building will factor in ways in which the natural site features can be protected or even restored. Layout the site activities and building requirements after carrying out detailed site analysis so as to ensure sustainable site development in tune with its topographical, climatic, and ecological character.

Criterion 5: Reduce hard paving on-site and /or provide shaded hard – paved surfaces. Reduce hard paving on-site (open areas surrounding building premises) to minimize the imperviousness of the site and/or provide shade on hard-paved surfaces to minimize the heat island effect on site.

Criterion 6: Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency.

Enhance energy efficiency of outdoor lighting and promote usage of renewable forms of energy to reduce the use of conventional/fossil-fuel-based energy resources. Meet minimum allowable luminous efficacy (as per lamp type) and make progressive use of a renewable energy- based lighting system.

Criterion 7: Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiencyReduce site disruption due to laying, maintain utility lines, and minimize energy use by on-site utilities. To reduce transportation corridors on-site, thus reducing the pollution loads. Minimize road and pedestrian walkway length by appropriate planning and provide aggregate corridors for utility lines.

Criterion 8: Provide the minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers.

Ensure the health and safety of workers during construction, with effective provisions for the basic facilities such as sanitation and drinking water, and safety of equipment or machinery. Ensure cleanliness of workplace with regard to the disposal of waste and effluent, provide clean drinking water and latrines and urinals as per applicable standard. Criterion 9: Reduce air pollution during construction.

The dust generated by various construction site activities can contribute significantly to air pollution. Dust and outdoor air pollutants can cause respiratory problems. Good construction practices involve major mitigation measures for prevention or minimization of air pollution from construction activities. This criterion aims to reduce air pollution due to on–site construction. Ensure proper screening, covering stockpiles, covering bricks and loads of dusty materials, wheel-washing facility, and water spraying.

3.2. Building Planning and Construction Stage

Objective: To maximize resource (water, energy, and materials) conservation and enhance efficiency of the system and operations.

Criterion 10: Reduce landscape water requirement.

Reduce the landscape water requirement so as to minimize the load on the municipal water supply and depletion of groundwater resources. Landscape using native species and reduce lawn areas while enhancing the irrigation efficiency, reduction in water requirement for landscaping purposes.

Criterion 11: Reduce building water use.

Reduce water consumption in the building by using efficient fixtures like low-flow fixtures, etc.

Criterion 12: Efficient water use during construction.

Minimize the use of potable water during construction. For example, use materials such as pre-mixed concrete for preventing loss during mixing or use recycled treated water and control the waste of curing water.

Criterion 13: Optimize building design to reduce the conventional energy demand.

Apply solar passive measures, including day lighting, in order to reduce the demand on conventional energy for space conditioning and lighting systems in buildings. Plan appropriately to reflect climate responsiveness, adopt an adequate comfort range, less air-conditioned areas, day lighting, avoid over-design of the lighting and air-conditioning systems.

Criterion 14: Optimize the energy performance of the building within specified comfort limits.

Optimize use of energy systems in buildings that maintain a specified indoor climate conducive to the functional requirements of the building. Ensure that energy consumption in building under a specified category is 10%–40% less than that benchmarked figure through a simulation exercise of a base case example.

Criterion 15: Utilization of fly ash in the building structure.

Use low-embodied energy industrial-waste fly ash as the construction material. Fly ash, an industrial waste with properties of cement and very low-embodied energy, is used in combination with cement that are high in embodied energy. Use fly ash for RCC (reinforced cement concrete) structures with in-fill walls and load bearing structures, mortar, and binders. Criterion 16: Reduce volume, weight, and time of construction by adopting an efficient technology (e.g. pre-cast systems, ready-mix concrete, etc.).

Replace a part of the energy-intensive materials with less energy-intensive materials and/or utilize regionally available materials, which use low-energy/energy-efficient technologies.

Criterion 17: Use low-energy material in the interiors.

A minimum of 70% of the total quantity of all interior finishes and products used in each of the categories mentioned below should be low-energy finishes/ materials/ products, which minimize wood as a natural resource or utilize industrial waste by using products in any category as listed. The various interior finishes used in the sub-system of the building or the interior, which serve the aim of the credit, have been divided into the following three majorcategories. If any interior finish, acclaimed for credit, falls beyond this classification, the applicant has to clearly confirm the criteria that meet the requirements of the credit.

1. Sub-assembly/internal partitions/interior wood finishes/ paneling/false ceiling/in-built furniture/ cabinetry

2. Flooring

3. Doors/windows and frames

Criterion 18: Renewable energy utilization.

Meet energy requirements for a minimum of 10% of the internal lighting load (for general lighting) or its equivalent from renewable energy sources (solar, wind, biomass, fuel cells, etc.). Energy requirements will be calculated based on realistic assumptions which will be subject to verification during appraisal. Use renewable energy sources in buildings to reduce the use of conventional/fossil-fuel based energy resources. Criterion 19: Renewable energy – based hot- water system.

Ensure that a minimum 50% of the annual energy requirement for heating water (for applications such as hot water for all needs, like for canteen, washing, and bath rooms/toilets, except for space heating) is supplied from renewable energy sources.

3.3. Recycle, recharge, and reuse of water

Objective: To promote the recycle and reuse of water.

Criterion 20: Wastewater treatment Provide facility for the treatment of waste water generated in the building so as to have safe disposal and use of by-products.

Criterion 21: Water recycle and reuse (including rainwater).

Utilize the waste water treated on-site and rainwater for various applications (including groundwater recharge) where potable municipal water is normally used to reduce the load on both the municipal supplies as well as the sewerage system and to improve the groundwater level.

3.4. Waste management

Objective: To minimize waste generation, streamline waste segregation, storage, and disposal, and promote resource recovery from waste. Criterion 22: Reduction in waste during construction.

Ensure maximum resource recovery and safe disposal of wastes generated duringconstruction and reduce the burden on landfill.

Criterion 23: Efficient waste segregation.

Use different colored bins for collecting different categories of waste from the building to promote the segregation of waste for efficient resource recovery.

Criterion 24: Storage and disposal of waste.

Allocate separate space for the collected waste before transferring it to the recycling/disposal stations to prevent the mixing up of segregated waste before processing or disposal.

Criterion 25: Resource recovery from waste.

Employ resource recovery systems for biodegradable waste as per the Solid Waste Management and handling Rules, 2000 of the MoEF. Make arrangements for recycling of waste through local dealers to maximize the recovery of resources from the recyclable and biodegradable waste and to reduce the burden on landfills.

3.5. Health and well-being during post-construction occupation

Objective: To ensure healthy indoor air quality, water quality, and noise levels, and reduce the global warming potential.

Criterion 26: Use of low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints/ adhesives / sealants. Building materials such as paints, sealants, and adhesives form important finishes for the exterior and interior surfaces. They are, however, potential contributors to the poor indoor air quality and can have a bearing on an occupants’ health. A wide variety of volatiles are released through oxidation by both solvent-based and water-based paints, and sealants and adhesives contain toxic chemicals that are released during construction and occupancy. VOCs – especially formaldehyde, urea formaldehyde, and urethanes – and other chemical substances contained within the building materials can be injurious to health and can also be odorous. This measure aims to select materials with low to zero quantities of such chemicals so as to minimize the source of emission. In selecting low VOC materials, a practical thumb rule is to choose water-based products with low odor. Criterion 27: Minimize ozone – depleting substances Employ insulation that is ODP (ozone depletion potential) free; HCFC (hydro chlorofluorocarbon) and CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) free HVAC and refrigeration equipment,fire extinguishing systems to Eliminate or control the release of ozone-depleting substances into the atmosphere.

Criterion 28: Ensure water quality.

Ensure groundwater and municipal water meet the water quality norms as prescribed in the Indian Standards for various applications (Indian Standards for drinking [IS 10500-1991], irrigation applications [IS 11624-1986]. In case the water quality cannot be ensured, provide necessary treatment of raw water for achieving the desired concentration for various applications.

Criterion 29: Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels.

Ensure outdoor noise level conforms to the Central Pollution Control Board–Environmental Standards–Noise (ambient standards) and indoor noise level conforms to the National Building Code of India, 2005, Bureau of Indian Standards 2005a, Part 8–Building Services; Section 4–Acoustics, sound insulation, and noise control.

Criterion 30: Tobacco and smoke control.

Zero exposure to tobacco smoke for non-smokers and exclusive ventilation for smoking rooms.

Criterion 31: Provide the minimum level of accessibility for persons with disabilities.

To ensure accessibility and usability of the building and its facilities by employees, visitors, and clients with disabilities.

3.6. Building Operation and Maintenance

Objective: Validate and maintain ‘green’ performance levels/adopt and propagate green practices and concepts.

Criterion 32: Energy audit and validation.

Energy audit report to be prepared by approved auditors of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India.

Criterion 33: Building operation and maintenance.

Validate and maintain green performance. Adopt and propagate green practices and concepts. Ensure the inclusion of a specific clause in the contract document for the commissioning of all electrical and mechanical systems to be maintained by the owner, supplier, or operator. Provide a core facility/service management group, if applicable, which will be responsible forthe operation and maintenance of the building and the electrical and mechanical systems after the commissioning. Owner/builder/occupants/service or facility management group to prepare a fully documented operations and maintenance manual, CD, multimedia or an information brochure listing the best practices/do’s and don’ts/maintenance requirements for the building and the electrical and mechanical systems along with the names and addresses of the manufacturers/suppliers of the respective system.

3.7. Innovation

Criterion 34: Innovation points.

Four innovation points are available under the rating system for adopting criteria which enhance the green intent of a project, and the applicant can apply for the bonus points. Some of the probable points, not restricted to the ones enumerated below, could be Alternative transportation

1. Environmental education

2. Company policy on green supply chain

3. Lifecycle cost analysis

4. Enhanced accessibility for physically/mentally challenged.

5. Any other criteria proposed by the client

4. Rating of Very Small Buildings

SVAGRIHA (Small Versatile Affordable GRIHA) was jointly developed by Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitat (ADaRSH) and TERI. It is specifically developed for small projects having built up area less than 2500 m2 such as individual residences, offices, commercial complexes etc. It is much faster and simplified tool for rating of small building. The rating comprises only 14 criteria’s analyzed using software tool using the information from the engineering drawing. The compilation of the achievable points for the project can be done by consultant as well as the overall pointsSVAGRIHA is a significantly simplified, faster, easier and more affordable green buildingrating system and functions as a design cum-rating tool. SVAGRIHA has been designed as avariant of GRIHA specifically developed for projects with built-up area less than 2500 m2.SVAGRIHA can help in design and rating of individual residences, small offices, commercialand institutional buildings. The rating comprises only 14 criteria analyzed using softwaretool, comprising simplified calculators. These calculators can be filled using informationfrom construction drawings like areas and quantities of materials. This can be done easily bythe architect/consultant of the project. Once completed, the tool will inform thearchitect/consultant the number of points that they are able to achieve in that particularcriterion as well as the overall points.


  • Registration of project with ADaRSH
  • Submission of completed software tool and documentation to ADaRSH
  • Internal review of documentation
  • Site visit and post construction due diligence check (mandatory)
  • External evaluation of project
  • Award of Rating

Project Evaluation

SVAGRIHA evaluates projects on the following 14 criteria:

GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (2)

GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (3)

In order to achieve a SVAGRIHA rating each project must achieve a certain number of points in each category as mentioned below. This is to ensure that each project reduces its overall environmental impact and not just the impact through energy and water. Based on the number of points the project attempts, the rating shall be provided as mentioned in the table below:

GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (4)

5.Main Benefits of Rating of a Green Building

Some of the benefits of a green design to a building owner, user, and the society as a whole are as follows:

  • Reduced energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort levels (lower operational costs)
  • Reduced water consumption
  • Reduced system sizes (HVAC, transformers, cabling, etc.) for optimal performance at local conditions.
  • Reduced investment (lifecycle cost)
  • Reduced destruction of natural areas, habitats, biodiversity, reduced soil loss from erosion etc.
  • Reduced air and water pollution (with direct health benefits)
  • Limited waste generation due to recycling and reuse
  • Reduced pollution loads
  • Increased user productivity
  • Enhanced image and marketability


Our country is witnessing a boom in the construction and real estate sector which contribute around 10% of India’s GDP and is growing at about 9%, as against the world average of 5.5%. Housing sector has emerged as the largest source of Green House Gases (GHG) emissions contributing 40% of total GHG emissions.

Keeping in view the local conditions, a rating system GRIHA has been developed by MNRE which suits to all types of building. Building rating system is quite effective in creating awareness in populating green building design. Energy efficient or green buildings can reduce energy demand by around 40% and judicious use of other natural resources is achieved.

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy provides incentives to green building such as re-imbursem*nt of registration fee, cash awards to architect/consultants and support for installation of SPV.

you can view video on GRIHA Rating of Green BuildingsGRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (5)
GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management (2024)


GRIHA Rating of Green Buildings – Environmental management? ›

GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) provides star ratings to indicate the level of sustainability achieved by a building project. The star rating system is based on the total points earned by the project, with higher points indicating a higher level of sustainability.

What is the rating system for green buildings? ›

It is similar to LEED. Although different rating systems have been recognized in India but GRIHA is India's National Rating System developed by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and endorsed by MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) for green buildings.

What is the meaning of GRIHA rating? ›

GRIHA is an acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. GRIHA is a Sanskrit word meaning – 'Abode'. Human Habitats (buildings) interact with the environment in various ways.

What is the environmental rating of a building? ›

The environmental impact rating is a measure of a home's impact on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The higher the rating the less impact it has on the environment.

What is a 5 star green building rating? ›

5 Star. A rating that demonstrates Australian excellence by being a high environmental performer and addresses social issues relevant to the building owner (35 out of 100 points).

What is the most widely used green building rating system? ›

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the world's most widely used green building rating system.

What is the difference between the LEED rating system and a green building code? ›

The NGBS is designed specifically for residential construction, development, and renovation. LEED NC is intended for use in the construction of both commercial office buildings and multifamily residential buildings.

What is a GRIHA in architecture? ›

GRIHA is a rating tool that helps people assesses the performance of their building against certain nationally acceptable benchmarks. It evaluates the environmental performance of a building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a 'green building'.

What are the benefits of GRIHA? ›

The benefits of holding a GRIHA certified building

Reduced destruction of natural areas, habitats, and biodiversity, as well as reduced soil erosion, and other destructive activities. Reducing waste generation through recycling and reusing. Reduced water consumption.

What is the Breeam rating system? ›

The BREEAM ratings range from Acceptable (In-Use scheme only) to Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent to Outstanding and it is reflected in a series of stars on the BREEAM certificate. Always look for the BREEAM certificate and certification mark to verify an assessment and its BREEAM rating.

What is the ESG rating of a building? ›

ESG building benchmarks and ratings assess the sustainability and ethical performance of buildings based on various criteria. Environmental factors may include energy efficiency, carbon footprint, and waste management.

What is the LEED rating for buildings? ›

There are four levels of LEED certification: Certified (40-49 points), Silver (50-59 points), Gold (60-79 points) and Platinum (80+ points). To achieve LEED certification, a building must go through a rigorous review process conducted by Green Business Certification Inc.

How to improve the environmental rating of a building? ›

Green building techniques: How you can make your construction projects more environmentally friendly
  1. Smaller is better.
  2. Energy-efficient equipment. More to read: Why are green buildings important?
  3. Proper insulation.
  4. Reuse, reduce, recycle.
  5. Sustainable materials. ...
  6. Solar panels.
  7. Energy Star windows.
  8. Rainwater harvesting.
Dec 22, 2023

What is the most popular green building certification? ›

LEED Green Building Certification (v4. 1) Managed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is one of the most well-known green building certifications in the world. Their highest level of certification, LEED Platinum, is a dream target for many architects and developers.

What is better than LEED certification? ›

LEED's thresholds are based on percentages, while BREEAM uses quantitative standards. LEED is considered to be simpler in its approach, while BREEAM is more academic and rigorous.

What is the difference between Green Star and LEED? ›

Green Star credits are grouped into eight environmental impact categories with an additional Innovation cate- gory. Also, unlike LEED credits, Green Star credits may be non-applicable under certain circ*mstances or progressively offer multiple points.

What is the LEED rating system? ›

LEED, which stands for 'Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design', is a rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings and measure their sustainability.

What is the green building certification system? ›

Green building certification systems are a set of rating systems and tools that are used to assess a building or a construction project's performance from a sustainability and environmental perspective.

What is the rating system for green globes? ›

Green Globes offers four rating levels, which are based on achieving a minimum of 35 percent of applicable points within the 1,000-point system. The points are spread over environmental assessment areas, including project management, site, energy, water, materials, emissions, and indoor environment.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.