The Manners of the Edwardian Era (2024)

May 16, 2016
The Manners of the Edwardian Era (1)

Branson:“Why do the rituals, the clothes, and the customs matter so much?”

The Dowager Countess:“Because without them we would be like the wild men of Borneo.”

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (2)

Downton Abbey®. © Carnival Films / MASTERPIECE

Queen Victoria’s son, Edward VII, had a brief reign from 1901 to 1910, but it was a decade marked by peace and prosperity at the height of the British Empire. The Edwardian period was indeed a “Gilded Age,” both in England and America. Yet social relationships were strictly defined, and interactions among and between the classes were governed by a series of complex and rigid rules—what we would call “manners”. The etiquette of the Edwardian era was second nature to the people who lived during this period, but to us it’s the fascinating behavior of a unique cultural moment.

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (3)

King Edward and Queen Alexandra.

Edwardians never, for example, shook hands. Women never removed their gloves in public. Men removed their hats in the presence of a superior, but not for a member of the lower classes. An Edwardian hostess carefully predetermined every aspect of a dinner party—not only the menu and seating arrangements, but even topics of conversation during the meal.

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (4)

Alastair Bruce with actor Hugh Bonneville on the set of Downton Abbey.

These are just a few of the kinds of details Alastair Bruce, historical advisor toDownton Abbey®(as well as films such asThe King’s SpeechandThe Young Victoria), has to remember as he works with actors. It’s his job to ensure they mind their Edwardian manners perfectly, from ramrod-straight posture to perfectly starched collars.

Through the lens of Bruce’s work onDownton Abbey, as seen in the PBS documentaryThe Manners of Downton Abbey, let’stake a look at Edwardian etiquette and how it reigned in every corner of daily life.

Servants & Masters

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (5)

The servants of Downton. Downton Abbey®. © Carnival Films / MASTERPIECE

“You are a footman, and a footman wears gloves,” says Mr. Carson, the butler of Downton Abbey, in a tone that brooks no argument. The footmen were like the peaco*cks of an Edwardian country house, impressive to look at and always on display, whether greeting guests at the doorstep or serving them in the dining room. Nearly always well-dressed young men, the footmen represented crisp formality and quiet grandeur on behalf of the entire estate. A tall or particularly good-looking footman would even earn a higher salary than the other members of the household staff.

However necessary the footmen and other servants may have been, they were never, however, thanked. Notice how the Crawleys and their aristocratic peers never say, “Oh, thank you!” to the servants when they bring a cup of tea, lace up a corset, or open a door? This isn’t ungratefulness, however, but simply a matter of practicality, explains Alastair Bruce inThe Manners of Downton Abbey. The servants dideverythingfor their masters, and if thanks were given, it would be necessary to say them at least sixty times a day. That would be, as the English say, tiresome.

Etiquette wasn’t just reserved for the relationship between servant and master. A unique set of rules also governed a hierarchy within the servant class itself. The butler and housekeeper were at the head of this group in terms of dignity, authority and earnings. Then came the cook, valets, ladies’ maids, and footmen; last of all were the parlor maids, laundry maids, kitchen maids, dishwashers, and stable grooms. Even among one group of servants you would have minor differences. The first footman served the meat, for example, the choicest course; while the second footman served a minor sauce or side. The under cook was considered an apprentice to the chef, while the kitchen maids were only assistants. The order in which servants sat at their own downstairs dining room table reflected this microcosm of the class system.


The Manners of the Edwardian Era (6)

An afternoon tea outdoors, imageviaCode of the Gentleman.

All social interactions, formal or informal, were occasions that required a complex set of rules to govern behavior. Take a look at this list taken from instructions for giving a formal afternoon tea in 1904—it just scratches the surface of expectations and norms for this period.

  • Cards must be issued as invitations three weeks in advance.
  • Men should wear a long frock coat with single or double-breasted waistcoat to match; gray trousers; white linen; light tie; silk hat; gray gloves; patent leather shoes.
  • Awnings and carpet should be provided from curb to house.
  • A footman must meet guests as they arrive at the curb to open their carriage doors, and another should open the front door “the moment a guest appears at the top step.”
  • Guests should leave their cards in the tray in the hall before entering the drawing room. The butler then announces them as they enter. Those who cannot attend should send their cards by mail or messenger to the hostess, timed to arrive during the afternoon tea.
  • On entering, women precede the men.
  • The hostess should be just within the drawing room door to receive the guests. If she has daughters who have come out in society, they should receive the guests, then mingle with them “to help to make the function a success.”
  • The hours are from 4 to 7 p.m. Guests should not come at the opening hour, nor stay until the last moment.

Even in casual or unplanned moments, including with friends and family, it was important to keep oneself under control. The British are famously described as having a “stiff upper lip,” showing no inappropriate bursts of affection or anger. Alastair Bruce coaches the actors ofDownton Abbey, especially those who play characters who most want to uphold the traditional way of life (including Lady Mary, her grandmother the Dowager Countess of Grantham, and the butler Mr. Carson), never to slip on this point. They can’t pat someone’s shoulder, offer a hug, clink glasses, or even say “I love you,” no matter how natural it would seem. Controlled politeness must govern their every word and expression. As William Ernest Henley put it in his classic Victorian poem, “Invictus,” “I am the captain of my soul.”

Courtship and Chaperons

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (7)

Lady Edith dines alone with a married man. Downton Abbey®. © Carnival Films / MASTERPIECE

Lady Edith commits a bold indiscretion when she dines unchaperoned with (married!) magazine editor Michael Gregson in Season 4 ofDownton Abbey. She’s defying some of the most stringent rules of all, those which governed the interactions between men and women. The American queen of etiquette, Emily Post, declared in 1922, “Absolutely no lady (unless middle-aged—and even then she would be defying convention) can go to dinner or supper in a restaurant alone with a gentleman.”

“As a matter of fact,” Post writes, “the only young girl who is really ‘free,’ is she whose chaperon is never very far away…but a young girl who is unprotected by a chaperon is in the position precisely of an unarmed traveler walking alone among wolves—his only defense is in his not attracting their notice.” Young single women could also not receive male guests in her own home, dine out, go to the theatre, go motoring for a significant distance, or go to a party without a chaperon present.


The Manners of the Edwardian Era (8)

Lady Rose performs a curtsey for her presentation at the Royal Court. Downton Abbey®, 2013. © Carnival Films / MASTERPIECE

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (9)

Debutantes being presented to Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.

Young women were introduced to society in their mid- to late-teens, after completing their education and being deemed ready for marriage. The aristocratic debutantes would apply to appear in a royal court presentation as her official entrance into society. Wearing a white dress with a three-yard train and adorned with the required three feathers, the young woman carried a bouquet and curtsied before Alexandria, Edward VII’s queen. (Just as Lady Rose was presented to Queen Mary and King George V, Edward’s son and successor, in the 2013 Christmas special ofDownton Abbey.)

After her debutante event, the young lady would attend “the season,” a round of London mansion parties beginning after Christmas and ending in mid-summer. These affairs, with their abundance of married chaperons, provided appropriate places for men and women to meet one another without causing scandal. After the Edwardian period, the significance of the debutante season waned, and austerity forced many wealthy families to relinquish their ‘town’ homes in the big city.

Love & Marriage

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (10)

Lady Mary between two suitors, one newly wealthy in business, the other inheritor of the Downton land and estate. Downton Abbey®. © Carnival Films / MASTERPIECE

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (11)

Lady Mary marries Matthew, inheritor to the Downton fortunes. Downton Abbey®. © Carnival Films / MASTERPIECE

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (12)

Formal hairstyle inspiration from the Edwardian era.

The Manners of the Edwardian Era (13)

A wedding reception in 1905.

For well-heeled Edwardians, marriage was a practical arrangement. Rather than love, the reason for marriage often had to do with the acquisition or preservation of land. Land was the lifeblood of aristocratic wealth and secured one’s high station in society. For the same reasons, marriage may also be a pairing of two important families. The character Richard Carlisle in the first season ofDownton Abbeywas wealthy, but he had made his money as a newspaperman. While the penniless Lord Gillingham—who comes from a well-established bloodline—would be viewed as a more appropriate match for Lady Mary Crawley in Season 5. Whether for practicalities or love, marriage was eagerly awaited by young women; it represented their only chance for independence and a home of their own.

Courtship was not, however, permitted among the servants. Even the architecture made sure of it, as there were no rooms for a couple to live in and work in the same house together. To marry, a woman had to leave domestic service, a kind of forced independence that set her to work on her own household.

When the First World War broke out, marks of the lavish Edwardian period began to fade. With shocking speed, the old traditions—and traditional manners with them—became things of the past. Although interactions in England had been governed by these rules for centuries, the total social upheavals caused by war and industrialization wiped them away. As country houses in England fell into financial straits and were demolished or abandoned, the old, formal ways of life they represented were replaced by modern norms determined by a new and daring generation.


Edwardian Promenade, “The Court Presentation,” by Evangeline Holland, December 7, 2007.

Green, Walter Cox.A Dictionary of Polite Etiquette: A Guide to Polite Usage for All Social Functions. Brentano’s, New York: 1904.

PBS,The Manners of Downton Abbeydocumentary

PBS, “Manor House

Emily Post,Etiquette, 1922. Chapter XIX. “The Chaperon and Other Conventions.”

Treble, Patricia. “Downton Abbey’s Master of Edwardian Manners,” Maclean’s, December 31, 2014.

Victorian Domestic Servant Hierarchy and Wage Scale: The hierarchy of British domestic servants in a large manor in 1890 and their wages.

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The Manners of the Edwardian Era (2024)


What was the Edwardian era known for? ›

The Edwardian era is viewed nostalgically and often called the "Gilded Age". In Britain, it was a time of peace: sandwiched between the Boer War (1899-1902) and the First World War which broke out in 1914.

What are the rules for Edwardian dinner? ›

Never lay your hand, or play with your fingers upon the table. Do not toy with your knife, fork or spoon, make crumbs of your bread, or draw imaginary lines upon the tablecloth." "It is not in good taste to urge guests to eat, nor to load their plates against their inclination."

What were the characteristics of the Edwardian age? ›

The Edwardian era is sometimes known as the 'golden age', this is because it was a time of great prosperity and luxurious parties among the wealthy elite. Child labour laws were finally introduced to prevent children from working during the Edwardian era.

What was the Edwardian lifestyle like in England? ›

The Edwardians also loved outdoor pursuits, with hunting, horse racing and lawn tennis being particular favourites among the upper classes. The working classes also found time for fun, using their Sundays to wander around museums and galleries, or to enjoy a bracing stroll at the park.

What defines Edwardian style? ›

Edwardian architecture usually means a Neo-Baroque architectural style that was popular for public buildings in the British Empire during the Edwardian era (1901–1910). Architecture up to 1914 is commonly included in this style.

What was society like in the Edwardian era? ›

The Edwardian era (1901-1910), was different in morals, having a more relaxed standard in its code of conduct, compared to Victorian society, which was very conservative. During this period, Britain saw a boom in technology. Telephones became common throughout homes, increasing the rate of communication between people.

What was a typical Edwardian lunch? ›

A typical English breakfast consisted of haddock, kidneys, kedgeree, porridge, game pie, tongue, poached eggs, bacon, chicken and woodco*ck. Luncheon included hot and cold dishes: cold fowls, lamb, pigeon, cold pie and ptarmigan, puddings, cheeses, biscuits, jellies, and fruit.

What did Edwardian ladies eat? ›

A typical Edwardian dinner party would start with soup accompanied by sherry. This would be followed by fish served with a good white wine. After the fish came the entrée, which might consist of vol-au-vent, mutton cutlets or sweetbreads served with champagne or claret.

What did Edwardians have for breakfast? ›

The Edwardians

The “common” breakfast which evolved in this era, is the one that closely resembles what we know of the current English fry-up. It typically involved bacon, eggs, black pudding, sausage, baked beans, grilled tomato and fried bread served with hot drinks or fresh juices.

Why was the Edwardian era called the Golden Age? ›

Answer and Explanation: The Edwardian Period may have been a cultural golden age, but "golden age" cannot be necessarily applied to all facets of Great Britain during that time. King Edward VII's reign was marked by aristocratic opulence, cultural confidence, and artistic flourishment in literature and drama.

What was the social inequality in the Edwardian era? ›

Besides the economic inequity, the period was also characterized by extreme gender inequality. For instance, women could not inherit property and female servants worked at significantly lower wages than male retainers.

Why was the Edwardian era so short? ›

Most historians, however, talk of the Edwardian era as extending to the years until World War I broke out in 1914. That is because once the nation had entered the war, the whole tenor of British life fundamentally changed and a new country, both domestically and internationally, emerged.

What were the key facts about the Edwardian era? ›

Statistics for the year 1911
  • The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
  • Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
  • Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
  • Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
  • There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
Feb 6, 2012

What did Edwardian ladies do? ›

By the Edwardian era, it wasn't just factory work or domestic service that occupied women. The 1901 census recorded women working as lawyers' clerks, physicians, dentists and dental assistants, and during the period there was also a marked rise in women becoming teachers.

What characterized the Edwardian era? ›

The Edwardian era in British history, spanning from 1901 to 1914, was a time of significant social and technological changes. It witnessed the continuation of the Industrial Revolution, urbanization, and shifts in class dynamics. The period was crucial for the growth of the suffragette movement and social reforms.

What major events happened in the Edwardian era? ›

The Edwardian period in Britain was marked by significant political change, with the Liberals dominating the political landscape. The period saw the introduction of reforms such as the establishment of old age pensions, the introduction of the first nature preservation laws, and the establishment of trade union rights.

What's the difference between Victorian and Edwardian? ›

Compared to the more ornate Victorian architecture that preceded it, Edwardian architecture embraced a simpler and more elegant design approach. Clean lines and understated detailing characterise the exteriors. Edwardian houses tend to have a symmetrical facade, with balanced and evenly spaced windows and doors.

Why is the Edwardian era called the Gilded Age? ›

It was named after an 1873 Mark Twain novel by historians in the 1920s who saw this interval of economic expansion as an era of materialistic excesses combined with political corruption. It was a time of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern and Western United States.

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