The Georgian Home: A Guide to Design and Layout | Osborn Glass (2024)

The Georgian Home Georgian architecture is prevalent, and it’s easy to see why. Georgian homes are truly stunning, and they boast lots of distinctive features that make them attractive. The Georgian period lasted from 1714 to 1830. If you’ve ever watched a film or TV adaptation of a Jane Austen novel, this is what Georgian…

The Georgian Home

Georgian architecture is prevalent, and it’s easy to see why. Georgian homes are truly stunning, and they boast lots of distinctive features that make them attractive.

The Georgian period lasted from 1714 to 1830. If you’ve ever watched a film or TV adaptation of a Jane Austen novel, this is what Georgian country homes looked like. John Nash, who designed Buckingham Palace, was one of the most famous architects of the time.

But what is it about the Georgian home that makes it so distinctive? Here are some of the main features that make Georgian houses stand out.

The Georgian Home: A Guide to Design and Layout | Osborn Glass (1)

Georgian Design

The classic Georgian townhouse has typically three or four storeys. The exterior is symmetrical and stucco-fronted, so it is rendered in plaster to cover the material used for construction. Buildings are usually two rooms deep, and they are balanced on the inside and outside.

In earlier Georgian buildings, only the ground floor was rendered, and the rest was exposed brickwork. Later on, all of the levels were rendered, and the render was then typically painted white.

Georgian homes are mainly made from brick or stone, and they were usually made from local materials because the railways had not yet come along. Due to the lack of said railways, transporting materials was harder. But brick buildings were often faced in stone to make them look more prestigious.

The roof on a Georgian building is typically tiled and hipped, so the sides slope up from all sides, and embellished cornices are common. It is often hidden behind a parapet, and chimneys are usually on both sides.

Layout of Georgian Buildings

Georgian buildings have a focus on balance and proportion. There is a lot of emphasis on harmony and symmetry, and they are also very spacious and filled with light.

The family usually occupied the first and second storeys. The rooms on the lower floors were therefore larger. The largest rooms tend to face the street, and at the back of the first floor, there is usually a cosy family parlour.

Staff lived on the top storeys, and the upper rooms at the top of Georgian homes are usually smaller.

The main focus of most rooms was the fireplace. Rooms were also built with high ceilings, and the woodwork was lightly painted to preserve the softwoods used.

Doors & Windows

Detached houses often have a panelled front door consisting of six panels, which is positioned in the centre of the building. This opens from the front door and goes straight onto the road. There is no porch, and doors have fanlights or rectangular windows above to allow light to enter the hallway.

Windows are almost always sash windows in Georgian homes, which slide up and down using weights and pulleys. They originally had internal shutters too.

Windows tend to be larger and taller on the lower floors with nine or 12 panels. Higher up, the windows become shorter, and at the top of the buildings, they are small and mainly square.

A house with lots of windows was probably home to a wealthier family. This was because the army was funded by a window tax, which was in place until 1851. However, some homeowners bricked up their windows to pay less tax, and these are still visible on many Georgian homes.

A Popular Style to This Day

Georgian houses remain very popular to this day in the UK. Their focus on space, comfort and style, their excellent proportions, and their light interiors as a result of their large windows mean they are elegant properties that make excellent family homes.

And if you’d like to get sash windows for your Georgian home, or any other type of property, contact us today.

The Georgian Home: A Guide to Design and Layout | Osborn Glass (2024)


What is the layout of a Georgian house? ›

These houses typically have a large central main body, smaller hyphens (connectors between the main body and wings), and symmetrical wings. Floor plans are most commonly two rooms deep and are one or two stories tall, with pitched roofs.

What materials are used in the Georgian style house? ›

They were usually built with brick and stone and have sash windows. Later examples were decorated with stucco on the top half of the building. The Georgian period covers over 100 years so as you might expect for such a length of time, there are many nuances found in the structures of the houses built over this period.

What are three distinct features of the Georgian style? ›

If you ask most people to sketch a Georgian house, it will most likely be a rectangle with a door in the center, double-hung windows, a hipped roof and brick.

What is the golden ratio in Georgian architecture? ›

To maintain visual harmony, aim to keep the ratio of room height to width close to the golden standard (1.618). For example, a room with a 10-foot ceiling height would ideally be 16.18 feet wide.

What makes a Georgian style home? ›

A classic Georgian home is square or rectangular, made of brick, and features symmetrical windows, shutters, and columns. “Grand entrances were often embellished with pediments, arches, and columns, and interior spaces featured high ceilings, window headers, and crown molding,” says Muniz.

How do I make my house look Georgian? ›

Stone flooring, pale walls painted in pastel greens, blues, greys or plain white, minimally-styled fireplaces and simple yet functional dark wooden furniture made up the look of a typical Georgian house or cottage.

What flooring did Georgian houses have? ›

Early Georgian wooden floors were mostly made of oak, but many households had to use inferior woods as oak was expensive. By the middle of the 18th century, oak was becoming scarcer and pine or fir were used as a replacement. Wooden floorboards were made by hand, irregularly shaped and of different sizes and lengths.

What type of roof does a Georgian house have? ›

Hipped Roofs & Parapets

Hipped roofs (slope inward & upward from all sides) are a common feature of Georgian properties. Often the roof is concealed behind an ornamental wall or parapet. This gives the feel of a cliff edge / rectangular look to the building as the roof is effectively invisible from street level.

What are some interesting facts about the Georgian houses? ›

Georgian houses were usually built with either brick or stone. The trend was for a lot of reddish brick walls that contrasted with white bricks that were around windows and cornices. The entrances were often emphasised by a portico. And the walls built between terraced houses were sturdy and thick.

What is one design important to Georgian architecture? ›

Symmetrical and Proportional Design

The floor plan of a traditional Georgian house features a central hall that connects two side wings, creating a seamless flow inside and a stately street presence outside.

How can you tell if a house is Georgian? ›

The Georgian period covers the reign of George I to George IV. Broadly speaking, it covers the 18th century and is generally identified by very simple facades. It is all about symmetry, and Georgian properties often appear quite plain. They are often built with brick and stone, sash windows, and later with stucco.

What decorative features might you notice on a Georgian home? ›

Table of Contents show
  • 1 1. Timber sash windows.
  • 2 2. Traditional brickwork.
  • 3 3. Georgian timber doors.
  • 4 4. Classical architecture.
  • 5 5. Georgian wall panelling.
  • 6 6. Elegant fireplaces.
  • 7 7. Georgian staircases.
  • 8 Reddish Joinery: vintage timber feature specialists.
Apr 27, 2023

What are the principles of Georgian architecture? ›

The Georgian style is highly variable, but marked by symmetry and proportion based on the classical architecture of Greece and Rome, as revived in Renaissance architecture. Ornament is also normally in the classical tradition, but typically restrained, and sometimes almost completely absent on the exterior.

What are Georgian proportions? ›

The basic Georgian proportion was typically geometrical, with the main block of the building frequently augmented by hyphens and wings. The axial symmetry of this style will always be a safe design approach. However, this static configuration does not necessarily optimize the actual functioning of a home.

What is the ratio of Georgian windows? ›

Georgian windows were designed with a special Classical relationship between their widths and heights, known as the Golden Mean (approx 1:1.6). The glass panes were designed to conform to these same proportions.

What is a traditional Georgian floor plan? ›

In terms of floor plans, Georgian style home designs are almost always built in a square or rectangular fashion and are two stories high, though some may include small additions on the sides and/or extensions for a front entrance.

What is a Georgian architecture structure? ›

Georgian architecture is characterized by its proportion and balance; simple mathematical ratios were used to determine the height of a window in relation to its width or the shape of a room as a double cube.

What is the architecture of the Georgian country house? ›

Georgian country homes are some of the most beautiful and impressive examples of British architecture. Built during the Georgian era, which spanned from 1714 to 1830, these homes are characterized by their elegant proportions, symmetrical facades, and classical details.

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